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- Sep 14, 2013
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So I approached this girl on the street last week, and the approach wasn't as smooth as I hoped. I scared her when I opened. (I think my body language was too full on, should have opened from the side) My process was messed up too. I asked her if she would like to grab a coffee sometime right after my opener, which she agreed so I grabbed her number. After I grabbed her number, I deep dived for a little bit (turns out we study the same thing) then bid her farewell. At this point, I figured the number is most likely going to flake.
But anyway, send her an icebreaker text 2 hours later, which she replied. Then 2 days later, I followed the process and asked what her schedule's like. She told me she's very busy during weekdays and suggested Saturday. So we set up the date at 3pm. I didn't tell her where we were going to have coffee until 3 hours before the date as an anti-flake mechanism. (a technique I read somewhere from Franco's post I think, cheers!)
She was 10minutes late, but seem enthusiastic to see me. She was warm and easy to talk to. However, throughout our interaction, instead of me screening and qualifying her, I feel like I was the one being screened. I got the feeling she was screening for a bf. (hmmm not so good for my purposes) Every time I tried to turn the conversation on her, she would turn it back to me and at some point, I realized I was trying to impress so I dialed it down a bit.
There's a few interesting things I noticed during our conversation:
1. She mentioned my last name, which I don't remember telling her lol. Then she explained while looking down that she asked a friend from my country if they knew me. ahh how cute...I only know one guy from my own country and no way they would know each other lol so she probably fb stalked me. I didn't expose her but continued to tease her about how she would make a great detective. I never add girls I cold approached on fb or search them up because I think it really kills any intrigue I have for her, and probably hers for me.
2. When I was trying to turn the conversation around to get her to qualify herself. She realized she's doing this, and stopped herself in the middle of her sentence and said something like "This sounds like I'm trying to build myself up" or something along those lines. Smart girl.
3. Every time I use a little chase framing and sexual humor, she didn't know how to respond and become nervous then tried to resist it. I'm guessing she's sexually inexperienced, and I got the feeling that during our conversation she implied she is a 'good girl', and she said she doesn't usually do this. she usually stays home. she's also not religious.
4. She would beat me to it every time I was about to ask her the same question. It's like she read my mind (or GC) lol
I thought the date went OK. It turns out we live really close together, like literally 30 seconds away. I invited her home even though she tried to resist. I told her let's just chill for 5 minutes and we live so close as well. She was feeling awkward at my place even though I kept the conversation going. We were standing pretty close when she was about to leave. I thought about kissing her but didn't pull the trigger. (hmm maybe I should have...who knows?)
I asked her: "so what do you think of me so far?"
Her: "yea you're ok."
Me: "just ok?"
Her: "yea...what do you mean?"
me: "well..." sexy eye contact and slight head tilt to the slide. "I can't wait for your banana cake"
Her: "oh banana cake huh?"
Me: "yea you need to show me how to bake it sometimes"
Her:" yea =) we could do that! then you have to show me your secrete recipe"
Me: "yea sounds fair!"
we looked at each other for a few seconds, and this is when I thought about kissing her.
Her: "well I should go"
then we said goodbye.
40 minutes after she left I texted her.
Me: "Hey I had a good time today! can't wait for your banana cake though
Her: "Yeap had a great time chatting with you too! banana cake?? can but I'm more free
Her: "can but when I'm more free*"
She mentioned before she is super busy this week because she has multiple presentations.
Me: "ahhh now ur just teasing me haha
Her: "Did I? I was just telling the truth
We both replied really slow, like 1~2 hours gap between each text. so by this time, I already fell asleep. I woke up at 5.40am and replied her.
Me: "hmmm that's too bad....I was gonna show you this amazing skill I have
Her 8.17am: "You woke up so early? or you didn't sleep at all? I know there's daylight saving, but I reckon not that many hours huh."
Me: "haha u know, we would actually make great spies! we can seduce our enemy then interrogate them to find out how many hours they slept last night
Her (really fast reply): "Hey please, the time the msg sent was so clearly stated. And you can't possibly send a msg when you're sleeping right. huh what? I don't do this kinda things, but I know I can be a good spy if I choose to!"
oh wow! again she didn't bite onto my frame. Not sure what she meant by "I don't do this kinda things", but I ignored it and replied an hour later.
Me: "hehe I'm just teasing! Okay Bond girl, where should we go for our first mission then?
4 hours later, and by this time, I'm used to her slow reply.
Her: "No idea for now! but this coming week is gonna be filled with presentations, so my mission is to finish my work
can't count you in! sorry!"
15 minutes later
Her: "But can update me when you have come up with an interesting mission!"
1.5hrs later
Me: "yea that's cool! maybe you can tag along on my mission
good luck with your presentations!
2 hours later
Her: "show me your plans first! haha & Thanks!"
Not sure if I should reply something like "so eager huh
all in good time" or just not reply.
It's funny how after reading most of the GC articles, it's easy to tell when a girl is trying to get you to chase her, i.e. setting up their own chase frame. Like, I can smell friend zone from miles away now if a girl is beginning to friend zone me.
Things I need to improve
1. stronger sexual frame, and fundamentals. don't think I was sexy enough.
2. be more decisive about kissing.
3. need to show more of my non-judgemental side.
Any feedback is welcomed. I have a feeling I'm being slotted into provider/potential boyfriend zone or even friend zone if I don't make my move soon.
It's hard to overcome her non-sexual frame. Any ideas?
But anyway, send her an icebreaker text 2 hours later, which she replied. Then 2 days later, I followed the process and asked what her schedule's like. She told me she's very busy during weekdays and suggested Saturday. So we set up the date at 3pm. I didn't tell her where we were going to have coffee until 3 hours before the date as an anti-flake mechanism. (a technique I read somewhere from Franco's post I think, cheers!)
She was 10minutes late, but seem enthusiastic to see me. She was warm and easy to talk to. However, throughout our interaction, instead of me screening and qualifying her, I feel like I was the one being screened. I got the feeling she was screening for a bf. (hmmm not so good for my purposes) Every time I tried to turn the conversation on her, she would turn it back to me and at some point, I realized I was trying to impress so I dialed it down a bit.
There's a few interesting things I noticed during our conversation:
1. She mentioned my last name, which I don't remember telling her lol. Then she explained while looking down that she asked a friend from my country if they knew me. ahh how cute...I only know one guy from my own country and no way they would know each other lol so she probably fb stalked me. I didn't expose her but continued to tease her about how she would make a great detective. I never add girls I cold approached on fb or search them up because I think it really kills any intrigue I have for her, and probably hers for me.
2. When I was trying to turn the conversation around to get her to qualify herself. She realized she's doing this, and stopped herself in the middle of her sentence and said something like "This sounds like I'm trying to build myself up" or something along those lines. Smart girl.
3. Every time I use a little chase framing and sexual humor, she didn't know how to respond and become nervous then tried to resist it. I'm guessing she's sexually inexperienced, and I got the feeling that during our conversation she implied she is a 'good girl', and she said she doesn't usually do this. she usually stays home. she's also not religious.
4. She would beat me to it every time I was about to ask her the same question. It's like she read my mind (or GC) lol
I thought the date went OK. It turns out we live really close together, like literally 30 seconds away. I invited her home even though she tried to resist. I told her let's just chill for 5 minutes and we live so close as well. She was feeling awkward at my place even though I kept the conversation going. We were standing pretty close when she was about to leave. I thought about kissing her but didn't pull the trigger. (hmm maybe I should have...who knows?)
I asked her: "so what do you think of me so far?"
Her: "yea you're ok."
Me: "just ok?"
Her: "yea...what do you mean?"
me: "well..." sexy eye contact and slight head tilt to the slide. "I can't wait for your banana cake"
Her: "oh banana cake huh?"
Me: "yea you need to show me how to bake it sometimes"
Her:" yea =) we could do that! then you have to show me your secrete recipe"
Me: "yea sounds fair!"
we looked at each other for a few seconds, and this is when I thought about kissing her.
Her: "well I should go"
then we said goodbye.
40 minutes after she left I texted her.
Me: "Hey I had a good time today! can't wait for your banana cake though
Her: "Yeap had a great time chatting with you too! banana cake?? can but I'm more free
Her: "can but when I'm more free*"
She mentioned before she is super busy this week because she has multiple presentations.
Me: "ahhh now ur just teasing me haha
Her: "Did I? I was just telling the truth
We both replied really slow, like 1~2 hours gap between each text. so by this time, I already fell asleep. I woke up at 5.40am and replied her.
Me: "hmmm that's too bad....I was gonna show you this amazing skill I have
Her 8.17am: "You woke up so early? or you didn't sleep at all? I know there's daylight saving, but I reckon not that many hours huh."
Me: "haha u know, we would actually make great spies! we can seduce our enemy then interrogate them to find out how many hours they slept last night
Her (really fast reply): "Hey please, the time the msg sent was so clearly stated. And you can't possibly send a msg when you're sleeping right. huh what? I don't do this kinda things, but I know I can be a good spy if I choose to!"
oh wow! again she didn't bite onto my frame. Not sure what she meant by "I don't do this kinda things", but I ignored it and replied an hour later.
Me: "hehe I'm just teasing! Okay Bond girl, where should we go for our first mission then?
4 hours later, and by this time, I'm used to her slow reply.
Her: "No idea for now! but this coming week is gonna be filled with presentations, so my mission is to finish my work
15 minutes later
Her: "But can update me when you have come up with an interesting mission!"
1.5hrs later
Me: "yea that's cool! maybe you can tag along on my mission
2 hours later
Her: "show me your plans first! haha & Thanks!"
Not sure if I should reply something like "so eager huh
It's funny how after reading most of the GC articles, it's easy to tell when a girl is trying to get you to chase her, i.e. setting up their own chase frame. Like, I can smell friend zone from miles away now if a girl is beginning to friend zone me.
Things I need to improve
1. stronger sexual frame, and fundamentals. don't think I was sexy enough.
2. be more decisive about kissing.
3. need to show more of my non-judgemental side.
Any feedback is welcomed. I have a feeling I'm being slotted into provider/potential boyfriend zone or even friend zone if I don't make my move soon.
It's hard to overcome her non-sexual frame. Any ideas?