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A Few Facebook Tips


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

It's going to be about 5 months since i deactivate my facebook. I occasionally log in to my facebook to update myself on the dance events or competition that is happening around (since i dance and it's fun), but otherwise let's get to some of the tips. Just a few. I was never really good but likewise here are some things that yield results.

1) If you do not have something genuine to comment on a girl status/photo/link, DON'T WRITE!

I have seen so many guys write a lot of stuff, mentions about her boobs ("i see boobs", "That's big"), a simple "Hi" or "Hello" in the comment section, and even write something that is totally irrelevant ("Hey, i thought i saw you the other day", "i thought airplane flown in today"). To tell you honestly, it is funny and it is corny to write all those things but it's another matter that makes you look stupid as well. Leave it to somebody else. HAHA. You can be the cool guy. and DON'T PRAISE HER ("Cute", "Beautiful" , "Sexy") in the comment section.

If you ever want to write something, write something that's slightly wicked funny (Means: slightly mean but not cruel) and relevant to her post and both of you can understand, and other facebook users can laugh or even talk about it.

2) Don't ever be rude if she acts indifferent or blur or sometimes friendzoning you with "help her vote or click links", when you message her on facebook. Message her another time.

This is for reputation wise. Don't call her out or tell her she's a bitch for not going out with you. I have seen guys do this "scare tactics", and got themselves fucked when the girls post their name and photos on their wallpost. Hence, literally the "whole world" knows and she will even tag your name. Not good for you.

3) COCKBLOCKERS on Facebook! "COMMENT BLOCKERS", as you will call them. :)

It goes back to point 1, however there are other guys, "Comment blockers" who will try to 'cheapshot' or write something that labels you as lame. Don't EVER START UNNECESSARY ARGUMENTS. The girl will protect you, and write a better comment and neutralize the matter often all the time. So unless your comment really suck and you don't start the fire, let the 'joke' be on the clown himself, which means it is the guy.

Anyway, this are small things often overlook, but do take note.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake