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60 Years of Challenge - Complete Game Revision
I recently came across this ebook while digging through some old LRs. Reading it gave me epiphanies of the kind I haven’t had since I first came across GirlsChase. So for those who don’t have time to read it, I thought I’d summarise some of the points that really stood out to me.
The book is public domain now, you can download it here.
I call it a set-burning rapid escalation system, as the core idea is to open as many girls as possible and quickly filter through them via escalation to find one who is open to you. Obviously it's designed for the chaotic unpredictability of night game, but I think a lot of the mindsets can be very helpful with game across the board. I find myself recalling a lot of these points even in day game.
The book is divided into 12 chapters:
In my opinion, the first half of the book addresses the most common sticking points. For this post, I’m going to focus on some key points in the first 3 chapters which are about opening, momentum, and mindsets. These are the points that really stood out to me and which I tend to keep falling back on. For each one I’ll include a quote and summary of the content.
The opening of the book does such a good job of summarising the underlying mindset, I’ll just quote it here:
Summary: Our goal is to find the green and yellow girls as quickly and efficiently as possible. This means screening through a whole lot of red girls, which means a whole lot of opening. This way of thinking about opening as a simple process of filtering through the timewasters to find the girls who are available and potentially interested is a powerful mindset for overcoming AA.
Opening Mindsets
Opening Sucks
Let’s stop all the bullshit. Opening isn’t fun. Opening sucks. Stop waiting around until you become great at opening. You aren’t ever going to be great at it. You opened 1000 sets. Good for you. You still suck. You suck and that’s fine because opening to me is a screening process where you weed out uninterested girls. Not a judgement on how good you are at seducing women.
Opening is a necessary step in the process of finding the 1 girl out of 10 who is actually cute and interesting and fun to hang out with for the night. But it will always be a chore, always be a little scary, and you will never truly get good at it. The idea is that the sooner you accept it for what it is, the sooner you can move forward to focus on the fun parts of seduction.
The Magic Number
A magic number is how many women you have to contact before you find one who has interest in you based solely on your presence.
For a guy with no confidence and bad fundamentals, that number could be as high as 100. But the more you improve your presence, the lower the number drops. Your goal should be to get the number as low as possible. Knowing your magic number is important, because you’ll know that no matter what happens, as long as you reach your magic number there’s a damn good chance you’ll go home with a woman that night.
Seduction is a Numbers Game and a Skill
Numbers: Weeding through the low-interest and no-interest girls. No-interest is great because they’ll blow you out quickly. Low-interest is dangerous because they can waste your time in a conversation going nowhere.
Skill: Making the women you found who have “some” interest, very interested, through escalation and persistence.
Avoiding the Big Zero
The big zero are the nights you talk to no one. You had big plans to talk to some women tonight. You prepared all week for this. You’re dressed nice and feeling good. But for some reason you still can’t bring yourself to start even one conversation.
Which often happens because of…
Momentum and Micro-avoidance
Anytime you avoid doing something that you really want to do out of fear, no matter how small, you lower your self esteem.
How close are you to living to a life where your impulses for what you “want to do” and what you actually end up doing match up?
60YOC gives an example of a guy who goes out to the bar, but chickens out of doing small things like asking someone for a game of pool, sitting at a table that has a drink at it, or striking up conversation with some girls who are talking about something he’s interested in. These small failures to take action or “micro-avoidances” snowball into negative momentum which, unless broken, leads to a Big Zero night.
So what’s an easy way to avoid this...
Non-verbal Opening
The Spin: Walk over and don’t say anything. Grab her hand and motion for her to spin. If she refuses to spin don’t talk to her.
Cheers!: Hold eye contact for a second and then clink her glass. As the tension builds wait for her to say something first and open you.
Handshake Hold: Walk over holding seductive eye contact and simply put out your hand. Don’t say anything. If she takes your hand don’t let go. If she doesn’t pull her hand away it’s on.
The Bump: Walk up to her and don’t worry about what you are going to say. Force yourself to bump her with your body. Wait for her to talk first.
Non-verbal opening is a way to avoid the drop in confidence from the potential rejection of a proper opening. It also saves time as you can quickly find out her level of interest and decide whether to stay or move on.
Positive Social Momentum
It is my contention that a persons social skills aren’t good or bad. Rather they are fluid and based solely on momentum. i.e. Doing vs. avoiding social opportunities early in the night that when added together put you in a social, talkative state where you have no fear of rejection or embarrassment.
The flip side of micro-avoidances is if you don’t avoid doing those little things, you will build positive momentum so that when you do approach a girl who is actually interested, you’ll have excellent body language and NO fear of being rejected.
He also says that the first 30 minutes of the night are key, as it all begins with the battle for control of your mind. So it’s very important to start opening immediately.
Social Mental Masturbation
You have a serious problem that is limiting your success with women. Your mind thinks it can accurately predict situations and prejudge people before you even meet them. Your mind doesn’t know anything. Unless you go over and find out for yourself it’s all just social mental masturbation.
@Chase has a great article about this too. It’s easy to catch yourself looking at a girl and thinking “she looks like a bitch” or “she looks like she doesn’t want to be bothered”, and when you actually go to meet her it turns out you were completely wrong. 60YOC suggests an exercise in which the next time this happens to you, you write down what your initial assumption was AND what she turned out to actually be like, and pay attention to the difference between the two.
Open Yourself First
The first person you need to open every night is yourself. You are your first set. Open yourself by “opening up” and tuning in to the non-verbal communication going on all around you. How to open yourself:
- warm smile
- hold eye contact with people a second or two longer than usual
- open posture. Do not cross arms or legs. Includes not holding a drink in front of your chest.
This relates to positive momentum. By opening yourself, you attract approach invitations which is great for building momentum at the start of the night.
Don’t Wait, Say Anything
When you say something right away you get a free pass to say almost anything. No matter how lame your first words are offset by the confidence of your quick approach. If you wait too long, that opener better be good. She will give you more points for having the confidence to approach her right away than you could get if you came up with something really good to say, but waited.
The point here is simple - approach and don’t avoid it. When you’re deep in conversation with her, it won’t really matter whether you opened with something clever or a simple non-verbal opener.
Open People in Your Immediate Area
A great opportunity is when women come directly into your immediate area. For example, you are sitting at the bar facing away and she comes over to order a drink. You definitely want to open her. She came to you. You were just sitting back and relaxing. This approach is much better than lurking around looking for “sets”.
All girls have to come to the bar eventually, so it's a good spot to position yourself if you need to build up momentum.
Add a Spark
The best opener in the world is “I wanted to meet you”
60YOC suggests always stating your intention right from the beginning, even when opening indirect.
For example:
Indirect - situational comment: looks like you are really enjoying that book, is that something I should be reading?
Her: actually it’s really funny! I can’t stop laughing.
Direct – state intention: well you looked interesting, so I thought I would come over and introduce myself.
Being bold like this gets her excited, nervous and fidgeting, as opposed to comfortable and possibly confused of your intentions. This style of game is about embracing sexual tension and letting it grow naturally rather than defusing it as we are socially conditioned to do.
Get Rejection Out of the Way
Guys think they are doing really good because they haven’t been rejected yet. It’s actually a bad thing.
Make it your goal to get the first rejection out of the way early in the night. Before the first rejection guys look very stiff and scared. They almost look like they are getting ready to jump out of a plane.
Getting that first rejection should ignite a fire in you to go on a tear. Until you’ve gotten that first rejection, you’ll be too cautious in your approaches. Best to throw yourself in quickly and get it over with.
Time Wasters
The most dangerous time waster set is the first set of the night where you get a really good initial response.
After a few lame reactions those first women you meet who laugh, smile and contribute are a welcome sight. As such, you can easily waste up to two hours with them.
I think we’ve all had this experience, getting stuck with some nice girls in a conversation going nowhere. These are more dangerous than rejections because it can be so tempting to stay with them and waste away your night. For these 60YOC recommends you just escalate as far as you can, burn the set and move onto the next.
Leave on a Low Note
One way to avoid the damage to your confidence and maximize your results when socializing is to limit your time dealing with frumpy people. Don’t give them even one more second of your time then they deserve. You do this by giving yourself the option of leaving on a low note.
If you open a group of girls and they’re not really paying attention to you, not investing in the conversation, or the vibe between you just sucks, you don’t need to act nice and wait for an opportunity to excuse yourself. Just smile and take off. Even if the timing is awkward. You can always come back later if you really want. Leave on a low note.
Color Coded Signals
There are only three kinds of girls you’ll encounter:
When you Open: Rude response or ignores you
Initial Vibe: Fake smile, avoids eye contact, not laughing
Remember: Most girls aren’t actually bitches
What she expects you to do: Call her a BITCH and walk away
Solution: Laugh along with her. Women are funny. Especially when they are pretending to reject guys. Be genuine “I wanted to meet you”. Give her one more chance to be cool. If not “pleasure meeting you” and backturn.
When you Open: deer in headlights
Initial Vibe: polite smiling. nervous laughter.
Remember: She is more scared of you than you are of her
What she wants: For this not to be awkward
#1 Worry: How long is this guy staying?
Solution: Be humble “You guys looked fun so I thought I would come over and introduce myself.” Yellows need a minute to warm up.
Never say the following: “You don’t talk much do you?” “Are you guys are in a bad mood tonight?”
When you Open: Enthusiastic. Yay!
Initial Vibe: Smiling. Eye Contact.
What she wants: For you to shut up and escalate.
#1 Worry: Is he going to kill the seductive vibe by letting me bait him into breaking rapport
Sections 1-3 Conclusion
Overall, I found that this system gives me a useful new inner voice that has made night game less intimidating for me. Seeing it as a process of rapid filtering for "green" and "yellow" girls helps to avoid wasting time with sets that go nowhere, and the tips for maintaining momentum, being bold, and seeing rejection as a good thing are all important for cultivating the right mindset.
Hope you guys found something useful in this! If so, let me know and I might do another post for chapters 4-6.
I recently came across this ebook while digging through some old LRs. Reading it gave me epiphanies of the kind I haven’t had since I first came across GirlsChase. So for those who don’t have time to read it, I thought I’d summarise some of the points that really stood out to me.
The book is public domain now, you can download it here.
I call it a set-burning rapid escalation system, as the core idea is to open as many girls as possible and quickly filter through them via escalation to find one who is open to you. Obviously it's designed for the chaotic unpredictability of night game, but I think a lot of the mindsets can be very helpful with game across the board. I find myself recalling a lot of these points even in day game.
The book is divided into 12 chapters:
- Social Mindsets
- Social Tactics
- Social Sticking Points
- Escalation Mindsets
- Seduction Tactics
- Escalation Troubleshooting
- Sexual Mindsets
- Sexual Threat
- Final Thoughts on Sex
- (and beyond) Relationships
In my opinion, the first half of the book addresses the most common sticking points. For this post, I’m going to focus on some key points in the first 3 chapters which are about opening, momentum, and mindsets. These are the points that really stood out to me and which I tend to keep falling back on. For each one I’ll include a quote and summary of the content.
The opening of the book does such a good job of summarising the underlying mindset, I’ll just quote it here:
Forget Reactions, Just Open
The point of opening is NOT for it to go good or bad. The only point of opening is to open and not avoid it. Her reaction doesn’t matter. Stop worrying and take the pressure off yourself. Opening ain’t shit. Opening is not a true judgment of your seduction skills. Meaning opening does not give an accurate assessment of your ability to take a woman who has some interest and make her very interested. That is what seduction is all about. Opening is only about finding girls who are interested and screening out all the rest, quickly. Opening is the numbers part of the game. And you need to put in the numbers to reach your magic number.
Her Reaction Doesn’t Matter
It doesn’t matter if it goes great (greens), it’s really awkward (yellow) or she tells you to go fuck yourself with a huge dildo (reds). You have opened. Good job. That was the only point. Whatever reaction you get, just move on from there. This isn’t rocket science. There are only 3 types of reactions. Rude, shy/polite and excited. I find it funny that guys are still surprised when they get a certain reaction. They’re like “holy shit I didn’t see that one coming”. Opening is easy. Just don’t be naive and think her initial reaction will always be great. Go in expecting and prepared to deal with all the three types of reactions.
I see guys who open and then act SHOCKED if they initially get a rude response. They look totally puzzled when it starts out slow with a shy girl or crushed when she’s being polite but giving one word answers. It’s supposed to be a bit awkward at first. Embrace it, life is awkward. They are supposed to give you a little shit. This is totally NORMAL. This is expected. Another day at the office. Understand you are going to feel anxiety no matter what her reaction is. Even if it goes good you will still feel tension because she likes you. If it starts out slow you will feel social anxiety. If she ignores you or says something rude you will probably get upset. No matter what her reaction, opening will get your heart beating.
Mission Accomplished
It’s not supposed to go perfectly. Sometimes she is laughing and smiling right off the bat. Good for you. But that’s wasn’t the point. The only point was for you to open and not avoid it. To get closer to reaching your magic number. Mission accomplished. Now you can move forward based on her reaction. For example, making a shy girl feel comfortable.
Summary: Our goal is to find the green and yellow girls as quickly and efficiently as possible. This means screening through a whole lot of red girls, which means a whole lot of opening. This way of thinking about opening as a simple process of filtering through the timewasters to find the girls who are available and potentially interested is a powerful mindset for overcoming AA.
Opening Mindsets
Opening Sucks
Let’s stop all the bullshit. Opening isn’t fun. Opening sucks. Stop waiting around until you become great at opening. You aren’t ever going to be great at it. You opened 1000 sets. Good for you. You still suck. You suck and that’s fine because opening to me is a screening process where you weed out uninterested girls. Not a judgement on how good you are at seducing women.
Opening is a necessary step in the process of finding the 1 girl out of 10 who is actually cute and interesting and fun to hang out with for the night. But it will always be a chore, always be a little scary, and you will never truly get good at it. The idea is that the sooner you accept it for what it is, the sooner you can move forward to focus on the fun parts of seduction.
The Magic Number
A magic number is how many women you have to contact before you find one who has interest in you based solely on your presence.
For a guy with no confidence and bad fundamentals, that number could be as high as 100. But the more you improve your presence, the lower the number drops. Your goal should be to get the number as low as possible. Knowing your magic number is important, because you’ll know that no matter what happens, as long as you reach your magic number there’s a damn good chance you’ll go home with a woman that night.
Seduction is a Numbers Game and a Skill
Numbers: Weeding through the low-interest and no-interest girls. No-interest is great because they’ll blow you out quickly. Low-interest is dangerous because they can waste your time in a conversation going nowhere.
Skill: Making the women you found who have “some” interest, very interested, through escalation and persistence.
Avoiding the Big Zero
The big zero are the nights you talk to no one. You had big plans to talk to some women tonight. You prepared all week for this. You’re dressed nice and feeling good. But for some reason you still can’t bring yourself to start even one conversation.
Which often happens because of…
Momentum and Micro-avoidance
Anytime you avoid doing something that you really want to do out of fear, no matter how small, you lower your self esteem.
How close are you to living to a life where your impulses for what you “want to do” and what you actually end up doing match up?
60YOC gives an example of a guy who goes out to the bar, but chickens out of doing small things like asking someone for a game of pool, sitting at a table that has a drink at it, or striking up conversation with some girls who are talking about something he’s interested in. These small failures to take action or “micro-avoidances” snowball into negative momentum which, unless broken, leads to a Big Zero night.
So what’s an easy way to avoid this...
Non-verbal Opening
The Spin: Walk over and don’t say anything. Grab her hand and motion for her to spin. If she refuses to spin don’t talk to her.
Cheers!: Hold eye contact for a second and then clink her glass. As the tension builds wait for her to say something first and open you.
Handshake Hold: Walk over holding seductive eye contact and simply put out your hand. Don’t say anything. If she takes your hand don’t let go. If she doesn’t pull her hand away it’s on.
The Bump: Walk up to her and don’t worry about what you are going to say. Force yourself to bump her with your body. Wait for her to talk first.
Non-verbal opening is a way to avoid the drop in confidence from the potential rejection of a proper opening. It also saves time as you can quickly find out her level of interest and decide whether to stay or move on.
Positive Social Momentum
It is my contention that a persons social skills aren’t good or bad. Rather they are fluid and based solely on momentum. i.e. Doing vs. avoiding social opportunities early in the night that when added together put you in a social, talkative state where you have no fear of rejection or embarrassment.
The flip side of micro-avoidances is if you don’t avoid doing those little things, you will build positive momentum so that when you do approach a girl who is actually interested, you’ll have excellent body language and NO fear of being rejected.
He also says that the first 30 minutes of the night are key, as it all begins with the battle for control of your mind. So it’s very important to start opening immediately.
Social Mental Masturbation
You have a serious problem that is limiting your success with women. Your mind thinks it can accurately predict situations and prejudge people before you even meet them. Your mind doesn’t know anything. Unless you go over and find out for yourself it’s all just social mental masturbation.
@Chase has a great article about this too. It’s easy to catch yourself looking at a girl and thinking “she looks like a bitch” or “she looks like she doesn’t want to be bothered”, and when you actually go to meet her it turns out you were completely wrong. 60YOC suggests an exercise in which the next time this happens to you, you write down what your initial assumption was AND what she turned out to actually be like, and pay attention to the difference between the two.
Open Yourself First
The first person you need to open every night is yourself. You are your first set. Open yourself by “opening up” and tuning in to the non-verbal communication going on all around you. How to open yourself:
- warm smile
- hold eye contact with people a second or two longer than usual
- open posture. Do not cross arms or legs. Includes not holding a drink in front of your chest.
This relates to positive momentum. By opening yourself, you attract approach invitations which is great for building momentum at the start of the night.
Don’t Wait, Say Anything
When you say something right away you get a free pass to say almost anything. No matter how lame your first words are offset by the confidence of your quick approach. If you wait too long, that opener better be good. She will give you more points for having the confidence to approach her right away than you could get if you came up with something really good to say, but waited.
The point here is simple - approach and don’t avoid it. When you’re deep in conversation with her, it won’t really matter whether you opened with something clever or a simple non-verbal opener.
Open People in Your Immediate Area
A great opportunity is when women come directly into your immediate area. For example, you are sitting at the bar facing away and she comes over to order a drink. You definitely want to open her. She came to you. You were just sitting back and relaxing. This approach is much better than lurking around looking for “sets”.
All girls have to come to the bar eventually, so it's a good spot to position yourself if you need to build up momentum.
Add a Spark
The best opener in the world is “I wanted to meet you”
60YOC suggests always stating your intention right from the beginning, even when opening indirect.
For example:
Indirect - situational comment: looks like you are really enjoying that book, is that something I should be reading?
Her: actually it’s really funny! I can’t stop laughing.
Direct – state intention: well you looked interesting, so I thought I would come over and introduce myself.
Being bold like this gets her excited, nervous and fidgeting, as opposed to comfortable and possibly confused of your intentions. This style of game is about embracing sexual tension and letting it grow naturally rather than defusing it as we are socially conditioned to do.
Get Rejection Out of the Way
Guys think they are doing really good because they haven’t been rejected yet. It’s actually a bad thing.
Make it your goal to get the first rejection out of the way early in the night. Before the first rejection guys look very stiff and scared. They almost look like they are getting ready to jump out of a plane.
Getting that first rejection should ignite a fire in you to go on a tear. Until you’ve gotten that first rejection, you’ll be too cautious in your approaches. Best to throw yourself in quickly and get it over with.
Time Wasters
The most dangerous time waster set is the first set of the night where you get a really good initial response.
After a few lame reactions those first women you meet who laugh, smile and contribute are a welcome sight. As such, you can easily waste up to two hours with them.
I think we’ve all had this experience, getting stuck with some nice girls in a conversation going nowhere. These are more dangerous than rejections because it can be so tempting to stay with them and waste away your night. For these 60YOC recommends you just escalate as far as you can, burn the set and move onto the next.
Leave on a Low Note
One way to avoid the damage to your confidence and maximize your results when socializing is to limit your time dealing with frumpy people. Don’t give them even one more second of your time then they deserve. You do this by giving yourself the option of leaving on a low note.
If you open a group of girls and they’re not really paying attention to you, not investing in the conversation, or the vibe between you just sucks, you don’t need to act nice and wait for an opportunity to excuse yourself. Just smile and take off. Even if the timing is awkward. You can always come back later if you really want. Leave on a low note.
Color Coded Signals
There are only three kinds of girls you’ll encounter:
When you Open: Rude response or ignores you
Initial Vibe: Fake smile, avoids eye contact, not laughing
Remember: Most girls aren’t actually bitches
What she expects you to do: Call her a BITCH and walk away
Solution: Laugh along with her. Women are funny. Especially when they are pretending to reject guys. Be genuine “I wanted to meet you”. Give her one more chance to be cool. If not “pleasure meeting you” and backturn.
When you Open: deer in headlights
Initial Vibe: polite smiling. nervous laughter.
Remember: She is more scared of you than you are of her
What she wants: For this not to be awkward
#1 Worry: How long is this guy staying?
Solution: Be humble “You guys looked fun so I thought I would come over and introduce myself.” Yellows need a minute to warm up.
Never say the following: “You don’t talk much do you?” “Are you guys are in a bad mood tonight?”
When you Open: Enthusiastic. Yay!
Initial Vibe: Smiling. Eye Contact.
What she wants: For you to shut up and escalate.
#1 Worry: Is he going to kill the seductive vibe by letting me bait him into breaking rapport
Sections 1-3 Conclusion
- Open and don’t avoid it. Her reaction doesn’t matter, because it’s not supposed to go perfectly
- Opening sucks, and you’ll probably never truly get good at it, but that doesn’t matter
- Know your Magic Number - weed through the low-interest and no-interest girls to find the one you’ll go home with
- Avoid the Big Zero - nights where you talk to nobody
- Snowball positive momentum by not avoiding the small things (micro-avoidance)
- Use non-verbal openers if you don’t have the momentum for bold openers
- Check your judgments and assumptions about girls you haven’t talked to yet, go find out what they’re really like
- Use open body language to invite approaches and IOIs
- You get more points for opening quickly than for opening cleverly
- Open people in your immediate area before going out to hunt for sets
- Add a spark - be clear about your intentions to get her nervous and excited and to avoid an overly friendly frame
- Get rejection out of the way early so that you can loosen up and be more bold
- Avoid time wasters - pleasant conversations with friendly girls early in the night that go nowhere because you didn’t escalate
- Don’t hurt your confidence and momentum by sticking around with “frumpy” girls, just walk away
Overall, I found that this system gives me a useful new inner voice that has made night game less intimidating for me. Seeing it as a process of rapid filtering for "green" and "yellow" girls helps to avoid wasting time with sets that go nowhere, and the tips for maintaining momentum, being bold, and seeing rejection as a good thing are all important for cultivating the right mindset.
Hope you guys found something useful in this! If so, let me know and I might do another post for chapters 4-6.
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