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A General Guideline on How to pickup girls at Loud Venues


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 14, 2012
Hi Chase and Everyone

What has recently made me think is how to pick girls up at loud bars and nightclubs. These kind of pickups are not usually the same pickups you do during the day or in quiet venues(Bookstores, Grocery Stores , etc) and it's not possible to talk to girls to like use deep dive or anything like that because of all that loud noise. It's also not easy to move girls with you since you can't make her invest in you when she's jumping a lot on the dance floor but I see many guys who manage to kiss girls in under just one minute after dancing . I've read Chase's ebook on "Finding Your Niche" and one of the tactics mentioned was to frequently visit the same club to become comfortable and familiar with club environment but there aren't any more information rather than "clubs are for people who want to party HARD . You’ll want to be loud, dominant, and decisive, even more so than you usually would be." <---How can we become like this?

What I'm asking here is that:
1-Is there a guideline how to pick girls up at nightclubs when you can't do all the normal pickup techniques?
2- Do you need to be in a very good mood and full of energy to be successful at nightclub pickups?
3- Since there are lots of competition in nightclubs in picking girls up, are there any techniques we can use to get her attention and have an advantage over others?
4- Should we suggest to buy drinks for any girls we danced with and liked?
5- Should we try to get numbers more or take girls to seductions places straight?(Skipping Steps)
6- Do we need to improve our dancing skills(Is it worth the energy and time) and are there any sources we can use?
7- Are average guys like me who are not very tall stand any chance in these kind of venues picking up girls?
8- Do girls usually go for looks and how masculine you look in these kind of places or are there other factors involved?
9- What kind of assignments can we give ourselves to become better in picking up at night loud venues?
10- Does it even worth it trying to pick girls up at nightclubs when it's much easier to do that in other places (Library, Lounges, cafes, etc)?

I think the subject is too broad that if Chase or Franco or any of you guys can write an article about it; that would help a lot of guys who normally go out at night. Franco's still in Las Vegas but I think he has a good experience with these kind of pickups. Do you guys have any suggestions? What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks a lot guys!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Re: A General Guideline on How to pickup girls at Loud Venue

I don't have much experience with loud venues, as I usually keep away from them because I'm not a high energy party-goer. What I can do is give you some advice based on some of my few experiences and some of the advice that I've read on this website.

1-Is there a guideline how to pick girls up at nightclubs when you can't do all the normal pickup techniques?

There's no set guideline.. It's the same as most other pick-ups, the logistics are just different.

2- Do you need to be in a very good mood and full of energy to be successful at nightclub pickups?

Maybe. Being in a good mood and full of energy are both good things, but I assume you mean hyper and wanting to expend a lot of energy; in that case, it could help and it couldn't. Using it in your interaction while not getting over-buzzed and staying focused could be successful, especially if she is hyper as well. I haven't tampered with energy levels and how you use them as much as Chase, so he'll probably know the answer better than I would

3- Since there are lots of competition in nightclubs in picking girls up, are there any techniques we can use to get her attention and have an advantage over others?

Eye contact is powerful. A little eye contact flirting and then locking eyes and gesturing her over will do the trick.

4- Should we suggest to buy drinks for any girls we danced with and liked?

Oh dear.. No, not really. Buying drinks firmly places you in a provider role as opposed to a lover role. You want to be the lover first, not the provider first.

5- Should we try to get numbers more or take girls to seductions places straight?(Skipping Steps)

Get numbers if you can't take her anywhere, but make sure you have the logistics so you can take her somewhere. I usually grab a number not in anticipation to text her, but as a natural flow of conversation so that I can text her the night after so she doesn't feel buyers remorse. I can also arrange something else if I want to see her again.

6- Do we need to improve our dancing skills(Is it worth the energy and time) and are there any sources we can use?

You don't have to, but like all skills it is useful to have. I personally can't do any super-crazy impressive dances, I usually just stay relaxed and let her go crazy. Crazy guy dancing isn't very sexy, more like impressive.

7- Are average guys like me who are not very tall stand any chance in these kind of venues picking up girls?

Sure, you don't have to be tall for pick-up, though it really does help. Don't worry about the things you can't change.

8- Do girls usually go for looks and how masculine you look in these kind of places or are there other factors involved?

There are a lot of other factors involved.

9- What kind of assignments can we give ourselves to become better in picking up at night loud venues?

Practice. Reflect. Learn from your mistakes. Repeat. The best practice for picking up at night loud venues is by going to them and trying to pick up women, and learning where you went wrong. Same for learning anything.

10- Does it even worth it trying to pick girls up at nightclubs when it's much easier to do that in other places (Library, Lounges, cafes, etc)?

I would argue the quite the opposite my friend. It's pretty damn hard to find a girl at the library that's as horny and intoxicated as a nightclub. Girls at the library aren't expecting some to go home with some random guy and sleep with them that night. Girls at the nightclubs are. A lot less framing is needed, logistics seem to be a lot better. Yeah, nightclubs are definitely easier and can be worth it.

I think the subject is too broad that if Chase or Franco or any of you guys can write an article about it; that would help a lot of guys who normally go out at night. Franco's still in Las Vegas but I think he has a good experience with these kind of pickups. Do you guys have any suggestions? What are your thoughts on this?

All of these questions have been answered in past articles on the website. I suggest that along with practicing, you also read some earlier articles and learn from any mistakes you make. You can also post field reports to get specific advice from other users on the forum.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Re: A General Guideline on How to pickup girls at Loud Venue

Hey aliparpar,

Most of the points here have been covered by RTB, but I'll go ahead and do a quick run-through of my own for you on this subject.

1-Is there a guideline how to pick girls up at nightclubs when you can't do all the normal pickup techniques?

All of the normal pickup techniques apply. Good fundamentals followed by a strong approach, getting investment, moving a girl, and getting her number and/or taking her home is still the goal. Make sure you have your logistics planned before you go out for the night.

2- Do you need to be in a very good mood and full of energy to be successful at nightclub pickups?

I generally like to be in a good mood at all times... it's hard to focus on a smooth seduction routine if your mind is elsewhere. You need to be focused on your goal in order to have the most success. As far as energy, I tend tone it down when it comes time to approach. I always approach women with a "James Bond" level of calmness and energy, but I'll throw in a little more wit and playfulness most of the time. It disarms women pretty well.

3- Since there are lots of competition in nightclubs in picking girls up, are there any techniques we can use to get her attention and have an advantage over others?

RTB nailed this one. Eye contact.

In general, I like to stay stationary near the central area of the bar in plain sight so that I can clearly see the women around me and they can clearly see me. The more attractive women will also tend to take notice of you if your vibe is mysterious and sexy -- it's almost like they can sense that you are there only to socialize with women who are the cream of the crop, so you will notice that they will do little things (re-position themselves, glance over at you, have her friends take a look at you, etc.) to put themselves in a position to be that woman.

4- Should we suggest to buy drinks for any girls we danced with and liked?

I actually side with Ricardus on this topic and usually buy women drinks, but only under the right conditions.

In general, one thing you will notice about nightclubs is that there is often nowhere to sit (especially by the bars). I usually like to approach women from the bar area after I have determined that she has shown IOIs and then get her to come back to the bar with me. However, I never offer to "buy" her a drink -- instead, I phrase my statement like so:

"Let's head over to the bar and grab a drink."

You want to get her to move with you in a way that she is comfortable, but you don't want to let her know that she is getting a free drink out of it. Lots of women in nightclubs use men to get free drinks for a "free buzz," but I make sure that the woman is willing to move with me without knowing whether or not I am actually paying for the drink. If she complies and moves with me, I'll usually talk to her more while we wait for the bartender. I can usually get a good read by this point... if she seems interested, I'll buy her the drink. If it looks like she's just biding her time for a free drink, then I'll part ways with her.

An easy way to go broke in nightclubs is to buy women drinks before you've gotten compliance. I see my guy friends do it all the time and it makes me shake my head!

However, if you do get her the drink after getting compliance and doing a bit of deep-diving, she is now more much more compelled to stay around you longer and, as a bonus, she is working toward a slight buzz that she can use as an excuse to escape into the night with you! ;)

5- Should we try to get numbers more or take girls to seductions places straight?(Skipping Steps)

I always try to go for quick seductions where I can escalate that same night. You already have momentum, so why would you want to have to attempt re-build that momentum all over again? This is especially true with girls in nightclubs... getting phone numbers really means nothing in these venues, unfortunately. I usually only try to get them if I can tell the girl was really interested but just couldn't be pulled because of social obligations (i.e. it's her friend's birthday and she's driving her home).

Oh, and if you ever go to Vegas, you should pretty much never go for a number. Either pull her that night, or move on. Girls in Vegas aren't looking to build rapport over texting with guys they may never see again!

6- Do we need to improve our dancing skills(Is it worth the energy and time) and are there any sources we can use?

Not necessary at all, although I used to use dance floor game, so I have some good rhythm. Nowadays, I only dance with my friends if I'm out to socialize and have fun, but I pretty much spend 95% of my time at the bar when I go out to pick up women... and the other 5% is the restroom!

7- Are average guys like me who are not very tall stand any chance in these kind of venues picking up girls?

Being tall is certainly an advantage, but it is definitely not the biggest factor. Like RTB said, don't worry about things you can't change.

8- Do girls usually go for looks and how masculine you look in these kind of places or are there other factors involved?

Looks do play a solid role, but these looks are based a lot more off of fashion than they are off of masculinity. It helps to hit the gym, but it is even more important to look stylish and suave. Solid fundamentals with a good outfit is really all you need (in terms of looks) to pick up attractive women.

9- What kind of assignments can we give ourselves to become better in picking up at night loud venues?

Start with practicing eye contact, posture, and sexiness. The first few times I went out, I was actually too nervous to cold approach, but I gained a lot more confidence just standing at the bar experimenting with my vibe and holding eye contact with women. It helped me quickly realize that there were a LOT more women attracted to me than I initially would have thought, and eventually this gave me the courage to approach.

Once you start to approach, learn to approach a lot of women. Once you can do this, you'll get a lot of experience and be able to practice all the other techniques on this website (hard pushing, deep-diving, physically escalating, etc.) You can't seduce women until you approach them, so learn to do everything up to this point, first.

10- Does it even worth it trying to pick girls up at nightclubs when it's much easier to do that in other places (Library, Lounges, cafes, etc)?

It depends what you mean by "easier." From my personal experience, it is much easier to take a girl home the same night you meet her from a nightclub, but this also requires you to perform a full seduction. This means starting from cold approaching to ending up at physically escalating, and this can be very difficult to do unless you have at least an intermediate level of experience in all phases of the game.

On the flip side, getting phone numbers (that actually lead somewhere) is much easier in day game (or at libraries or cafes) as girls usually don't have their walls up and aren't expecting to be approached. However, girls usually have other plans for the rest of the day/evening when you approach them at these places since they aren't "leaving their nights free in case they meet an amazing guy."

So anyway, I hope you can take away some good stuff from my answers here!

- Franco


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Re: A General Guideline on How to pickup girls at Loud Venue

You need to be aware that picking up girls in a Loud Venue requires you to be very experienced first.
It is much more challenging though not impossible.

Chase has already posted something recent about this here:


I'm very experience in this, in fact, it is where I pick up girls most of my time. So I can shed some light, which may or may not help.

You need to be playing a completely different game. Most of the fundamentals still apply, but the key really is to adapt to your environment.
Being a very energetic person helps. You need to go with a mindset of "Hey, I'm just here to enjoy myself, and meet new people. I don't really care about picking up any girls, but will treat it as a bonus if I do".

You don't need to be a great dancer, but you should definitely learn how to move in rhythm with the beat. The key is "Rhythm". Girls find guys who moves in rhythm very sexually attractive.

I'm a short guy too, so height is no issue. You have to brush off any remarks on you being short and ignore it like you didn't even hear it. Carry on with the conversation.

The most important thing to me is, you must learn how to screen out the girls who are not interested in you. Don't waste time with girls who ain't. Keep moving and keep talking to new girls, and every other girl in the venue!

Overall, it is definitely worth the experience, as it is more challenging. As long as you go with a "Learning" mindset, it can be very rewarding.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 14, 2012
Re: A General Guideline on How to pickup girls at Loud Venue

Wow! Thank you guys! RTB,Franco,Light & Chase for covering this topic SO WELL! Chase's article with great details went up after I posted this so thank you so much for that Chase. Exactly what I needed. Also, I can't wait to read some field reports or articles from you Franco from your NYE Las Vegas trip :)

I Will try to practice my nightclub game a lot more in 2013 and cover more knowledge on it.
