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*6 Rounds 2 Guns: Up Your Arsenal


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
*Complete reference to Django Unchained, great movie saw it yesterday! I'll probably write a full review on it later today.
*Also a Ratchet and Clank reference

Just Dave here,

The primer:
Any guy who's ever played a first person shooter (Borderland, COD: Zombies, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead etc... you get it), dart dag, or paintball knows how much it sucks when you run out of ammo it's that "Oh, hell is coming" feeling. Instinct comes over and it brings two bastard guests:

* Adrenaline
* Fear/Rage (Fight or Flight mode)

Then either success or failure follows, it's the luck of the draw (no pun intended).

Seduction related??:
A lot guys blindly go out and blindly start firing (hitting on) random targets (women). This is a bad deal especially because you have no idea what you're aiming for and you're wasting ammo (time). The right target could be right in front of you but if you never seen her wanted poster you'll go after anyone. Meaning know what kind of girl you want to go after, choose the right girl from the gecko. This way you won't have to explain to some boyfriend why you're with his girl.

Bounty Hunter and Sniper: Stay on Target
A Bounty Hunter calmly approaches the target isolates them and collects the bounty. It's quick fast and calm.
*Translation a Smooth, Powerful, Sexy man knows what he's after he's able to move the woman. He escalates with her and gets intimate before most people can notice what happened.

A sniper observes calmly the fire, camouflage long scope and fire powerfully and eliminates the target.
*Translation a Determined, Focused, Calm and Sexy man waits in observes but he knows he's after! He doesn't wait time and takes the most effective shot and powerful technique to get the woman alone with him and get intimate.

The Point: Okay Dave where are you going with this?
*You want to have carefully selected techniques that won't weigh your mind down. Something that's effective a technique that you know brings women to there knees.
-No more than 3 steps so you won't freeze or choke trying to remember
-Carry at least two solid techniques (guns) that will motivate you.
*Don't carry a gun (technique) if you're never going to use it
*Take one effective round (shot) with each woman you meet because eventually you'll run out of ammo (time).

*Choose your target wisely and carefully
*Don't be afraid to shoot and make it count
*Don't use techniques that don't work

My weapons of choice:
*The Ghost Technique
*The Iron Giant
*Ebony and Ivery
Reload time non-existent

It's snowing,

Just Dave
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers