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LR  45 Minutes. (Online)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 27, 2014
Date: 3-17-14. Monday.

Details are intentionally vague for privacy reasons.

Messaged this girl 2 before this. Got her number that same Monday morning. Texted her. She banter about something. Talk about what days she's free. Then I decide to ask randomly what she was doing tonight (Monday night). She said some stupid thing about friends and a show or movie. I ask if she wants to come over and watch a movie. She agrees. We schedule for about 8:00 p.m.

She ends up showing up before I'm even ready. She shows up around 9:05-9:10 p.m., the date ended up later than planned. I change while she's parking and walking towards my apartment. I clean up my place and use mouthwash for my breath, literally just eating a microwavable meal in 5 minutes quickly. She shows up at my door step. I let her in. We talk about stuff like where she works and what she did today. I ask about her work some more (she works at a theme park) as I walk into my room while talking and ask her if she wants to come in kind of leading her.

She follows me and sits in my bed, my TV is on and I open Netflix to pick a movie after we talk about her work. I end up picking a movie that was lame. Note to self: Have a short movie or TV show planned and ready before the girl comes over, I spent 5-10 minutes just sifting through movies. I didn't want to pick a boring one but I didn't want to pick one that was so interesting that it would keep my or her attention.

The movie starts and I turn off the lights. I put my arm around her. I put my arm around her awkwardly. I try a new k-close routine, it fails. I try my stock k-close routine, it fails. I wait a little while then I just kiss her, she doesn't really kiss me back it's weird. I bite her neck after I ask her if she likes it, she says she won't say, which is implying yes.

I lick her breasts after a while by pulling down her shirt and bra, she has huge breasts. I take off my shirt, I manage to take off her shirt after a while of LMR about it. The bra took forever. I seriously couldn't even take it off and she laughed at me. The hook was in the front, I've never dealt with that. FML.

Finally, I get her bra off. Then I get naked and put her hand on my dick, she jerks me off then stops and continues and stops and this went on for a while. I take off her pants, no LMR there, ironically, even though she stopped me when I tried reaching inside her pants. Once her pants were off I tried reaching in her panties, she stopped me but I just forced my hand down and fingered her. I started making out with her and fingering her and biting her neck. Then I asked her if she wanted me to get a condom. She said yes. I took one out of my pillow case (I keep them there for quicker access) and fucked her. We started having sex at about 9:45 p.m. to 9:50 p.m.

The sex was mediocre, I faked an orgasm, then I turned on the lights and used mouthwash. She lingered for 30 more minutes, it was weird. She didn't get the hint that I wanted her to leave. I checked my texts in front of her. I checked my e-mails in front of her. I said I had to get up at 7:20 a.m. in the morning. Finally, I asked, "Do you want me to walk you to your car or do you know how to get there?" Then she got it and I walked her to her car. When I got back to my apartment I saw her hoodie on my bed. I knew immediately that she left it there on purpose as an excuse to see me again. Fuck.

- Do not let girls leave their shit at your place next time, make a mental note to check for her things before escorting her out.
- Put germ-x in their hands after sex. I'm OCD so after we had sex I mentally paid attention to everything her hands touched lol.
- Prepare for the date earlier, not while the girl is parking at my apartment.
- Escalation game is tightened.
- Managing to pull fast lays online with girls that are not ugly or fat, this is cool, might be able to keep this up consistently throughout the year!
- Learn how to unhook different kinds of bra straps, including the ones in front. Maybe next time I'm at an FB's house I will make a mental note to let her teach me how to unhook all of them, and somehow bring this up in a nonweird way lol if I can think of one.
- Used shock and awe throughout escalation.
- Interesting how I could skip straight to sex with some girls. Will be trying this more often in the future.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 27, 2014
Anatman said:
Water said:
"We started having sex at about 9:45 p.m. to 9:50 p.m."

Lol that was the time we started having sex around. Not the duration of the sex. :p


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 27, 2014
Anatman said:
Haha, aight, I gotchu. Good shit! A little aggressive on the "shove down her pants," but yeah, she seems to like more assertive escalations.
Yep! She could have left at any time or given me a real rejection, which is why I kept moving forward. She never bothered leaving or making an explicit declaration of, "No" or "Stop" at any point. I think she said some playful times like, "Stop" and I asked "Why?" and she said "I'm getting turned on too much" or something. I don't even remember, maybe that was another girl ...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Hey water, what dating website are you using and can you explain your process on there?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 27, 2014
ocantu1987 said:
Hey water, what dating website are you using and can you explain your process on there?
OKCupid. And my process would be way too long to explain. But I'll summarize.

- Blitz every day or at least regularly with 10-20 messages per blitz.
- Log on once a day to reply to messages.
- Have cool photos, a shirtless picture if you can, where you're in public, not a mirror selfie shirtless pic.
- Short witty sarcastic profile.
- Go for the number within the first 3-5 messages.
- Pitch for the meet within the first 3-5 texts.
- Don't message ugly or fat girls (lol).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
OKCupid. And my process would be way too long to explain. But I'll summarize.

- Blitz every day or at least regularly with 10-20 messages per blitz.
- Log on once a day to reply to messages.
- Have cool photos, a shirtless picture if you can, where you're in public, not a mirror selfie shirtless pic.
- Short witty sarcastic profile.
- Go for the number within the first 3-5 messages.
- Pitch for the meet within the first 3-5 texts.
- Don't message ugly or fat girls (lol).

Thanks man! maybe I will give online dating a try, I tried in the past with no luck on getting a date or replies to my messages haha I am better in person.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 27, 2014
ocantu1987 said:
OKCupid. And my process would be way too long to explain. But I'll summarize.

- Blitz every day or at least regularly with 10-20 messages per blitz.
- Log on once a day to reply to messages.
- Have cool photos, a shirtless picture if you can, where you're in public, not a mirror selfie shirtless pic.
- Short witty sarcastic profile.
- Go for the number within the first 3-5 messages.
- Pitch for the meet within the first 3-5 texts.
- Don't message ugly or fat girls (lol).

Thanks man! maybe I will give online dating a try, I tried in the past with no luck on getting a date or replies to my messages haha I am better in person.
No prob. And same here, I can't seem to pull the same level of quality online that I can in person. Remember that it's a huge numbers game, even more so online. And looks matter even more.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Put germ-x in their hands after sex. I'm OCD so after we had sex I mentally paid attention to everything her hands touched lol.

Lol that's hilarious. I've never thought about this one before but I don't think it would be a huge deal to me unless it was a girl that was really low standards to me or that I didn't like all that much... though I don't really have much use, other than experience, to hang with or fuck a girl that I don't like all that much.

Anyway that's a funny excerpt to me.