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Travel  Accepted!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
A letter came in a few days ago. Turns out that I've been accepted to university out of town! I was so happy!

This is great because I am finally going to have the opportunity to meet new people and go to parties, something that I never do because I've been in the same social circle for the majority of my life. But that's not the best thing. The best thing is that I'll finally have my own place! No more parents! Fucking awesome! I am so happy! I won't have to worry about setting up dates at times when my parents aren't home; I'll be able to have more flexibility: bring a girl home anytime!

However, at the same time, I do have a tough decision to make, and I've been contemplating this for quite a while now. That's if I should live in residence (in a single room or with room-mates) or rent my own place close to campus. There are pros and cons to each choice, and I'll start by listing them off.

Pros of living in res:

- you are constantly around people, and at the same time, in an environment that fosters socializing (wikipedia says student population: 8000 people)
- there are pizza nights and movie nights (sounds like a pretty gay way to meet people, I know) but I guess there would also be room parties
- if you met a girl on campus, you wouldn't have to walk very far to bring her back to your room

Cons of living in res:

- I saw a long time friend at the gym a few weeks ago, and he mentioned that he had come back from university - I asked him if it was true that it was impossible to get any sleep because people are always awake and partying and moving around and whatnot, and he said yes
- I enjoy meeting people, but I would still consider myself an introvert: there are times where I need 'alone' time to wind down
- I'm transferring into this university from college, therefore, I would be a second year student (well, technically I should be in third for my age, but I didn't take enough classes in college to get to that level, so it's going to take me 5 years total to get my bachelor's instead of 4) - students coming straight from high school get first priority in res, therefore, most people in res would be 2 years younger than me, so I dunno if it would be chill meeting people 2 years younger than me (I would be 20 years of age, most people would be 18)

Pros of living in res (with a room-mate(s)):

- you are living in the same room with someone(s), therefore you would have an equivalent of a brother

Cons of living in res (with room-mates(s)):

- you would have to get your room-mates to leave if your're bringing back a chick
- no alone time

Pros of living in res (single room):

- you have your own space, therefore, you can bring chicks to your room anytime, without having to tell your room-mate(s) to leave
- you have your own place to study

Cons of living in res (single room):

- could get lonely, but then again, I could just open the door and start meeting people

Pros of living off campus:

- you have your own space, therefore, you can bring chicks to your room anytime, without having to tell your room-mate(s) to leave
- you have your own space to study, and it will be quiet, because you won't be constantly be hearing people
- there won't be hurt rules (e.g., quiet times after 1 AM on the weekends)

Cons of living off campus:

- you will have to travel more to get to class (but I would look for a place that is only a 5 or 10 minute walk away from campus, if such a place exists)
- it might be hard to find a place that is a 5 or 10 minute walk away from campus
- it might get lonely (although I could just go to campus and meet people if I was feeling lonely, like go to res and see if there's any parties going on)
- it would be harder to build a social circle because I would purely be going out to meet girls and slotting them into lover category, and if I was just going on dates with girls and bringing them back to my place, I wouldn't ever meet people who know where the parties are and whatnot - in other words, I might turn into a loner with lots of lovers, but no friends lol
- eating would be more expensive, as I wouldn't be on a meal plan - I would have to learn how to cook (however, money isn't that big of a deal, because my parents are paying for everything - I feel spoiled, but at the same time, I know that they just want what's best for me: getting a good education - therefore, I wouldn't let my life be dominated by women and partying)


Right now, I am leaning towards having my own place, but it would have to be really close to campus (like a 5 or 10 minute walk away). This is because most girls I will meet are going to be on campus (whether I'm day gaming or night gaming). However, the campus is a half an hour bus ride to downtown as well, so I'll have two venues to go to. So logistics wise, I think it would be best to have my own place super close to campus, or have a single room in res. Regarding the logistics of the university itself: I just googled mapped the university, and it is pretty much in the middle of nowhere (it is a half an hour bus ride from downtown, but that's all).

Regarding building a social circle: most people in res are going to be 2 years younger than me, and I don't know if it would be fun partying with people 2 years younger than me (I keep thinking of them as my brother's friends because my brother is 2 years younger than me). However, there would also be people my age and older living in res too. But I dunno how I would go about making guy friends. I mean it's easy to meet girls, you just go around approaching. But if you went around approaching guys, wouldn't it be weird? I guess class and clubs would be a good way of meeting people, guys or girls. There is also a campus pub that holds events once in a while. Also, I just did some random google searches on how the social scene is like at this university, and people say its a huge commuter university, meaning a lot of people live off of campus. People say that because of this, there are a lot of parties off campus. Downtwon Kelowna (the city where the campus is located near), is a small city, so it will be a bit different because I am coming from a large city. The google search I did contained a variety of responses: some people say that since the campus is in the middle of nowhere, and that it is a small campus, there is no social scene. However, other people say that because it is a smaller campus than most universities, there is a tight-knit feeling of community. As long as you open yourself up socially, you are bound to meet many people. So, I guess it really depends on how you look at it.

I really want to hear your guy's opinions. If any of you are interested in doing a google map search of the area, the name of the university is UBC Okanagan. The campus (1st place I could live in) is a 30 minute bus ride from downtown (2nd place I could live in) and seperating the campus and downtown are farmalands (third place I could live in).

EDIT: I just did a bunch of searching on craigslist, and all of the places available for rent are pretty far away from campus. None of them are like a 5 or 10 minute walk away. So I guess I may have to live in a res room (single). This isn't that disappointing at all, even though I think having my own place would be more chill, away from rules and whatnot. I've been doing university approaching in my home city a lot recently, and girls who go there are from all over the city, meaning that the only time they are willing to get coffee is when they're finished classes, because they are at school, and you are at school; school is like the mid-point. Unless they are really into you, I doubt they would commute 30, 40 minutes to grab coffee. That's why when I ask girls who their schedules are, they usually tell me when they have classes. So the best thing to do would be to grab coffee with them after we're both finished classes, bring them back to my dorm room, and close them out.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
If I were you I'd totally go with the res single if you can't find a place to rent close to the university. I wouldn't want to get holed up with some guy I don't like that would suck. And then not have privacy to bring a girl back.

Though I'm just speculating here. As far as meeting guy friends goes you can approach if the social context is there and you obviously open situationally.
I was worried about this when I went traveling on my last trip to the Caribbean but I just talked to everyone guy or girl and soon enough I had more friends than I knew what to do with. Just express a little interest in whomever you come across and if you're walking to a class alone and there are other people walking to class take it as an opportunity to make friends.

I like the stuff this guy teaches as far as meeting and socializing in general... though not so much for pickup. He's cool check him out!




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
Yeah, thanks for your insights Rob. Currently, I'm stuck between deciding if I want a res single or basement suite / apartment room in downtown. Most people who aren't living on campus are going to be living in downtown, since when I looked on the map, downtown is like the only populated place near the university. So there's going to be parties on campus, but at people's houses downtown too. Girls are also either gonna live on campus or downtown. With a car, downtown is like a 15 minute drive away, but by bus, it is around 30-40 minutes. And unless I work like crazy this summer, I don't think I can get a car (although I could bum rides from people). Therefore, maybe a single res room would be the way to go because even if girls live downtown (or even farther away), they could meet up with me after class. If I have my own place downtown, girls who live downtown could meet up with me easily as well, but girls who live on campus, and don't have their own car could be more hesitant to take that bus ride downtown unless the date wouldn't go past the hours the bus runs, and the girls are really into me. So either way it seems to be a win-lose situation.

Pros of single res room:

- solid logistics for every single girl going to university
- cafateria food is included on meal plan, therefore don't have to cook much (but the caf food is probably shitty lol)
- easy access to on-campus parties (but honestly, these don't sound as much fun as a real house party, and quiet hours are 1AM, which is pretty hurt)

Cons of single res room:

- 30-40 minute bus ride to or from downtown (although, during my craigslist search, I found some places that were more like 20-30 minute bus rides to or from downtown)
- won't be able to pull girls from downtown that don't go to university
- have to travel to get to bars and clubs and downtown parties

Pros of living downtown:

- solid logistics for girls living in downtown
- no gay res rules (like quiet times after a certain period and no smoking weed)
- easy access to bars, clubs, streets, college, and downtown parties

Cons of living downtown:

- not as good logistics for girls who don't live downtown
- 30-40 minute bus ride to or from campus


Having my own place downtown might lose me some chicks who don't live downtown (however, if girls really like me, then I'm sure they wouldn't mind busing 30 or 40 minutes downtown to meet up with me, and I have like 6 months to massively improve my game).

Having my own place downtown would give me easy access to the college that is downtown, to the streets, and to the bars, clubs, and downtown parties. And this might make up for all the chicks that won't want to travel to meet up with me.

Oh my god. I am thinking so much about this! But then again, logistics are the most important, and I don't want to regret whatever decision I make (although at this point, it is a win-lose situation either way, I just can't seem to think which option is more of a win than the other)! Right now, living in res has 3 cons, while living dt only has 2 cons, so maybe living dt is the way to go?

What do you guys think?

The ultimate solution:

Work my ass off this summer, and save up for a car. To be honest, though, I rather spend my time at the beach, improving my seduction skills, going to the gym, and hanging out with friends. I hate minimum-wage work, it sucks your soul, although, a car would fix all the problems listed here, as the campus and downtown are only separated by a 15 minute drive!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers