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FR  6 hours in the streets of Melbourne

The Kid

Dec 6, 2012
Hi! I'm The Kid. I'm 20, tall, handsome, muscuiar, blond, blue-eyed, never kissed a girl. Anyway, here's my inaugural Field Report. I rolled out of bed at like 10 o'clock, took a shower, put on jeans and a collared t-shirt, and hit the road around 11. At 11:10 I ran into Red Cross Girl, who was trying to get money for the Red Cross or whatever. Apparently you need to live in Australia, so after like five minutes of breeze-shooting it went like:
RCG: Well, you can't help me.
TK: But maybe you can help me...
RCG: How can I help you?
TK: Are you single?
RCG: No, sorry.
So that went well. Anyway, at 12:20 there was this girl checking herself out in a hand mirror outside a store at the mall. I guess she'd bought make-up or something? Whatever. Anyway, Mirror Girl finishes checking herself out and starts to head towards the store, when suddenly she runs into...
TK: Excuse me....Are you single?
MG: No. /walks into store
So that was a triumph. Then, at 1:15 I'm sitting on this bench when Red Bag Girl comes walking by, so I walk up past her from behind and then slow down again, real graceful-like, y'know? And then I'm like:
TK: Excuse me....Are you single?
RBG: Yes, but I'm not interested.
But see I'm too smart to fall for that one, so I keep walking alongside her and we talk for like five minutes and just when it seems like she's warming up she makes up some excuse and darts away, so I guess she meant it after all. So this string of victories left me really hungry, so I took a lunch break. Then at 3:05 I saw Sushi Girl sitting on a bench, which let's just forget about Sushi Girl ok? Some people, it seems, aren't really appreciative of what we're doing here. So my Testosterone was really sapped from that catastrophe and I was pretty much a shambles for a while after that but I was determined to get one more approach in as four was the most I'd ever mustered in a day and if I could get up to five well that'd be some real progress I think. So at 4:45 I saw Phone Girl kinda walking all orthogonal to me, so I set a course to meet her and I was all:
TK: Excuse me....are you single?
PG: No. /walks away
So there you go! They kind of seem colder in the Field Report than in Real Life, because in Real Life they're always smiling as they blow me off. Anyway, conclusions: maybe more than one approach per hour next time, if you could, that'd be great. See I'm not scared anymore of the hot girls who are walking around all alone, but I get totally psyched out by any kind of group setting which restricts my options considerably especially on a weekend when people like to go shopping or whatever together more so than on weekdays when their friends have stuff going on usually. So anyway I'll have another one of these thrilling vignettes up for you tomorrow! Maybe we'll even get a phone number. Maybe.

The Kid

Dec 6, 2012
Geez well I for one am glad I typed this one out to get a look at my thoughts because LOOK at that pathetic Victim Mentality re: Sushi Girl. Truth of the matter is I waited wayy too long between seeing and opening then stumbled over and murmured out an incomprehensible opener. Poor Sushi Girl must've thought I was some kinda lunatic! Imagine that.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey The Kid,

If you were to ask me, I see this as a complete success! You were able to overcome approach anxiety and work through a chain of rejections without taking it too much to heart.

You are about five steps ahead of most of the members on this board. Congrats. ;)

If you want to troubleshoot some of your game, then you might want to make sure your fundamentals are in order. Are you walking in in a sexy way? Have you nailed down your fashion, tone of voice, and slow movements to come across as a sexy man?

Fundamentals are huge when it comes to day game. So make sure to constantly critique yourself!

Hope this helps,

- Franco

The Kid

Dec 6, 2012
Thanks a lot Franco, I don't know much about fashion and my voice I can never focus on it in a live interaction it always just does what it does which it's not a chipmunk or anything but maybe it could be better. My walk is pretty good but there's some traces of stiff and forced and robotic in there almost as if I'd just read on the Internet how to walk and am consciously having to throw the sexiness in there rather than just have it flow. My movements are super slow usually because I've been working on those for a few months now. Thanks again!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Wow, way to hang in there in the face of rejection. I really admire it. I wonder about our vibe too, could you be coming off as a bit direct, or practiced? I have no idea because I haven't seen you in action, but it seems that all that effort payed off in the end (sort of, re: Leather Jacket).
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake