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As I've lived, I've found that it's important to keep a healthy balance of each chakra. You do not need to believe in chakras to incorporate this into your life. I only use chakras because I feel that there's a direct connection to them. Thus, I don't write the below from a spiritual standpoint, but from a down-to-earth viewpoint so that anyone can read this.
These are just my current opinions and may change over time. Feel free to criticize or write your own interpretations.
When I have been pursuing something too much in the physical realm (e.g., running), I've noticed my brain getting bored and weak. My brain craves intellectual pursuits. I believe a healthy life desires a balance of all of the below, but for each person, some will be more or less important than others. For one week, you may only pursue 1 chakra, but eventually, you will begin to crave the others that you lack, and you'll balance yourself out over time. Life is a constant balancing act. In this sense, don't pressure yourself to pursue all goals and chakras at once, but keep them in mind if you begin to notice a lacking in your life. An imbalance in 1 can cause the quality of work in another to be less. For example, when I had been running too much and not doing anything intellectually enough, it began to affect my running; I couldn't concentrate it on it as well and wasn't as happy and in-balance with myself.
Highlighted in bold are the 4 essential components that I think are needed more so for men.
Note, for women, I think 2, 4, 5, and 6 are the 4 essential components, but with different highlighted components. (2 and 6 being the intersection for both men and women.)
The non-bolded are still essential but can be less emphasized if desired.
#1 I don't bold money/food because most men with an internet connection already have that fulfilled in life. But, you may still desire an outwardly appearance of wealth, such as a fancy car, clothes, smartphone, etc., but I'd lump that in with #7, and again, I think that most men on the boards have that sorted out (i.e., have a non-broken car and a smartphone).
Really, what I bold here is the pursuit of the physical. We need something that we do physically. This can be running, biking, hiking, playing team sports (e.g., basketball, soccer/football), bowling, climbing, swimming, weight-lifting, or even playing darts/billiards. Preferably, it will be something at least slightly competitive and something that we can improve at. In such an abstract world, it's nice to have something that shows tangible results rather quickly. It can be hard to measure intelligence, but with the physical, it's very simple and usually follows one road: you do something and continue doing it and get physical results quickly. I think this is pretty essential for men. In fact, this can even be ballet or playing the violin/guitar, as these are things that are physical that we can improve at and compete with others in, but I strongly suggest something that incorporates most or all of the body. To test this, train for a triathlon or something physical. Do a few races. Then stop cold turkey. You'll be itching to keep training and competing again. It's in our blood. I've gone many years without doing anything physical before, but you don't realize how much you desire it until you actually train and do something and then realize what you've been missing in life.
#2 It may surprise you that I didn't highlight sex, but this can actually be easily satisfied with self-pleasure/masturbation or an emphasis on the other chakras. However, I don't think this is healthy, and it's still essential to pursue sex with someone. There are plenty of examples of men without constant sex in their lives that have gone on to achieve amazing things, but I don't think they lived as happy and as healthy of lives for it.
What I bold here is creativity. Because men usually do not communicate well (#5) and are usually taught to suppress our emotional feelings, we need an outlet to express ourselves. We also have a strong desire to create something. Most men I find have a strong desire to create new music, to write new things, to build new things, etc. We desire so much to create in our lives. Compare how many men build their own homes compared to women. Compare how many men create things compared with women. We love to express ourselves through our creations instead of through words (i.e., not a book, which is creation, but through in-person/over-the-phone interactions). I think most men do this rather easily, but still, it's something to remember. What was the last thing that you created? We also have a desire to contribute somehow to society, to have a purpose and a meaning. We'll try all sorts of things to find what we're best at creating and providing to society.
#6 Again, because we tend to suppress our emotions, we need times for ourselves. I call this the Psyche. We need time to unwind. It may just be reading a book alone or going to a spa. We need time to reflect and rest, especially for the other essential components such as the physically demanding chakra #1. If you're spiritual, this may be meditation or something more. We can't constantly be around people and interacting and spending all of our energy. We need time to focus on ourselves.
#7 As constant thinkers, I find men needing intelligence and new knowledge more often. This can be playing chess, learning a new language, tackling interesting puzzles/problems, philosophy, etc. We have a constant urge to be thinking through something and to be solving something or to at least be bettering our minds in some way to stay sharp. If we're not thinking through a problem, we can also begin to feel like our life has little meaning, which can be tied back to #2.
Have you found these to be true in your life? Or just a load of bullshit?
To me, I find these 4 essentials to be growingly more important as I move forward in life.
3, 4, and 5 are of course important. #3 is self-worth/self-confidence; what man doesn't want to be that? But, if he can pursue the other chakras, he will get that naturally. #4 can be love from a woman, a daughter/son, or a close friend. It can also relate to our "hero complex" and the desire to be helping someone or needed in someone's life directly. And for #5, honesty and self-expression is important to us. We need the freedom to be who we are, without someone controlling us. But, if the 4 essentials are emphasized, I find that these 3 can be taken care of as a positive side-effect.
Best to you.
As I've lived, I've found that it's important to keep a healthy balance of each chakra. You do not need to believe in chakras to incorporate this into your life. I only use chakras because I feel that there's a direct connection to them. Thus, I don't write the below from a spiritual standpoint, but from a down-to-earth viewpoint so that anyone can read this.
These are just my current opinions and may change over time. Feel free to criticize or write your own interpretations.
When I have been pursuing something too much in the physical realm (e.g., running), I've noticed my brain getting bored and weak. My brain craves intellectual pursuits. I believe a healthy life desires a balance of all of the below, but for each person, some will be more or less important than others. For one week, you may only pursue 1 chakra, but eventually, you will begin to crave the others that you lack, and you'll balance yourself out over time. Life is a constant balancing act. In this sense, don't pressure yourself to pursue all goals and chakras at once, but keep them in mind if you begin to notice a lacking in your life. An imbalance in 1 can cause the quality of work in another to be less. For example, when I had been running too much and not doing anything intellectually enough, it began to affect my running; I couldn't concentrate it on it as well and wasn't as happy and in-balance with myself.
Highlighted in bold are the 4 essential components that I think are needed more so for men.
- Physical / money / food
- Creativity / romance / sex / sense of abundance / satisfaction
- Action / hunger/sustenance / self-worth / self-confidence
- Love / being desired/needed/helped / desiring/needing/helping someone/something
- Communication / honesty / self-expression
- Psyche / spirituality
- Intelligence / connected to others / outer beauty
Note, for women, I think 2, 4, 5, and 6 are the 4 essential components, but with different highlighted components. (2 and 6 being the intersection for both men and women.)
The non-bolded are still essential but can be less emphasized if desired.
#1 I don't bold money/food because most men with an internet connection already have that fulfilled in life. But, you may still desire an outwardly appearance of wealth, such as a fancy car, clothes, smartphone, etc., but I'd lump that in with #7, and again, I think that most men on the boards have that sorted out (i.e., have a non-broken car and a smartphone).
Really, what I bold here is the pursuit of the physical. We need something that we do physically. This can be running, biking, hiking, playing team sports (e.g., basketball, soccer/football), bowling, climbing, swimming, weight-lifting, or even playing darts/billiards. Preferably, it will be something at least slightly competitive and something that we can improve at. In such an abstract world, it's nice to have something that shows tangible results rather quickly. It can be hard to measure intelligence, but with the physical, it's very simple and usually follows one road: you do something and continue doing it and get physical results quickly. I think this is pretty essential for men. In fact, this can even be ballet or playing the violin/guitar, as these are things that are physical that we can improve at and compete with others in, but I strongly suggest something that incorporates most or all of the body. To test this, train for a triathlon or something physical. Do a few races. Then stop cold turkey. You'll be itching to keep training and competing again. It's in our blood. I've gone many years without doing anything physical before, but you don't realize how much you desire it until you actually train and do something and then realize what you've been missing in life.
#2 It may surprise you that I didn't highlight sex, but this can actually be easily satisfied with self-pleasure/masturbation or an emphasis on the other chakras. However, I don't think this is healthy, and it's still essential to pursue sex with someone. There are plenty of examples of men without constant sex in their lives that have gone on to achieve amazing things, but I don't think they lived as happy and as healthy of lives for it.
What I bold here is creativity. Because men usually do not communicate well (#5) and are usually taught to suppress our emotional feelings, we need an outlet to express ourselves. We also have a strong desire to create something. Most men I find have a strong desire to create new music, to write new things, to build new things, etc. We desire so much to create in our lives. Compare how many men build their own homes compared to women. Compare how many men create things compared with women. We love to express ourselves through our creations instead of through words (i.e., not a book, which is creation, but through in-person/over-the-phone interactions). I think most men do this rather easily, but still, it's something to remember. What was the last thing that you created? We also have a desire to contribute somehow to society, to have a purpose and a meaning. We'll try all sorts of things to find what we're best at creating and providing to society.
#6 Again, because we tend to suppress our emotions, we need times for ourselves. I call this the Psyche. We need time to unwind. It may just be reading a book alone or going to a spa. We need time to reflect and rest, especially for the other essential components such as the physically demanding chakra #1. If you're spiritual, this may be meditation or something more. We can't constantly be around people and interacting and spending all of our energy. We need time to focus on ourselves.
#7 As constant thinkers, I find men needing intelligence and new knowledge more often. This can be playing chess, learning a new language, tackling interesting puzzles/problems, philosophy, etc. We have a constant urge to be thinking through something and to be solving something or to at least be bettering our minds in some way to stay sharp. If we're not thinking through a problem, we can also begin to feel like our life has little meaning, which can be tied back to #2.
Have you found these to be true in your life? Or just a load of bullshit?
3, 4, and 5 are of course important. #3 is self-worth/self-confidence; what man doesn't want to be that? But, if he can pursue the other chakras, he will get that naturally. #4 can be love from a woman, a daughter/son, or a close friend. It can also relate to our "hero complex" and the desire to be helping someone or needed in someone's life directly. And for #5, honesty and self-expression is important to us. We need the freedom to be who we are, without someone controlling us. But, if the 4 essentials are emphasized, I find that these 3 can be taken care of as a positive side-effect.
Best to you.