Girl 1: She is done with her workout and, as luck would have it, so am I. So I saunter up next to her and approach. She is taken aback and only extends a finger to shake. I start talking to her and though she is answering my questions, we are not jiving. She hails a friend at the bottom of the stairs and I walk off, expecting her to follow me. That doesn't happen. I end up strutting away to the locker room without looking back or making a goodbye. Probably looked like I was quietly slinking off in defeat.
To improve on: if she is not invested, she will not follow your lead; sexier
Girl 2: tiny asian girl taking a nap on the seat. I approach and she is surprised. I ask if I can sit down. She doesn't move her backpack and motions across the table. This is bad but I sit down anyway like a fool instead of leaving. She is obviously uncomfortable with this but I try to push forward anyway. You can guess how this one turns out.
To improve on: no more asking to sit down, just do it; learn when to recognize a lost cause
Girl 3: a tall blonde walking towards me. I say Hi from a distance because she sees me. Walk up and tell her that she is very cute. From the outset, I am able to walk extremely close to her and she is comfortable with this. She is also comfortable with some of the touching I am doing. From the conversation I gather that she is quite tired which might explain some of her behavior. She seems to be an experienced lass judging by how she does not balk at a man approaching and walking with her. We make some good conversation but there is not much tension. However, the whole time I am getting the feeling that if I did something sudden, she would not object that much. I am guessing that this one of Chase's "bored experienced" girls that I remember him talking about. We get to the building to her dorm where I halfway have to wriggle a meetup and number out of her. (Granted, did not execute it smoothly). I doubt this will lead to anything.
To improve on: with this type of girl, take the risk of ratcheting up sexuality i.e. biting her, touching her seductively
Girl 4: walking to my car, spy a girl walking to the gym. I walk up and this is the best immediate response of the four girls. Think i do some good teasing: Her: "What are you up to?" Me: " I was going to go home but you distracted me" But she dismisses me by saying she has to go to the gym. I do the stupid thing by acknowledging her and trying to schedule a meetup but she says that she has a boyfriend. Should have just ignored her and kept walking with her.
To improve on: don't take them seriously when they say that they have things to do, just keep walking with them
Girl 1: She is done with her workout and, as luck would have it, so am I. So I saunter up next to her and approach. She is taken aback and only extends a finger to shake. I start talking to her and though she is answering my questions, we are not jiving. She hails a friend at the bottom of the stairs and I walk off, expecting her to follow me. That doesn't happen. I end up strutting away to the locker room without looking back or making a goodbye. Probably looked like I was quietly slinking off in defeat.
To improve on: if she is not invested, she will not follow your lead; sexier
Girl 2: tiny asian girl taking a nap on the seat. I approach and she is surprised. I ask if I can sit down. She doesn't move her backpack and motions across the table. This is bad but I sit down anyway like a fool instead of leaving. She is obviously uncomfortable with this but I try to push forward anyway. You can guess how this one turns out.
To improve on: no more asking to sit down, just do it; learn when to recognize a lost cause
Girl 3: a tall blonde walking towards me. I say Hi from a distance because she sees me. Walk up and tell her that she is very cute. From the outset, I am able to walk extremely close to her and she is comfortable with this. She is also comfortable with some of the touching I am doing. From the conversation I gather that she is quite tired which might explain some of her behavior. She seems to be an experienced lass judging by how she does not balk at a man approaching and walking with her. We make some good conversation but there is not much tension. However, the whole time I am getting the feeling that if I did something sudden, she would not object that much. I am guessing that this one of Chase's "bored experienced" girls that I remember him talking about. We get to the building to her dorm where I halfway have to wriggle a meetup and number out of her. (Granted, did not execute it smoothly). I doubt this will lead to anything.
To improve on: with this type of girl, take the risk of ratcheting up sexuality i.e. biting her, touching her seductively
Girl 4: walking to my car, spy a girl walking to the gym. I walk up and this is the best immediate response of the four girls. Think i do some good teasing: Her: "What are you up to?" Me: " I was going to go home but you distracted me" But she dismisses me by saying she has to go to the gym. I do the stupid thing by acknowledging her and trying to schedule a meetup but she says that she has a boyfriend. Should have just ignored her and kept walking with her.
To improve on: don't take them seriously when they say that they have things to do, just keep walking with them