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A Process of Ongoing Improvement...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2012
I was thinking about this girl - whom I made a thread on- yesterday and it caused me to have sort of an epiphany on how I should act towards women and how I should basically live my life from now on, and this may actually help many of you also.
I started off thinking about how much I like her and how, at one time, it got almost to the point of obssession (right now it's settled down because we're basically in a relationship). This got me wondering how and why exactly did this happen.

Is it just because she is physically attractive? Sure, she's my type and all, but I've actually dated women who are better looking than her.
Is it because we have many common interests and always have something to talk about? Yeah, it's true, but I've dated many other women who were like that also but that haven't caught my attention as much as she has.

I came to the conclusion that there are two main reasons why I got so attracted to her:
1) She has attractive qualities that most men usually like a woman to have. She is a smart, knowledgeable down-to-earth woman but at the same time is feminine and likes to be lead.
2) She was a challenge and I spent a lot of mental power going after her and invested heavily into her. Her attainability was just right, not too hard to get, but not easy by any means. A good analogy for this is that she was a juicy piece of fruit dangling from a tree's branch just out of my reach but I knew that if I could just jump a little higher I could reach it. So I worked on training my jumping abilities (investing into her) so that I could finally jump high enough to reach the fruit.

Okay, so how did she get so attractive? Did she spend countless hours reading up on how to attract men and how she should act towards them? Possible, but most likely not. Chances are that she is just naturally like that which makes her even more attractive. There are certain women who don't posses all of these qualities and just don't attract a man as effectively as some other women. Sure, looks play a huge part of a man's attraction but it by no means is the only thing that influences it.

So let's flip the coin...
There are many men who are naturally attractive to women (looks aside) and there are those who just aren't there yet. I'm sure most guys on this forum aren't "naturals" at all which is why we are all here. Everyone's goal here though, should be to try to achieve all of these attractive qualities NATURALLY, without overanalyzing.
I feel as though there are 3 levels of process in the art of seducing women:

1) CLUELESS- The Average Frustrated Chump (AFC) as so many people like to put it. It's the guy who doesn't have social intuition, whose fundamentals are weak and who overall posseses very little if any attractive qualities to a woman but also does not do anything to change it.

2) PADAWAN (my inner nerdyness got the best of me)- It's what most of us here all are. This is already a huge upgrade from the Clueless category because we know what we need to improve on and how to do it. In this level, we constantly overanalyze and think of what has gone wrong. We are constantly asking advice for that one woman we are hung up on. This is not a bad thing, because we do need to aquire knowledge and how to perfect our actions, but what must change is our mindset. Instead of asking info on how to get with that one girl, we must ask ourselves what WE did wrong and how WE can perfect it if not for the present woman, for any future women.

3) MASTER- What seperates the Master from the Padawan is not the amount of knowledge he possesses, but his mindset of it all. The Master of Seduction does not put women at a priority in his life and although he knows exactly what he must do to seduce a certain woman, he does not get hung up on the outcome of the interaction. He knows that his life and his goals are far more important than one (or many for that matter) woman and what she thinks of him. The Master does not let women govern his thoughts. This is the level that we all must strive to achieve. When we reach this level we become NATURALLY attractive to women. At this level The Law of Least Effort and Sprezzatura come out naturally. A Master does not wait to answer texts, he does not answer them because he is busy with other aspects of his life. If a woman turns down a Master, he does not worry because he knows there are MANY other women like her. A Master is not always perfect in his interactions, but he takes note of what he has done wrong and tries to perfects it, never taking things too seriously. A Master does not invest into any one girl any more then she invest into him. He does not asks friends on tips with how to deal with her, nor posts on forums for help. He knows that the more he uses his mental capacity on that one girl, the more we will think of her and consequently get infatuated with her. A Master knows that no woman is perfect no matter what his brain tries to tell him otherwise.
THIS is the level we must strive to achieve...

There isn't exactly a time as to how much we might take to reach that last level, but we have to constantly force ourselves to try to get to that level of achievement.

Congrats for those of you who made read it all the way through, all thoughts are welcome...
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake