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Acting/Role-playing Humor Style


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 23, 2013
I'm trying to improve in witty/funny remarks because I thinks is great for interactions.

Besides that, I have always had a style of humor (my natural one) in which (given a good situation to do so) I would role-play.

For example, once, a girl didn't recognize me so I tease her saying "Oh, get out here, tsss, get out"... she was like "no no no, sorry, jaja". Then it went like this:

Me: "You know what is going to happen?"
Her: "What?"
Me: "I'm going to start kicking you and the VIP will come and he will be like:
VIP: "Excuse me Sir, what are you doing?"
Me: "Im kicking this girl"
VIP: "Why are you doing this sir?"
Me: "He didn't recognize me"
VIP: "Oh, alright… sorry to bother you. Kick the crap out of her"
Me: "Thanks"
End Roleplaying:
Me: (look at her) "You don't want that to happen"

She was cracking, of course. I'm really acting this. I'm talking to the VIP (which is not there). And when I'm the VIP I actually move my head a little (at least) so it's clear I'm changing characters.

I know this is a very funny style because you may or may not say something funny, just the act of role-playing itself makes it funny, and also, it's something almost no one uses, so it makes it very refreshing (you seem kinda crazy, jeje). I really think girls love this kind of humor because it shows a lot of personality to do it, you are almost amusing yourself.

What I'm wondering is if this style of humor can make me look not sexy. I'm pretty sure the answer would be that I can still be sexy as long as I'm not acting and acting all the time in a way of entertaining her.

Anyway, I would love to hear your opinions.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Diego, it's all fine to roleplay and be funny/witty, but your main goal is not to make her laugh or seek reaction. You should do what YOU enjoy, make remarks that entertain you. When you are unaffected by her and do things to amuse yourself, she will get sucked into your reality. Then you lead and escalate and get what you really want.

I would choose Sexy, stong, least effort vibe over witty any day. Throwing out one or two comments is all you need to get her intrigued, then deep dive and lead. All this said, you need more interactions, keep trying new things, push your comfort zone and you will find YOUR style. Everyone's pickup style varies, some like intese drama(RSD Tyler, RSD Julien) chill cool guy(RSD Alex) sexy spreztura(Chase) Fun party vibe/promoter(distant light RSD forum, and I think Ricardus GC??) There are even more styles like dominant, highly sexual off the bat(Manwhore, jmulv) and really some that couldn't even be catorgorized.

Finding yours can only happen in field. Get out there APPROACH. What happens does not matter, you are AWESOME, it's YOUR reality. Own it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 23, 2013
Diego, it's all fine to roleplay and be funny/witty, but your main goal is not to make her laugh or seek reaction. You should do what YOU enjoy, make remarks that entertain you. When you are unaffected by her and do things to amuse yourself, she will get sucked into your reality.

Yep. I like role-playing :) And you are right, if she sees something that is genuine she will be refreshed about that.

Everyone's pickup style varies, some like intese drama(RSD Tyler, RSD Julien) chill cool guy(RSD Alex) sexy spreztura(Chase) Fun party vibe/promoter(distant light RSD forum, and I think Ricardus GC??) There are even more styles like dominant, highly sexual off the bat(Manwhore, jmulv) and really some that couldn't even be catorgorized.

Yeah, this is right. Remember I have said here before I'm a theory-guy. But I am finally approaching consistently for about 2 weeks :)

I've also still been reading stuff from other guys to see what things I like. I read The Physical Game (got a post in here) and, recently, The Complete Game Revision by 60 Years of Challenge (I made a post to see the opinion of others).

Right now I'm reading and watching some stuff from Kezia Noble (I've read she is just a girl Gambler hired and she learned stuff from some other guys, whatever, I don't care) and I've found really good things. She talks about stuff that we all know: Deep Connection = Deep dive, Positive Validation = Reward, Negative Validation = Punish. But I have to say, I like the point of view of a woman that I think is being honest about girls behavior.

Cheers Tyme!