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A potent training Combo: Voice/Vocal Pace, Groundednes and Slowed down movement in one


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Just a lil insight i gained from reflections on being out yesterday and me getting back in shape.

Often we tend to eg train our voice and spend quite some efforts for good reasons. Or we focus mainly on body attention. Or movement.

The thing is that eg. a deep slow paced voice - as in a deeper late night DJ style or alike can be well combined with training to be grounded in your body, and slowing down your movement.

Deeper slow paced voice - seductive and connection generating - soothing to her
Slowed down movement - attention grabbing, calls for attention, often contrast fuld - see Cajun, beyond words eg.
Groundednes - increase harmony in response as youre in your body and less out reaching with your intentions and vibe

You wanna train this combined with movement, in your body focus and vocalising verbals out loud at home
And in all interactions where most tend to switch back to old habits.
And with chicks ofc.
= a lot of options to drill this into a subconscious habitual thing

Also it can ofc. be done as part of your verbal training of various styles whether to spit game, immerse, stimulate, arouse or whatever. Just do your drills with the above to unite it all and get the most of your training.

A key is
- To not turn passive but maintain leading things from this base.
- Mix between soothing where you let the words hang with eg having some contained punch, firmness and the likes in your expression.
- To vary the tonalities for more collaborative and warm vs more firm and direction giving as an example for authorithy taking.

These measures reinforce each other and provides a stronger base from which girls will respond much better as a fundamentals type enhancement. The effect is immense in many areas of life btw. For me it connected the dots and just took it all to another level.

For guys who have some of the areas down try to combine them to see the effect.
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Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Just a lil insight i gained from reflections on being out yesterday and me getting back in shape.

Often we tend to eg train our voice and spend quite some efforts for good reasons. Or we focus mainly on body attention. Or movement.

The thing is that eg. a deep slow paced voice - as in a deeper late night DJ style or alike can be well combined with training to be grounded in your body, and slowing down your movement.

Deeper slow paced voice - seductive and connection generating - soothing to her
Slowed down movement - attention grabbing, calls for attention, often contrast fuld - see Cajun, beyond words eg.
Groundednes - increase harmony in response as youre in your body and less out reaching with your intentions and vibe

You wanna train this combined with movement, in your body focus and vocalising verbals out loud at home
And in all interactions where most tend to switch back to old habits.
And with chicks ofc.
= a lot of options to drill this into a subconscious habitual thing

A key is
- To not turn passive but maintain leading things from this base.
- Mix between soothing where you let the words hang and with Having punch, firmness and the likes in your expression.
- To vary the tonalities for more collaborative and warm vs more firm and direction giving as an example for authorithy taking.

These measures reinforce each other and provides a stronger base from which girls will respond much better as a fundamentals type enhancement. The effect is immense in many areas of life btw. For me it connected the dots and just took it all to another level.

For guys who have some of the areas down try to combine them to see the effect.

Great post!

I practice all these things consciously - voice, body awareness, and slow, rolling walk - to improve my self-expression, and I find that meditation is a great way to kick off bringing all these systems into the right kind of equilibrium.

It's incredible the difference in the way people react to you, and the way you can capture attention, when body language and especially the face is free of noise and reactivity.

For voice I always focus on projecting from the belly (the way you might practice singing for example) and when approaching I use a slightly flat and murmuring tone with stretched out syllables to create a bit of ambiguity.

Interesting point you make about avoiding passivity. I've found that I can start off being slightly too driven and intense, and sometimes too much 'relaxation work' ends up making me feel lethargic rather than relaxed. Like you mentioned, leading from the base (or as I like to think of it, pushing from my sternum) helps to create the bodily sensation of intent. I've also found expanding and narrowing my focus as things catch my attention, as well as placing my attention on my desires rather than simply the information coming internally and externally, is very useful - one way to put it is that I allow things to 'provoke' me and I embody those provocations just enough to create the right amount of potential energy, letting them go after a short while.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
@Will_V interesting additions - cool!
I agree w. the importance of focus. A central part of it.

Been playing w it for a week or so. I noted a few details:
- The pace down allows for a stronger connection between the words to arise - i noted girls blushing and obviously being in crush mode etc. even when discussing daily mundane topics. It allows for more embodied signals to flow when i slow down. I use a very smooth, soothing voice to calm people down/relax/ let their guard down. I feel i connect better with everyone.
- if i channel my voice more down ward its again less outreaching and supports the body grounding presence.
- i Purr more too as my muscle and air usage change which adds a subtle sexyness.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Btw this combo i mention - grounding, vocal pace & tones, the slow-downs of movement is key to support more potent presence strategies like "containment":


07-04-2014, 06:08 PM

A vibe (short for 'vibration', aka radiance/transmitted emotion/aura etcetc..) draws ALL its dramaturgical leverage (energy/impact) from the sense that what is seen, is just a minor part of something vastly greater. That its just a small trickle coming from an entire raging river, just beneath the surface (Song: Yta = surface).

IOW, if someone looks at you in an emotionally charged way, you can glimpse the things they feel like doing to you.

It is this glimpsing, that creates the whole dramatic energy. OTOH if they act openly in full congruence with their vibe, the whole drama/intensity vanishes instantly.
-Picture a fairly attractive person, deliberately rotating slowly towards you, perfectly controlling a cool composure, except for locking eyes with you for a single erotically charged second.
-Now picture the same person instead attempting to literally hump your leg, while staring at you with a drunkishly aroused facial expression...

Re-cap: intense vibe/drama comes down to only one thing: Letting your vibe speak loudly while CONTAINING your physical actions.

Especially in regard to horny vibes, you can quickly feel that the CONTAINED energy from doing this, densifies to an energy-storm inside you. When you are in this INNER STORM STATE, the glimpses that others perceive become more breath taking, simply because they sense the growing DIVIDE between your calm exterior and the raging energy underneath. That sense that imminent eruption is unavoidable....

- - -

Okay but what are practical ways of doing this, when out partying in bars and clubs?

Firstly, CONTAINMENT is 90% about TEMPO, since any eruption of any kind starts with a sharp acceleration. So, most of all, CONTAIN YOUR TEMPO. Which means that you should be a bit like a stalking panther, in absolutely all your movements. But especially.... when there is obvious reason towards speeding up!! Because nothing communicates CONTAINMENT better than controlling tempo in JUST such situations.. (Not moving at all is the ultimate form of this. Same often goes for SILENCE!! Check out some of the oldest Clint Eastwood movies..)

Secondly, NOT letting your desires make you do things prematurely(**). Like making out (please recall the leg-humping example from above!)

(Shyness, real or enacted, actually works well as a type of attractive containment, as long as you can manage to not fully break the connection. IOW, shyness is sexy as long as you manage to not fully kill the conversation.)

Thirdly, doing something, which is a lot LESS than your vibe would suggest. Example: caressing her cheek über gently, while your eyes say you want to fuck her so hard she cant walk next day. (Or talking über polite and softly to a scumbag who just pissed you off, while your vibe is fuming with rage.. this is the type of stuff all great drama is made from.)

(**: All things are premature, until they can be done as the 'LESS THAN EXPECTED', described above.)

- - -

So you will:
-move like panther and slow-turn for drama
-set people on fire with your eyes and energy - NOT your hands/tongue/cock etc..
-when you engage physically, you will do a lot LESS than expected from your eyes/energy at that point..

All this CONTAINMENT of energy will build and build inside you, until it feels like the very AIR around you is electrified..

- - -

(Yes this is just a vastly improved way of expressing what I earlier tried to communicate using the word 'vacuum'. (Vacuum being nothing more than a byproduct of containment, hence a silly starting point for trying to explain. Sorry about that. Feel free to re-read my vacuum threads in light of this improved explanation though, if you have the time/inclination.)
Clean original version from Ijjjjjji to help connect the dots. Copied From @Skills post post - bring back physical game
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
I really appreciate this post

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Interesting thread .

Its that if I am fidgeting , being too loud , high energy ... the conversations are even though more fun but nothing really happens .

So , I decided to be a bit slow paced while speaking but ended up sounding like I am really tired or high . Most likely ....I am doing something wrong here. I am working on my voice , body language , vibe for quite some time , now.

But ... The thing is what @Glow said here is fantastic to apply .
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Interesting thread .

Its that if I am fidgeting , being too loud , high energy ... the conversations are even though more fun but nothing really happens .

So , I decided to be a bit slow paced while speaking but ended up sounding like I am really tired or high . Most likely ....I am doing something wrong here. I am working on my voice , body language , vibe for quite some time , now.

But ... The thing is what @Glow said here is fantastic to apply .
Yeah, there are good and bad ways to do it.

The bad - slow and nervous, slow as monotone boring, slow as high
The good - Slow and decisive, slow as sexy, slow as soothing, slow and connective

Try to locate a few ways of speaking slow, deep that you can mirror and find inspiring. It normally takes 14 days of daily 15 min. practice to get a new way just a lil down. Plenty of actors etc to choose from. But just grind better ways and gradually expand your variety.

Also consider where youre coming from. A more purposeful attitude eg with a slow voice will affect the tone in a good direction for more decisive type vocal usage(for dominance, attraction generation & lead).

Read more great details on this https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/varieties-of-tone-of-voice.23211/ with solid input and experience from @Bacchus and @Skills
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