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Accessory as a Qualifier?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Hey guys, this is something still in it's beta stage, and is at this moment only a theory, not a tip. Anyhow, this is my idea:

-At GirlsChase, if you been on this site for one reason or another, you've read about qualifying a girl, and its importance. You've also probably seen what having one or two interesting accessories can help improve your game, I've combined the two ;)

Basically, the back story to the accessories I have (Literally 8 different charms for a necklace, all with genuine importance) all correlate with things I look for in women. I'm a Chippewa Indian, and my favorite and most prized charm came from the Tribe in Wisconsin, and it commemorates the importance of friends and family. Coincidentally, I like girls who appreciate family and friendship relationships.

Naturally, women ask me about the charm, and upon hearing of its history and meaning, they either connect or are indifferent, and that's kind of a hidden qualifier. What do you guys think?



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey Zphix,

Hidden qualifier? On your side or hers? I suppose if she's asking you, then she's looking for how you handle yourself socially (a test of your fundamentals), and that would be a very implicit qualifier.

On your side, it means she has hooked, and that's an IOI. That could be a qualifier of sorts since you give her attention back (a means to reward her).

Though, really cool how you have symbolic charms; nice spin on style.


Desert Eagle

Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 18, 2013
I can see how it works for qualifying them. You tell them about it and they find a way to connect or agree with family values, and boom they're qualifying themselves. Easy way to get the ball rolling on conversation if you can't keep it flowing, as they can easily latch their eyes onto another topic which you have placed.

On a side note, how was it growing up in a Chippewa tribe?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Sadly DE, I didn't grow up with the tribe. They're located in Wisconsin, I living in Illinois.

Around my junior year, I did a research paper on Native Americans and learned of my heritage, and that's when I really started to take pride in being a Native American =)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Zphix said:
Hey guys, this is something still in it's beta stage, and is at this moment only a theory, not a tip. Anyhow, this is my idea:

-At GirlsChase, if you been on this site for one reason or another, you've read about qualifying a girl, and its importance. You've also probably seen what having one or two interesting accessories can help improve your game, I've combined the two ;)

Basically, the back story to the accessories I have (Literally 8 different charms for a necklace, all with genuine importance) all correlate with things I look for in women. I'm a Chippewa Indian, and my favorite and most prized charm came from the Tribe in Wisconsin, and it commemorates the importance of friends and family. Coincidentally, I like girls who appreciate family and friendship relationships.

Naturally, women ask me about the charm, and upon hearing of its history and meaning, they either connect or are indifferent, and that's kind of a hidden qualifier. What do you guys think?


I don't think this is really a qualifier. If anything you are qualifying yourself to HER.
What it is, is a nice routine, very oldschool PUA. It's not my personal style but I have seen it work if you DO have a cool backstory.

Here's the problem I see though... do you REALLY care about the charms?
My understanding of qualifying has really changed recently and I'm learning to really have a whole plan around my qualifying. See... if you would ACTUALLY screen a girl out because she wasn't into your story then, yes, to you that is a valid qualifier... but really it is just screening... you are screening a girl for something important to you and if she's not into it then you want to screen her out.

But where this breaks down for me is... if you met the girl of your dreams... a Model, she's an 11 out of 10, funny, witty, life of the party, the girl you really want... but she doesn't dig the necklace too much... do you screen her out?

I ask because this is the major breakthrough I've had recently on Qualifying. I don't just ask random qualifying questions which mean nothing to me but I read on a site. Qualifying is like a whole process throughout the interaction. I'm not making her jump through hoops, I'm actually screening... so if something IS important to me, I am screening on that... if it's not really important, it has no place in the qualifying process.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Estate, Remember this?

I've talked to you about qualifying before, and you know how I operate.

Anyway, the charms I have are things that I do care about, and I've been able to successfully use them as qualifiers and not by introducing the story behind them either. Currently, I use my charms as bait to get her talking, I gauge her interest or rather, her likelihood to be receptive of the background behind the charm ;)

Also, it's not a matter of does the girl dig the necklace or not, it's not their to look pretty (they do anyway), it's their to bait her. I purposefully play around with my charm sometimes to show a girl that I'm losing interest, and she tries to re-engage by asking about the necklace. I've got quite a few subtle tactics behind my necklace charms ;)
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Sure, I understand where you are going and yes that can definitely help to get a girl talking.
But it sounds more like a routine or at the very least SHE is the one qualifying you which is where I was a little confused where this was going.

But yes... an accessory can get a girl talking.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Nah, nothing with me is routine lol. I guess you could consider the accessory as routine to an extent, I don't have any pre-thought-up questions about the charm, nor can I dictate what she'll ask about the charm, I just roll with it.

But yes, it gets her questioning me, but! That is the prime opportunity to get her chasing the answers, and thus chasing me...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Neat background man, look into that more someday. I wouldn't put too much thought into the necklace though - if she asks give her your story briefly and move on otherwise just focus on more natural topics.