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FR  A natural tan


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
My plan didn't go exactly as I'd sketched it out, but I was close.

This is post is about planning, state control, and preconceptions that maybe some dudes will find useful.

Full disclosure - my fundamentals are tight at this point in my life as a man in his 30s... except for my sexy vibe. I've been sharpening that aspect of my game and it played a role in today's story, I think. Also, remember, this is just one girl, one approach, and it's going to take me a LOT more time to write this post than it took to dream up a plan and pull it off. So though I had targeted a particular cutie she didn't take up all that much of my time.

There's this deli where I shop at regularly. And on the weekends there is a cute girl who works one of the checkout counters: black hair, pushing 5'10, nose and eyebrow piercing. She never looks happy at work, doesn't chat with customers. Comes across as a bit of a cold chick. My initial read was that she thinks she's too good to be working there, dislikes her job, considers herself high value, and so on.

Two weeks ago she was checking out my groceries and I decide to just do a little chat practice.

"How'd you get stuck with a Saturday morning shift?"

"Oh, I work every weekend until noon."

I ask her a couple other questions and I can actually see her opening up. Body language changed. I don't push the interaction much further and take my leave.

I play the scene back through my head and start shaping a plan of attack.

The rough plan was based on her reactions and my re-examination of her as a person. Three sentences into the short conversation I could tell she wasn't a cold bitch. She didn't sound all that bright... kind of a slow talker. And, for a hot woman, she didn't come off as high value.

My read: she doesn't get approached by many men - at least not during the day. She was definitely not a firecracker type.

The plan: go back to the deli mid-morning, hopefully when it wasn't too busy, and I would watch for a gap where I could talk to her. I would chat her up, get her name, introduce myself, and suggest we go out for drinks and then ask for her number.

Today I executed that plan.

I was out late last night and was a bit hungover this morning. But I had told myself today was the day to see if a bit of preparation would pay off. I've been practicing getting into a chill and sexy state on demand with a bit of meditation practice, so I warmed up mentally on the drive over.

I walk in, notice she's working. There's a fairly long line-up at her till. I grab what I need, and circle nearby, judging the best time to check out.

Things almost went off the rails when I was in line. There are only two checkouts at this place. Hottie was dealing with a guy with a full cart. I'm in line behind him. Till number 2 looks like it will free up first, and there is a woman behind me. I saw that I might be directed away from hottie's checkout, so I put my stuff down, say to the woman behind me, "Forgot something" and walk away.

I circle away then come back, glad to see my gambit worked. Cutie is now free and the woman behind me is now being taken care of at the other checkout.

So far so good!

Now I needed to man up and keep chill.

She's checking out my stuff and the conversation goes like this:

Me: "Superbowl Sunday... watching the game?"

"No, I'm not into sports. I don't watch them."

I don't say much, just tilt my head and look at her.

Her: "Do you watch football?"

I shrug. "I like superbowl parties. My friend has a big party every year."

"Yeah, that'd be fun."

She seems relaxed. There's no rush because there's no line. All the same I know another customer can roll up at any time. Still, I try and keep a cool pace.

"I come in here fairly often but I don't know your name. What is it?"

"Ivana." I repeat it.

It's a european styled deli.

"Sounds european."

"My background is african and italian."

"A good mix," I say. And it also cleared up one of my questions about her. She looked like a woman who tans. And I've found that women who maintain that orange tan usually turn out to be girls I'm not interested in. Plus, what an interesting heritage for a hot woman. Lots of conversation topics to explore!

I introduce myself.

"What's your background?"

I give her a little smile and shrug "Plain jane."

The clock is now ticking fast. Time to close out this plan.

"We should go for a drink sometime."

"Sure," she says or something similarly affirmative.

"Give me your number."

She starts fumbling around with her apron.

"I... give me your's." She puts a bit of paper and pen on the counter.

"No, give me your's. Just write it down."

She starts to... then stops.

"I just text people. I can't remember my number."

Roadblock! Fuck! I don't get the feeling she's faking. It's not like I had to convince her thus far and she is still working. Realizing that this could get very embarrassing for her quickly I offer to write my number down. I do, adding my name.

"Text me," I tell her, say goodbye, and leave.

Not ideal, I know. I probably should have pressed for her number. If it had been in a social situation that's what I would have done. But things could have gone poorly if I'd pushed too hard to get a girl's number while she's working. Imagine if her boss noticed, risked auto-rejection, etc.

Now I have to wait and see if she's texts. If she does, game on! If not, then I can always go back to the deli with a different approach (persistence) - or just drop the game.

In review.

I liked having a plan, a process, going in. It helped tamp down any anxiety that might have built up otherwise. I got into state and maintained it, trying to project a sexy vibe without coming off as a horndog. That the plan didn't go off perfectly was fine, because I was able to adjust on the fly.

Also good to remind myself that attractive women can be normal, down to earth types. A high maintenance looking girl might not actually be that way when you speak with her.

Anyhow, that's my report. She'll either text back or not. I think I managed things well enough that she might take the leap.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Re: A natural tan


Good work man!

Remember, numbers aren't a big deal, and I think you did well here. One time a girl approached me at school and asked for my number, but she never ended up contacting me to my surprise. Hope for the best, but go meet other girls in the meantime if you want to score this mixed beauty ;). If you come off as a natural/chill guy with a hint of sexiness, the girl will dig it, especially if she's one of those hot girls who probably don't get approached like that in person (probably gets hit on via facebook though ;) ).

In my opinion, it's better to get her number, although it's not a big deal if you don't. If she doesn't text you, you'll know that she isn't interested, so just move on if that happens. You could persist a bit, but why waste your time on her when you could find another girl out there who would be willing to text you and want to meetup with you? So in a way, by her taking your number, it's a way of screening out her interest, but it's annoying/frustrating having to wait for an uncertain outcome. It's better to get her number, that way if you screwed up a bit (which is fine, we're all human), then you can use Chase's texting tips to get her out then work your magic ;). Make sure though when you take her out that you escalate fast, because if she's as cute as she sounds, she's going to evaluate you quicker than less desirable girls, and so you have less time to work with. Oh well, less work leads to more fun in the bedroom I suppose! ;)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Re: A natural tan

Garrett, total agreement. Definitely would have been better to get her number. She may have been putting me off, but that wasn't the feel of the encounter.

Whatever. I'm counting on her NOT texting, so if she does, great. Move forward. I won't let it bother me and I will certainly be chatting up other girls... starting tonight ;)

As for using this as a screen... Yes, but it's a blunt one. If she texts me - game on. I'm not so sure I'm going to totally give up if she doesn't, though. She might be shy, think herself too forward, or whatever runs through a girl's head in such a situation. Whenever I go back to the deli - and she hasn't contacted me - I can just brush it off, ignore it, or make a joke about it "Figured out your number yet?"


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Re: A natural tan


Moved this post out of "Beginners" and into "Field Reports;" added a prefix to the title.

This one strikes me as solid right up until the end. Notes:

Dash said:
Two weeks ago she was checking out my groceries and I decide to just do a little chat practice.

"How'd you get stuck with a Saturday morning shift?"

"Oh, I work every weekend until noon."

I ask her a couple other questions and I can actually see her opening up. Body language changed. I don't push the interaction much further and take my leave.

Good work feeling her out and ending on a non-needy, natural note.

Dash said:
Things almost went off the rails when I was in line. There are only two checkouts at this place. Hottie was dealing with a guy with a full cart. I'm in line behind him. Till number 2 looks like it will free up first, and there is a woman behind me. I saw that I might be directed away from hottie's checkout, so I put my stuff down, say to the woman behind me, "Forgot something" and walk away.

I circle away then come back, glad to see my gambit worked. Cutie is now free and the woman behind me is now being taken care of at the other checkout.

Well played!

Dash said:
She's checking out my stuff and the conversation goes like this:

Me: "Superbowl Sunday... watching the game?"

"No, I'm not into sports. I don't watch them."

I don't say much, just tilt my head and look at her.

Her: "Do you watch football?"

I shrug. "I like superbowl parties. My friend has a big party every year."

"Yeah, that'd be fun."

She seems relaxed. There's no rush because there's no line. All the same I know another customer can roll up at any time. Still, I try and keep a cool pace.

"I come in here fairly often but I don't know your name. What is it?"

"Ivana." I repeat it.

It's a european styled deli.

"Sounds european."

"My background is african and italian."

"A good mix," I say. And it also cleared up one of my questions about her. She looked like a woman who tans. And I've found that women who maintain that orange tan usually turn out to be girls I'm not interested in. Plus, what an interesting heritage for a hot woman. Lots of conversation topics to explore!

I introduce myself.

"What's your background?"

I give her a little smile and shrug "Plain jane."

The clock is now ticking fast. Time to close out this plan.

"We should go for a drink sometime."

"Sure," she says or something similarly affirmative.

So far, this is awesome.

Dash said:
"Give me your number."

She starts fumbling around with her apron.

"I... give me your's." She puts a bit of paper and pen on the counter.

Here's where it starts to get a little spotty.

It's a short conversation, and she's warm to you, but not sold on you. So you want to avoid triggering any automatic defenses for SURE.

"Give me your number," is one of those questions women have a knee-jerk panic response to because so many men ask them for their numbers in awkward ways.

My instinct is you needed her to offer one more thing before you're on even enough footing to start making demands. My guess is, if you simply said here, "What's the best way to get in contact with you?" she'd offer something, and even if it wasn't her number (i.e., she offered email, or Facebook), you could then say, "Actually, let me get your cell, I'm terrible with email; I'll text you," and get that instead more easily than by asking for it outright at first. She's already agreed to give you contact information, so this isn't that much of a step up. By telling her "I'll text you" you also communicate that the mode of communication (words on a screen) is going to be similar enough to what she already planned it to be (email, Facebook, etc.).

Dash said:
"No, give me your's. Just write it down."

She starts to... then stops.

"I just text people. I can't remember my number."

At this point, you're arguing / frame-battling with her, which is no good. All she has to do to get out of it is play dumb, which she does here - "Whoops, sorry! I just don't know." At that point there isn't much you can do.

It's reaching the point where it's about to be all-or-nothing, so a ballsier play here might be, "Okay, I'll tell you what. You get off at noon, right? Why don't you come over to my buddy's Superbowl party with me after you get off work. Copious amounts of amazing, delicious food you'll go crazy for, the coolest people you've ever met in your life, and, of course me. I'll write down the address," then give her that. If she shows up, you're in like Flynn. If she doesn't... well, you gambled and lost, but she probably wasn't going to do anything anyway if she wouldn't give you her number.

The alternative is, if she absolutely couldn't remember her number and you believe her (it does sometimes really happen), you want to give her something OTHER than what she's asking for you so you aren't complying with her completely when she isn't complying with you at all. So instead, give her your email and say, "Here, write me here, and let's figure out when we want to grab a drink this way. It'll be easier than us fumbling around with our phones not remembering out numbers."

That said, great job meeting a girl in a weird-ish place to have to game and closing things out. With a bit tighter close, you'd have had it here.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Chase, thanks for the feedback. I appreciate the time.

That's a much smoother way to ease into getting a girl's contact information and I'll start folding it into my game. I've probably been too abrupt, coming on a bit strong.

If she doesn't text, is there any reason to take another stab at this? Is this a case for persistence? Showing a woman that you know what you want and won't take no or be discouraged?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
I had the same thing happen to me the other day - she started getting her number from her phone then played dumb and asked me for my number. There was someone waiting to be served by then though so I just gave it to her - I knew it wasn't ideal (she also has a bf) but I think it might have been awkward if I had said no....


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 19, 2013
Well done Dash! Really appreciated the detailed post, thanks for helping us learn from the experience with you. :)

Day game at malls and grocery shopping are my favorite venues. I've found that the smoothest transition from good connection to number goes something like this.

I take out my phone while we're chatting, smile and causally say "let's exchange numbers." Then I just hand them my phone and tell them I'll make it easy and text them my name. This also has the advantage of ensuing they now know who the number belongs to and you don't risk an awkward text about "who's this?" I will also use it to test them. I ask if they can figure out the nationality of my last name. It's pretty obvious and serves the dual purpose of verifying a legit number while also teasing her some more.

In my experience any girl asking for your number is trying to suttly blow you off. I had a college girl the other day tell me "I'm sorry I don't give out my number." While we casually conversed near the self serve coffee carafe's. Be kind and just move on. :)