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LR  A Little Luck Goes A Long Way


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
So I hope you guys are ready, because this LR is full of twists and turns, drama, a bit of humor, and of course, a happy ending ;) This LR has been a fun one to write, and hopefully its just as fun to read. There's plenty of good learning material here for beginners and intermediates and I have a couple points that I could use some help from the experts.

The night started with a disappointment: my go-to party venue was closed for the night. It wasn't too much of a let down because the people there had gotten kinda stale and I wanted to try something new. This new party scene wasn't as comfortable, but the DJs were good so I was pretty excited.

So me and a couple friends heard it was good, and we head over. We go in and meet a couple girls that my friend knows. I start talking to one and while she's fun, I don't really think she's into me and I'm not really into her. Her friend tells me I look just like her friend from home. But then one of them talks about how she's dealing with a lot of drama tonight and trying to rope my friend into it. I didn't have time for that, so I left. Another one of my friends asks me to be his wing-man, and while I play along for a little, he keeps giving excuses to not approach, and I eventually walk away. A really pretty Filipino-looking girl kept looking and smiling at me, but I didn't approach her. I was angry that I missed out on her, and eventually she ended up with someone else. I also had a girl I knew come up and thank me for "saving" her from a creeper (even though I didn't do anything). I was walking around later and she looked sad and asked if I was leaving. I didn't know how I felt about her, so I kinda kept her in orbit until she left. I felt bad. Indecision with girls is awful.

I was enjoying myself at the party, but I was also trying to avoid my ex once she showed up. Things didn't end well between us. Its been a while and I've moved on, but she was clearly hurt seeing me, and things started to get awkward. I haven't seen her at a party in a long time and I wasn't sure if I wanted to ignore her, make her jealous, or leave. I was about to head out and call some more friends to come, when I see a text on my phone.

The text was from a girl I had met earlier in the semester. She's a real stunner, long black hair, and a killer body. We'll call her Black Hair. I had tried get with her the first night I met her, but she put up some resistance and I didn't push too hard and I didn't get with her. I had seen her a couple times after and we had flirted a bit, but she had been too flighty for me. I just couldn't get in her in one place long enough to work my magic. She was wondering where I was. I told her and we realized we were at the same party. We met up and we start dancing. About three minutes in she whispers in my ear, "This music turns me on" and I knew it was gonna be a good fucking night ;). We danced for a long time, I was actually worried that I should be moving her, but I didn't want to ruin the moment. She played her usual games, dancing with me, making a sexy move, then pulling away. I didn't let it phase me. She had called me over and I wasn't about to leave. After a while, I pulled her in and made out with her. Usually its not a great idea to do that on the dance floor, but the sexual tension tension was so thick, and I wanted to reward her for being so clear with me. Let's just say she enjoyed it ;)

I also wanted to make out with her to drive away guys that could have been potential interruptions. She was getting a lot of attention from one guy and when she would move away from me he look at me like he was asking if he could cut in. Black Hair had already told me she thought he was creepy and wanted him to leave her alone. It's funny, one week I get called creepy by a girl (but this was after I had hurt and offended her, so she was probably a bit biased), and now tonight two girls have asked me to protect them from creepy guys. The second potential interruption was a black guy who at first tried to high five me and then tried to act like he was my best friend. I took a page out of Chase's ebook FR and dismissed him ASAP. Me and Black Hair making out also drove my ex crazy and she left. I felt good about that, but I don't like the fact that I still want to make my ex jealous. I don't want to waste any emotions on my ex anymore.

As the night winds down, I start to worry that Black Hair will get enough of dancing and the occasional make out and leave. But she's with her friend and I don't think I can move her. So I stick around. I even told her that I was going to leave, but she got upset and asked me to stay. So I told her ok, five more minutes. In five more minutes the party is over. Me, Black Hair and her friend are the only ones left besides the DJs. We dance until the music stops. I leave with Black Hair, but not before her friend tells me, "You're not gonna get with her". I should have taken this as a challenge, but instead it got me down. Newbies, if a girl leaves with you, don't listen to what anyone else has to say. From that point on its you and the girl making the decisions. Fortunately for me, I was able to overcome this mistake with a little luck from an unexpected source.

Me and Black Hair start searching for a new party, and I deep dive while we walk. I was a little worried about things fizzling out, but I knew that we had already kissed and she was into me, so I wasn't too concerned. If I hadn't made out with her before, I probably would have kissed her at some point here, but I knew how patient and persistent I had to be with this girl. During the deep dive, she tells me that she has really low self-esteem and doesn't like the way she looks. I didn't know what to do here. I didn't want to supplicate and tell her she looked beautiful, but I didn't want to be cold either. I ended up telling her that she had nothing to worry about. If anyone has some insights, I'd love to hear them.

Now this is where the luck comes in.

As we were walking back to my place and I was thinking I should only give her a kiss goodnight only (I have no idea why I thought this), a group of 4 guys pass us by. They then yell at Black Hair that she's an ugly slut. Now this girl is in no way, shape or form ugly. She's one of the prettier girls on the campus, and one of the prettiest girls in her sorority.While I don't like using ratings, this girls is at least an 8. She looks pretty close to this picture, except with black hair.


I was pissed. After this girl had just been talking about her self esteem, these douche bags had the nerve to call her ugly. But I was also in a tough spot here. This was without a doubt a moment that I had to stand up for her. But there were four guys vs me. Not exactly a fair fight. I turned around and yelled back at them about how they should keep walking. Instead, they turned around. They started talking shit about me, her, my clothes, everything. I was giving it back to them, talking about how they were a waste of space and my time.

And then the moment that changed this FR into a LR happened. After a minute, Black Hair UNLOADED on them. She told them they were walking back to jerk themselves off, and I was walking back to get laid. As she screamed at them, one of the guys said, "Damn, she'd rather hook up with him (guy she was yelling at) than you". And then I finally put the pieces together. These guys weren't douche bags, they were sad and lonely and wanted to drag another guy down with them. They didn't think she was ugly. They were JEALOUS of me. And more importantly, Black Hair had just screamed that she was gonna have sex with me. These guys were doing me a favor! I now had an even easier path to a LR. All I had to do was pull her. In that moment, I could have shook that guy's hand. These guys were the best wing-men I'd ever had!

So just I smiled at the guy who had just spoken, and said, "Nope, she's going home with ME" and pulled Black Hair away. This was the best part of my LR. I knew it was on, and these guys had just guaranteed me a lay and given me the chance to be dominant enough to do it. The guys kept talking, but walked away. I just smiled at her and said, "Let's go back to my place".

Back at my place, we talked for a little, put on some music, and started escalating. For the first time in my FRs, I took things SLOW. I used the two steps forward, one step back method and I worked from her shirt, to her bra, to pants, to her panties. Honestly, I think I could have moved quicker. She was the one to take off her bra (after I had pulled it down), and she took off her panties without me asking. From there, I think you know what happens next ;). Things just worked so well. She was on birth control, so no condom drama, although she didn't blink when I asked if she wanted me to put one on (next time, I'm gonna let the girl ask me to put one on, not the other way around). As she is sitting in bed with her panties off, she asks me if people in my fraternity talk about the girls they get with. I realized that this was her way of ask if I can be discrete. I told her that I used to tell kiss and tell, but once I realized how quickly rumors spread, I stopped. She smiles, and I know I just passed the test and continued escalating. Eventually, she just grabbed my dick and pushed me inside of her. The one negative is, I could have been better in bed. But to put it in perspective, this is the second girl I've had sex with (I didn't want to have sex before marriage until Junior year of college), so I think it wasn't as bad as it could have been. She didn't orgasm, and I had trouble keeping a rhythm.How do you guys keep a good rhythm during sex?. After a while, SHE got tired and we took a break.

After a while, I started to escalate again and while I got more resistance than last time (very token resistance), she eventually ended up grabbing me and pushing me inside of her again. This time, I started to talk about non-sexy things (HUGE mistake) and it wasn't as good. It was bad for the power balance and put me in a chasing position. We talk for a little then eventually fall asleep.

In the morning, I try to push for morning sex but she tells me that sober sex is weird. I could have overcome the resistance but I was so tired (need to fix this, being tired isn't an excuse.). She told me she didn't want to have sex, but she didn't seem to mind my dick right outside of her pussy. As I was about to go inside her, she kinda told me, "I don't want toooo" in a pouty voice. I didn't know if I should just go for it, or I should back off. I ended up backing off, but I probably should have gone for it slowly. She talks about how she enjoyed the sex, especially with no feelings and doesn't like emotions. We talked for a little, and I realize that while I would love to have sex again with this girl, I will never date her. She's very fun, but very high-maintenance, selfish and spoiled. But very sexy and seductive. As we talked about sex, she told me how much I was different than most people and how refreshing that is. (Thanks Chase!) So I agree that no feelings is best and while I said I had fun and left the door open for other hook ups, I made it clear that I was purely physically attracted to her. As I leave, I tell she I'll see her later.

Things I did well:

1. Persistence and patience. It paid off big for me ;)

2. The almost fight. I kept the dominant position and boosted attraction without having to take on four guys.

3. Deep diving and building an emotional connection

4. Escalation (no LMR for the first time ever!)

5. Keeping the girl around. I could have lost her at multiple points, but I made sure she stayed with me.

6. Letting her know I can keep a secret.

Things I can use some advice/work on:

1. Rhythm during sex.

2. Not getting discouraged (this could have ruined the whole thing for me)

3. Where to go from here and when I should contact her. I don't want a serious relationship with her, but a booty call thing would be nice.

4. How to win over a girls friend (she was really not a big fan of me)

5. Keeping my mouth closed during sex.

Things for newbies to learn:

1. Don't get discouraged. It ain't over until it's over.

2. Building an emotional connection with a girl goes a LONG way.

3. See every challenge as an opportunity and see people's motives behind their actions.

4. Keep interruptions away.

5. Take escalation slow.

6. Don't talk during sex.

7. Don't kiss and tell. Just don't.

Hopefully this was fun read. I didn't do things perfectly, but I had enough luck and persistence that it didn't matter.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
but not before her friend tells me, "You're not gonna get with her".

You sure showed her! Congrats on the lay, xcrunner.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
These guys weren't douche bags, they were sad and lonely and wanted to drag another guy down with them. They didn't think she was ugly. They were JEALOUS of me. And more importantly, Black Hair had just screamed that she was gonna have sex with me. These guys were doing me a favor! I now had an even easier path to a LR. All I had to do was pull her. In that moment, I could have shook that guy's hand. These guys were the best wing-men I'd ever had!

Props on not pussing out in this defining moment and letting them walk away. I thought this was hilarious dude, I can't believe the girl actually screamed in public she was going to fuck you. Like right out of a movie or something lol.

Fun read XC, keep it up.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Great read XC, and a good example of how to do things well for those of us reading your report!

And if the girl looks anything like the picture, I'm sure you had a damn good time! Wow.

Very happy for you!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Thanks guys! I'm glad people can get a good learning experience out of this.

You sure showed her!

It was funny. Her friend told me I wasn't going to get with her, and Black Hair later told me as we were having sex, "I bet you thought didn't think this would happen" and I just smiled sexily at her and said, "Oh I never had a doubt about what was gonna happen" (not true, but that's the way I should have thought). I gotta start thinking this way more and be more confident about my ability to move things forward.

Props on not pussing out in this defining moment and letting them walk away. I thought this was hilarious dude, I can't believe the girl actually screamed in public she was going to fuck you. Like right out of a movie or something lol.

Yeah, it was a rough situation. I had to protect her, but also keep myself out of a fight. And yeah it took a second to register after she screamed that I was going to get laid. She was very open about sex too. When I jokingly/sarcastically suggested that we take things slow as I was escalating, she said, "what? are you a girl?" yeahhh she didn't get the sarcasm I guess. It was interesting being with a girl who I didn't have to escalate as slowly with. Usually the taking things slow line keeps girls from saying it but she made it pretty clear what she wanted.

And if the girl looks anything like the picture, I'm sure you had a damn good time! Wow.

She's pretty close. Different nose, but with the same brown eyes, and facial structure. And no offense to the girl in the picture, but I'd say my girl has a better body.

Currently trying to find a way to make this into a booty call type of thing. I didn't see her for the second time this weekend because it seemed like too much. Any advice on how to turn this into a casual type of thing?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
I wanted to add:
xcrunner said:
After a minute, Black Hair UNLOADED on them. She told them they were walking back to jerk themselves off, and I was walking back to get laid.
That's one cool-ass girl you got your hands on there, XC. If I were you, I'd keep her around. Give her a few repeat performances, and learn to satisfy her. I mean, really satisfy her. It's the least you can do for her after she stuck her neck out like that for you. Go to it! ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
That's one cool-ass girl you got your hands on there, XC. If I were you, I'd keep her around. Give her a few repeat performances, and learn to satisfy her. I mean, really satisfy her. It's the least you can do for her after she stuck her neck out like that for you. Go to it! ;)

Thanks Marty. I'm trying to keep her around as a booty call, but not for a relationship. She's fun and sexy, but just strikes me as spoiled and bratty. I don't want to deal with that. Also, things might be tough because there aren't too many weekends to have sex with her in my semester. I would love some input on how to get things to a casual place with her. Anyone got any tips for this?

But yeah I think I messed up by not being more dominant during sex and leading her. Talking too much was a huge think. It kind of flipped the power balance and ended it where I didn't want it. I also think I made her a little...sore. Without a condom or lube, it felt great, but it also was tough on her. Also, my first girl told me I was gifted down there (I wear lifestyle kyng, but those still rip sometimes and wear out quick). I know most guys would like that, but she complained about how I actually made her really sore after the second time and she told me in the morning she didn't want to be hurting the rest of the day. How do I work around this/ make her less sore?

Rhythm is a huge issue for me. I finally got the hang of dancing (a good amount of time later), but I just have to figure out a slow rhythm in order to get her really going. She was feeling it, I just didn't keep it going long enough. How do you guys keep a good rhythm during sex?