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A Cool Little Trick to Achieve Preselection on Dates


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
Ok, so I kinda discovered this by accident. But basically, when I go on dates, I often like to show girls pictures on my phone from my travels. Most everything on my phone is pretty tame. Mostly hikes, cities, etc. But I also happen to have a couple pics from parties of girls making out with each other. So, a lot of the times, I'll just scroll on my phone as I'm showing pics. And eventually, I run into the makeout pic. I just says something casual about it like "Oh, that was just one of my parties" or something along those lines and continue swiping and talking about my other more normal pics. Some girls will verbally say something about it, others won't mention it, but they'll have an expression on their face like "woah, I didn't see that coming".

I don't recommend having a bunch of these in your phone because i'm sure a lot of girls will view you as a "party guy" which will in turn lower value. But if the rest of your pics are of you doing cool things (ex. traveling) and then you just have one or two of those, I think it can really have a positive effect.

Also, a lot of the time, i'll just randomly stop going through pics even when there is obviously more (I'll make sure she's already seen the makeout pic). And almost every time later on in the date, girls will ask to see my phone again cause they want to look through my other pics. And of of course, i'll always refuse with a playful/sexy smile. Eventually, they'll usually try to physically take the phone from my hands, And I of course, won't let them have it (all while maintaining a playful vibe...you don't want to look like you're actually being evasive or hiding something). This creates intrigue, challenges the girl and it also creates a fun game which involves a lot of touch. It also solidfies the comfort you've already built because most girls know that they wouldn't be willing to play hit/wrestle a guy who they don't feel comfortable around. It's always yielded positive results and increased ST.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013

I stumbled across something really similar. In this field report, I'd let a girl hold my phone to see a meme that another girl I'd been fucking had sent to me, and she'd scrolled the message up out of curiosity and I saw her eyes widen as she read a couple other texts from this girl.

Excerpt from the field report:

One key thing that happened during the date was that I went to show her a joke someone (a girl I fucked, actually though) had sent me via text that I thought was funny. Silly me, right as I handed her the phone I remembered the few texts that preceded the joke I was showing her were actually about me fucking that girl, and the girl telling me how she had so many orgasms that she lost count.

When this MILF took my phone to look at the joke I was showing her, her eyes widened a bit (and I was thinking to myself “oh shit oh shit oh shit” sort of) and she began to scroll up to read more of the messages. She realized what she was doing pretty quickly I think, and stopped scrolling/reading and handed me my phone back.

This caused her demeanor to change drastically. She was really fucking turned on at this point. Now, I did that on accident and a more conservative girl may have freaked out a bit and shied away some.

Not this girl. She was ready to go at this point.

Not only was her reaction priceless, but the effect it had on her attraction to me was quite palpable.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 23, 2013
Just thought I'd mention something funny here; the opposite end of this thread has happened to me which is having a girl get turned off from looking at my pictures. Reason being for this is my photos are almost entirely text just various bits I've read from articles and books and girlschase and the boards and stuff.

I have like 4000 plus photos of all that stuff and like to read them in my spare time. But turns girls off if they see that, the one or two girls that saw that I think found that incongruent with how I was with them up till that point.

Will try this for my iPhone though! don't have a lot of photos on that device
