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A woman’s view of game and seduction


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2023
I found some insights from a woman about her perspective from being seduced.

Her name is Aella, she is highly atypical as a woman (she is a sex worker, interested in data and statistics, I think she identifies as libertarian etc.) and if you google her some wild stuff comes up. so I am by no means assuming everything she says is relevant to how most women operate, but I think some of her writings on seduction are interesting as she seems uniquely honest and good at describing her feelings.

This is from her tweet on what she seeks dating men
just say something that takes me aback. i want to be slightly scandalized. i want to be shocked you went there. i want to worry what people around us would think if they heard us. i want to feel flushed, like i caught you observing my soul when i wasn't looking
want u to be one step ahead of me some of the time and exactly in step with me the rest of it. wanna feel like you're evaluating me, undecided if i'm interesting enough for you. wanna feel actual challenge, like every skill i have is observed by someone who's been looking for it

To me when she says “I want to be slightly scandalized“, “I want to feel … like I caught you observing my soul“, and “ ”I wanna feel like you‘re evaluating me“, those sound like describing why the old school techniques like emotional spikes, cold reads, and qualification work when done right.
I also think “want u to be one step ahead of me some of the time and exactly in step with me the rest of it”, is alluding to a concept in seduction I haven’t seen a lot of writing about and have trouble describing, but basically I think women want a guy to both be “above them” at times and “harmonized“ with them in others.

from another tweet

I love sexual energy that seems to exist for itself, for fun, and I feel trapped by energy that seems like it *needs me* to feed it, like I'm fuel for a cavernous void

So this to me sounds like her describing how a woman feels when she registers neediness from men. I’ve also been in situations where the girl I’m talking to leaves, but if I just wait for her to come back when she does the interest gets killed, compared to if I immediately start socializing with other people while she’s gone, I think this may be why.

this is from an article on her substack

I noticed that with each man, with each question, my careful meditative attention kept falling towards the same place, like there was a gravity well inside me. I wanted to know - what do you want?

I searched for it in their eyes, in their bodies, in the tone of their voice, the speed of their breathing. I noticed that actually quite a bit of the way I felt around these men depended on the degree to which I believed they were trying to conceal what they wanted.

For me, what they wanted didn’t matter so much, it was just how visible the want was. One of the men made me feel tense; I felt wary and shut down in connection with him. The coach worked with him for a long time, and eventually we reached a point where the man told me, with a spark of raw genuineness, that he was furious that he wanted to have sex with me, furious with the power I held over him that he’d never asked for, that he wanted to rip me apart. I was surprised to find that with this, my tension relaxed - because here, finally, he wasn’t concealing. In laying himself out honestly before me, it was also not for me; we were staring at each other, but he spoke the truth into the floor, into the world, owned and full and unapologetic. It wasn’t to try to get me to view him a certain way. It was completely independent of me. And with that, my brain compulsively flashed a visual of us having sex.

Basically in the article she describes assisting some coach who has men stand in front of a woman and say how they feel or something. But the key interest here is how she describes registering vulnerability as attractive. She basically says the act of the man being vulnerable itself causes her to immediately try to detect inauthenticity, and if it isn’t found instantly view him in a sexual frame of mind. She also described this as being like a orange compared to a more pickup artist like sexualization tactic as orange juice, so with more depth somehow.

So from what I understand the whole vulnerability thing is controversial in the community. Maybe the reason why is guys try it but A. Aren’t being emotionally vulnerable even if they’re giving vulnerable information so it doesn’t have this desired effect or B. it does have this effect but it produces the same issue from direct game where you had not had time to establish enough value or believability so she rejects.

I also think this is an insight into why direct game works for some and not others. If you are just monotone walking up to a girl and saying “hey I saw you and thought you were cute” I doubt it’s having an effect like a raw confession and projection of unfiltered sexual desire would.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake