-A little information on me-
I'm 22 completely and completely new to pickup. I landed my first and only girlfriend about 9 months ago, more by accident than skill. She was a 7 very experienced and left me after 3 months, I was too far down the nice guy spectrum and was clueless about what to do in the relationship. I basically had mistake after mistake until she couldn't stand it anymore. Anyways, I sunk into depression for a couple months was still fighting it until a month ago when my brother showed me the girlschase website. Massive overhaul in my life. I started out reading the articles until I felt i had a good grasp on pick up itself and then yesterday i found these discussion boards. I felt like this was even more of a holy grail than the articles so I'm going to try this out.
My goal for this journal entry
My goal for this entry is as a starter to help myself get more familiar with writing my pickup thoughts and analyze what I did right, wrong, and where I need to improve. I also hope this is a smooth read and that people may learn from it.

. This is based off of my day at work and is more towards social circle interactions.
Social circle interactions at my job
I work at a Wawa. If you're not familiar with this gas station chain it's located on the East Coast and for the most part a higher quality gas station than a standard 7 Eleven.
I strode into work with the immediate objective of making sure I was walking a little sexy, good posture, slow movement, slight smile, and made sure not to scan with my eyes. Objective completed. Pretty simple stuff and kind of routine to me by this point but I like to start my day off with a win to set the mood for my social interactions and i sure am glad I did.
You see i work with women coworkers aside from a few other guys but I'm in a pretty much free range with at least two attractive women and another handful of women i'm not very attracted to but i love all my women coworkers. Due to my flirtatious and social nature at work and the fact that im the man they interact with at work it's almost too easy to generate attraction in these women for me and the following will not be about how i attract them but how i act with them. Let's proceed.
First Interaction
After my successful entrance i walk into the break room to look at the schedule to see who's working today, partly to see how many hotties i got today and partly for an idea of how my workday was going to go. As i'm studying i subconsciously had a dominant and relaxed posture when KK9(for the sake of anonymity i'm using initials and how i rate her attractiveness physically and personality-wise)barges in. Critical moment here, i smelled a frame encounter from the instant she came in and sure as shit she came in to talk to me. I've been focusing on eye contact a lot lately, especially having the woman make eye contact first.
Her body was facing me right off the bat so i decided to give her my full attention. I slowly looked towards her from the schedule starting eye contact from a subtly sexy sideways glance, looked back at the schedule and then slowly swiveled the chair facing her. She came to tell me how sorry she was that she didn't respond to my text( i basically asked her if she was doing anything the next morning) a couple days ago because she was asleep and the next day she forgot because of her son( he's 6 and a handful, she's 26) and made some hooblah to me about how she has a draft on her phone where she started to reply but didn't finish. This last part about the draft and the fact she came to me struck me as supplication and chasing. Ah investment. She's investing in me so i need to reward her. She came to me to make sure I wasn't offended so told her "It's cool i figured you were asleep" and tried to reassure her. It was hard to focus when she was standing there Flailing her arms as she explained and me calmly sitting there. Think of the King and Jester. Big win there that was only tempered by the fact that she obviously wanted me to at least mention a meetup and i didnt deliver. She has a boyfriend she rents a house with and i don't want to shit where i eat or homewreck. I'm not planning on closing my coworkers because i dont feel like im skilled enough to get away with it. KK9 would be the one i would close with if i could choose just one of them. Just knowing i could close her if i tried is a big boost to my confidence. Btw shes one of my bosses.
When i come out of the break room there's DH10. Ah DH10, here's a girl that's jailbait in all the worst ways. Petite, gorgeous, slammin body, very outgoing and engaging. She is one of those girls that men can't help but be wildly attracted too and i bet she has a larger orbit of men than Jupiter has moons. Needless to say my strategy for dealing with this one is very straightforward. Never chase. Not one iota of extra effort expended to attract her. This is one girl i notice sprezzatura and law of least apparent effort are like catnip. I can just read her mind "Ah, sweet joy the extreme rarity of an attractive man who obviously think's I'm cute but doesn't chase me. Wait a second he's single! Why isn't he chasing me?" I've noticed this girl chases me hardcore because of this. On to the juicy part.
When i come out of the break room shes looking at me and i glance at her break out my mischievous smile and keep walking. I knoooooow this girl is staring at me wondering why I didn't say hi but i Don't look back to check i just keep walking not breaking a stride in my sexy walk. As i keep walking i pass KK9 who is busy with with her back to me but still throws out a "Hi Jake," classic attention getter that she does all the time. Since she won't be able see me respond nonverbally i settle for a quiet "Hey" and keep on walking.
By this time im flying high riding the euphoria of a smooth transition into work and i havnt even clocked in yet!
The Art of Finesse
Ok so the first couple hours ive been delegated to work with DH10 and EW7 at the sandwich making stations which is the most important part of the deli area i work in with my women. Since I'm the most experienced of the 3 and the most efficient KK9 basically tells me i'm in charge. Fine with me we will be exponentially more productive with me in charge. EW7 likes me even more than DH10 does. I build more sexual tension with her.
EW7 is a very extroverted 27 yeah old who loves to bake and get tattoos. My best skill with her is witty banter backed up with semi sloppy sexual tension. Sometimes i get awkward with it or just bad timing but shes one of those girls who gets mostly jerks so when i come along with my nice guy dominance she's like a fat kid with cake and takes any opportunity to incidental touch me. And i reciprocate. And escalate. As much as i can do while still working efficiently and managing the deli well and throwing all plausible deniability out the window. I even brushed her butt with my hand on accident, which i avoid due to sexual peaking so i instantly messed up by saying sorry instead of playing it cool. She didn't flinch or bat an eye the entire time which i took to be a good sign. I don't want to continue with EW7 like this indefinitely because i have a sneaking suspicion that it'll eventually come to ow up in my face when i keep leading her on and don't deliver, especially when she has a broken relationship with a boyfriend she had cheated on. Any tips on how to handle that are much appreciated.
So here I am working with two attractive women who are both extroverted and are attracted to me but have a ten year age difference and are very different people and will be in essence competing for my attention.
Looking back now i honestly dont know how i survived this intact but i attribute it to that fact that we were at work, working, and i had the winner effect and didn't really much care if it went a little bad. I had to put forth a lot of effort, although not apparent effort of alternating my attention between the two without having the other feel slighted or brushed off. Considering im using chase frames on DH10 and shes younger and more attractive than EW7 i decide to focus more on EW7 with our witty banter and sexual tension and just have DH10 chase me and have me reward her with teasing that has a decidedly sexual undercurrent and doing small tasks she asks me to do for her so shefeels like shes making progress on getting me to invest.
I usually go on break last at my store for two simple reasons. 1. To let all the women i work with know that i'm considering their needs( i always ask them when they want to go on break and then sort them accordingly. Of course i ask each girl one on one because of sprezzatura. 2. And so i don't have to worry about being gone too long because everyone has already gone.
I don't let anyone at work know but my break is what keeps me going at work because it lets me get away from everything and rejuvenate my energies and going out back for a smoke while i listen to rap that i have positive emotional anchors to. During my smoke, guess who rolls up with a large garbage can full of trash from the gas pumps, but KK9. I just get done smoking when she asks me if i could compact all that trash. I'm like "sure no prob" perfect time for me to invest a little in her so she knows i realy didnt care that she didnt text me back. Transcribed our conversation would look something like this:
"Hey Jake can you compact this trash when you get a sec please? [insert pressing manager duty here]"
"Sure, KK9, i'll do it"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'll do it next time i come out to smoke"
"Are you sure? I'm sorry. [insert mildly too much supplication here]. When you come out to smoke you can take an extra long smoke break." We head back inside the store as she's saying this.
I reply, "It's no big deal," and i whip out my handy( ahh the name of the smile eludes me but its like Harrison Ford's smile where its closed mouth and you just smile with one side slightly). We enter the deli and KK9 proceeds to tell our head manager about me getting an extra long smoke break. To which he responds "he always gets long smoke breaks he smokes black and milds!"(dont judge me) and is received by polite laughter that effectively closes the subject. By this point im a little exasperated by KK9's jester act to my king and decide that i need to put her at ease. Time to deep dive next time we have a couple minutes alone.
Side Note
I was really focusing on my fundamentals today especially in regards to customer interactions and my boss noticed. He didn't realize he notice but he did. I had just interacted with a customer and i did some grade A genuine man vibes. And not even 2 seconds after he said i was a "good egg" it was a very sincere compliment and it made me feel good. He started calling everyone good eggs for a couple simply because he was obligated to because he said it to me with other employees around. And he basically said as much in a slightly more subtle way.
KK9 Round Three…Fight!
So right about lunchtime KK9 comes to me and asks if i can help her in the trash room for a lil bit when i have a spare moment. PERFECT opportunity to deep dive, alone with her for a good 10 minutes? Time to initiate round three. I agreed and and when we enterred the trash room i came in swinging. Verbally speaking. I started with a bit of small talk just to set the mood for a seamless transition into the good parts. Ill skip this dialogue because i dont remember it very well and the only part that really matters is that KK9 started talking about film and i said "oh me and my brother were just talking about filming choreographed tae kwon do sparring in public places, you could film us sometime." She said that'd be great practice and how it would be fun. She was enthused about it and after that we were just chatting until we were done with the trash room. I put her at ease. Mission accomplished.
Alright there was a couple other minor successes but ive been typing this on my phone for 3 hours and I've had a long day so I'm going to call it a day. Today was a very rare day for me because i actually had the motivation and energy to truly follow through and field test this. This journal idea was an amazing learning experience for me. I did a lot of that stuff instinctually so being able to write it down and identify what i did right was very therapeutic. The past month ive only been able to get feedback from myself because i havnt found any likeminded men to give me a other perspective so i would greatly appreciate any comments, criticisms or questions. Or if you just liked reading my post maybe i could do more work interactions on different girls, a well learned lesson on not to chase my ex spring to mind( we work together) or even transcribe interactions on my attempts to pick up chicks, of which i have zero approaches under my belt.