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Adventures of Dorian Gray

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
Figured I'd start writing my own journal after reading Chases artivle on sticking points - thanks chase, really needed that.
Anyway, my first language is not english (it's Norwegian) so please accept any gramatical or spelling errors I might have, and please do comment on it if u see any big blunders. I'm always trying to improve.

Anyway, I've mostly done night game and gotten fairly good at it, but I've recently gotten into daygaming too. I'm still fairly inexperienced in it, mainly because of my huge approach anxiety. when I go out I rarely approach more than three women, partly because I live in a fairly small vity (500k) and I have a very specific taste in women - I've got the yellow fewer haaaard - but mostly because of huge AA in the daytime.

I was out with my buddies this saturday. Walked around for a while before I did my first warm up approach. Stoppet two chicks walking past us and simply told them to talk to me bevause I needed to warm up my social muscles. Talked with them for maybe two minutes before I sent them on thieir way. After a few minutes I saw an attrictive asian woman walking towards us.
Waited for her to walk past us before I ran after her and stopped her.

DG: Excuse me.. Can I say something really quickly?
Hb: What?
Dg: I saw you over there.. *point in the direction she came from* And I just had to stop you because you look really nice.. Love your style.
HB: oh thank you?
Dg: You look like you're on your way from work even though it's a saturday
HB: Oh I'm just going to see this toursit attraction
Bla bla bla

Can't remember what I talked about, only remember that I used daygame.coms statement stacking technique, and it worked magically. Asked after a while to join me for a coffee, but I later decided to show her around the tourist attraction spot because I had worked there previously. Think this might have been a mistake, going for coffee is better for seduction than walking around is IMO - would be glad to hear your opinon on this.

Walked around for a bit, could tell the initial sexual tension was beginning to fade out gradually, so I made sure to do all sorts of things to keep the tension up - sexy smile, looking at her while not saying anything, push/pull etc.
Afterwards I walked her back to her hotel, and I decided to try and go in with her. When we came outside I asked to use her bathroom, she said I could use the one in the lobby. Told her I wanted to use the one in her room, she said that probably wasn't a good idea. Since this was my first instadate ever I was a little nervous and I gave up as soon as she gave me any resistance. Had I kept pushing I might have been invited to her room, and I might have gotten laid with this woman. Lesson learned!

Met up with my friends again, did another approach on a norwegian girl, she didn't even stop, just smiled a little awkwardly when I told her she looked great.

Called it a day around 7, and went to the grocery store outside my apartment. As I walked in I noticed another asian woman walking out, and after a little hesitation I decided to appraoch her. Ran after her and did the same approach I did with the korean girl. She stopped and clearly wanted to talk to me. Found out she was from china, lived in england and was traveling through Oslo on her own for a few days. Perfect logistics.
She had just bough dinner ingredients at the grocery store, and I commented on the fact that she bought bananas:

DG: Did you buy them because they look like penises?
HB: What! *acts shocked and laughs a bit*

Made a few jokes like that just to create a slightly sexual vide, while being a nice, normal and trustworthy guy at the same time. After a few minutes I asked her to move to a wall with me, she complied.
After a few more minutes I asked her to come with me to the grocery shop to help me buy dinner. At first she didn't comply, but I simply took her hand and dragged her with me to the shop. No resistance.
She waited for me outside while I was paying at the counter. When I met her outside I told her we were going to cook this food together. She asked me where, and I told her my place. She gave me some objections, but I answered all of them

HB: I don't know you! I might be a criminal!
DG: Seriously... Do I look like a criminal to you?
HB: I guess not.
DG: Don't worry, I only kill blonde girls anyway. You have nothig to worry about.

Was carefull not to overdo this, wanted her to feel that I was the most trustworthy guy she had ever met. I knew if I got her to come home with me, sex was bound to happen.
So I got her to come into my appartment, things were pretty standard from there. Made the food, let the sexual tension rise slowly, and led her into my bedroom to eat there. I sat on the only chair so she had to sit on the bed. After I was done eating (she didn't want any food) I simply pushed her back on the bed, kissed her and escaleted until sex. Very little resistance, only pulled my hand away from her vagina once.

After sex she got up, got dressed and left, almost as if she had gotten what she came for, and now it was time for her dinner.

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
LR: Daygame and day 2

Met this girl last Thursday when I was daygaming with a buddy. Walked around for the longest time before I finally got around to approaching. Approached a hotti walking past us. Ran after her and nervously told her I liked her style. Not excactly the strong confidendt approach, but after she first blew me off I ran after and tried again. Same response, but I felt really good for pushing myself to run after her and try again even though I got rejected the first time.
Fast forward a couple minutes, I see a tall, blonde and fit girl in yoga pants walking past us. She glances at me and I just feel "yep, this is for me."
I calmly walk after her untill I'm slightly in front of her. Turn around and signal for her to take her earphones out. Tell her I had to come and stop her, simply because she looked great!
This time I got a very warm reception and the whole conversation was very good. Should'ave tried for the insta date, but I got the phone number and we scheduled to meet today (tuesday). She actually told her she had a boyfriend as I asked her to join me for a coffee:

HB: I actually have a boyfriend...!
DG: Pfft... doesn't matter
HB: hmm... *looks kinda sceptical* Fuck it! *gives me the number anyway*

KEY: The first approach I did gave me the momentum I needed for the second approach. Pretty sure I wouldn't ave been able to get the second one if it wasn't for the first approac. This girl was hot as well, solid 8.

So I met up with her today. Was on the phone with my friend when I met her at the preappointed meeting spot (a plaza near my house) so she had to wait a minute so I could finish my conversation. Walked to a coffee shop I like. Paid for my drink and sat in a sofa, told her to sit next to me.
We just talked about random shit for an hour or so. Nothing really special here, just made sure to keep a minimum of sexual tension and make her feel comfortable and like we've "known eachother for ever." Getting laid on the first date is all about making her comfortable with going home with u, the fact that she met you one on one means that she WANTS something to happen. She might not explicity want sex, but it's usually possible and easy to stear her thoughts in that direction by being normal, nice, sexy and invite her home.
Tell her we're leaving and that I have to pick up a light bulb from the store. Walk to the store, the light bulb I need is no where to be found.

HB: Maybe you're confused about what type of buld ure looking for?
DG: Hmm.. Yeah, maybe we should go and check.
*walk to my appartment*

We walk in. I show her the bulb and tell her I need to google what type of bulb it is and where to find it. I sit on the chair and she sit on the bed. We talk for a little while before I sit next to her on the bed.
Show her some videos on youtube. Suggest we watch a movie, she says okay.
Put the laptop on the side of the bed so that we have to lie on the side to watch it. Pull her down so she's laying in front of me, and now we're spooning. After a little while I simply pull her head towards me, kiss her and escalate all the way to sex.
She came several times and swallowed at the end. I had to close my eyes and imagine having sex with an asian girl in order to come. Fucking yellow fewer.

Note: This girl had a boyfriend, and this is not the first girl with a boyfriend that I have slept with. Don't know if I can ever trust girls any more, can anyone relate to this? There's this one girl I'd consider starting a relationship with, but it feels like I've "seen too much" to trust her. Anyone with experience on this?

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
Met up with my wing, I'd guess u could call him my daygame mentor. Huge respect for this guy! Without him I never would have been as capable daygaming as I am today.
Anyway, decided to try slightly more indirect approaches today. Saw a japanese girl walking past us, stopped her by asking her for directions, first in norwegian then in english. She just gave me the "no english" with crossed fingers over the lips (if uve ever bene to asia you know what I mean) and kept walking.
I kept plowing.
"Wait, where are you from?
"aahh..! Watashiwa nihongoga scoshi wakarimas2 (I speak a little bit japanese)
This line always gets them. She stopped and I said all the other random japanese words I know (Skoy! Naruto! Sake, sushi!)

She was really really shy and her English was pretty bad. I have som experience with girls like this, so I just stayed with the tension and carried most of the conversation myself. She was on her way to buy a ticket for a train that was leaving tomorrow, so I asked her if she'd like me to come with her to the ticket booth. She shook her head, but I could tell by her body language she liked me and that she was just really shy. Still this was my first set of the day, so I didn't feel like I could just lead and go with her anyway. Decided to babystep it, pointed at some stairs, "let's go there!"
She came with me and we talked a bit. Added some sexual jokes to feel the vibe, she laughed.

Stopped on top of the stairs, decided to ask her to join me for a coffee. She didn't really want to, and it felt like I had somehow missed the escalation window.
Tried to kiss her, but no go. Said goodybye and left.

- Shy girls are easy, but difficult at the same time. They are very receptive to leading, but they will give you almost no signs that they like you, so it's easy to miss the escalation windows. That's my theory, anyway.
- Indirect opners works!

next girl:
My wing opened this one first, but he got blown out. She looked like a tourist as well, he told me she spoke English.
Walked after her and opened with another indirect one.

DG: Excuse me, can I ask you somthing?
HB: Yeah?
DG: Where are you from?
Hb: China
DG: That's what I though.. *keeps eye contact and smiles seductively*
DG: I'm learing mandarin..

I know the same line (I speak mandarin) in mandarin as well as Japanese and Korean. It's gold for girls who are from there. Talked for a bit before I moved her to a bench so we could sit. Sat really close, legs touching, strong eye contact and triangle gaze. Felt like I should'ave gone for the kiss, but I didn't dare do it. Even though I pulled a girl from the street to my bed, the whole meeting women during the day is very new to me. Anyway, missd this escalation window as well, she had to leave and meet her friend.

- MOVE FASTER. Never miss the escalation window. Even if it's too good to be true, just go for it.
- Indirect works.
- I am really, really, really attractive and girls love me.
- Warming up and gettin my social momentum on is crucial. Forgot to write this, but I asked two people for directions on the way to meet my wing, just to get the social juices flowing.

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
Started with warming up on the street; asking girls and groups for directions, gradually going more and more direct with each set.
Was with two of my wings, E and T. Entered a club called Memphis.
Walked up to the bar, saw three girls approaching us. I stopped the first one and shook hands with her friends and introduced them all to my friends. Three guys and three girls, and the girls loved us. I ended up talking with a very short chubby one, but she had a cute face and good energy, so I enjoyed it.
Was pretty high energy from the start, so I had a hard time keeping it up. I think the key for these transitions from high to low energy is to move the girl somewhere and then make the transition between energy levels.
Anyways, the girls wanted to dance (seemed like they were on coke.). We told them we'd stay behind, they asked us to wait or come after them. Decided to bounce, went to this other club/bar.
Opened a girl walking past me. Her mind was set on going to meet someone at the bar, but me and E managed to make her stay for a few minutes.

Next was a girl E introduced me to. Talked for a while, regular chit-chat while making sure to up the sexual tension by using eye contact and leaning gradually closer. Eventully I decided to kiss her, she moved her head away.
HB: Just because we'rea having a nice conversation doesn't mean I'm interested in THAT!
DG: Yeah, this IS a nice conversation. Anyway, what kind of high school did you go to?

The secret behing kissing is that even if you get rejected, the girl will actually feel MORE attraction for you if you are unreactive.
Talked for a litte while more, asked her to join me outside for some air. She complied, told her friend who was talking to my friend T, so they joined us. Brought E with us because the girls had a third friend outside. Wasn't really interested in my girl, so when a guy I know and kinda dislike from high school wanted to come and steal my set, I didn't really care.

Bounced to a bar across the street, saw a girl I REALLY wanted to talk to. She was on her way out with two guys, only stopped to talk (and give her number to) the bouncer. She was takling with the bouncer and her two male companions were a few meters away. Wanted to approach her, but didn't know how, so I just watched as she disappeared into the night.

Wanted to do some street game, but for some reason I have a huge mental block when it comes to approaching girls after the clubs have closed. I just feel like I reek of needyness and I don't want to seem desperate. Any tips on this one will be GREATLY appriciated!

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
Daygame. Met ut with two wings. On my way to meet the I stopped a few girls and asked for directions just as a warm up.
Didn't approach any girls for a little while, but both my wings did

Girl #1:
Walked past us, I ran after her. Came up on her side

DG: Excuse me.. can I just say something really quickly?
HB: yaeh?
DG: I just had to stop you adn tell you, you look great

Couldn't make her stop. I was nervous, not relaxed and I didn't come from the right frame.
Happy that I did the approach really quickly after I saw her.

Girl #2

This one was waay better. Saw her on the other side of the street, ran after her and did the Yad stop. It basicly consists of running directly in front of the girl and signaling her to stop.

DG: Hey.. I just had to stop you really quick?
HB: Why?
DG: Because you look so great of course!
HB: Haha thanks!

She seemed really sceptic and asked me if it was "hidden camera". Told her no. She was trying to leave, but I told her to stay for two minutes. Was way too high energy chatty fun vibe, and I didn't know what to say, so it got a little awkward.

She wanted to leave after a little while. Asked her to meet me for coffee sometime, but she didn't want to.

Did four more approaches, all of them were like that. I need to figure out a way to be more chill and sexy, and maybe try a different type of opener?

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
Daygame agian.

Warmed up with asking women for directions. Thir woman I opened I told her she had really cool style as she walked away. She smiled and seemed happy about my compliment, and that made me happy. Met up with my wing, and stopped an older woman just to tell her she looked great and that her style was really cool. Seemed to make her day, which in turn got me in a really good mood, and made me feel like I was just a guy making peoples day better.
Felt great!

A girl walked past me, I ran after her and stopped her. Can't remember if I ran in front of her and stopped her that way or if I opened from the side.

DG: Hey.. I just had to stop you cause you have awesome style!
HB: Thank you!

Honestly can't remember at all what we talked about. Talked for a little while, wasn't really feeling it from her. I was not relaxed enough and when I asked her on a date she told me she had a boyfriend.

Next girl:
My wing had disappeared with another girl, so I was all by myself. Saw a tall, long legged girl with long brown hair, shorts and high heels. Damn. She was quite far away, so I had to run over to get to her. Had AA again, so I just walked behind her for a while, before I ran over to her and spat out my opener. She just said thanks and walked on.

Stopped a few more girls and they all seemed to appriciate the compliment, but not much more. One of them stayed to talk a little bit, but I felt a little nervous and did some bad things in the conversation.

I think one of the keys I need to focus on is to be more expressive in my verbal game.
For instance, one of the girls told me she was from a place called "Kløfta." My response? "I've never been to kløfta. I'm from here." Not exactly adding value to the conversation.
A better response would have been: "Oh, I've actually never been there. The only thing I can imagine is X and Y etc. Have you lived here long?"

Also, I need to start asking for phone numbers or instadates every single time!

For some reason it's a lot easier to run sets for me in English than in my native language. So weird!

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
Daygame again.

Walk from my apartment to the central station to meet my wing. There's this guy I know I've been trying to mimic lately - especially his facial expression and the way that he walks. You can you tell he's happy and feels on top of the world by the way he moves his body down the street, and it just makes me feel really good when I move this way.

Anyway, see my wing, and as I spot him I also see a really beautiful girl walking past him. I let her walk past me, then run after her. I run in front of her and say "Hey.. I'm about to say something really random.. I just saw you and you looked damn good so figured I'd come say hi. I'm Alex." She shook my hand and told me her name. Asked her where she was going, she told me she was going to work. Asked her what she did, apparently she's the manager of a grocery store.
I was a little surprised by this because she looked so youg
Dg: You must be.. what, 22?
HB: 20
DG: And you already manage your own shop? High five!
*High fives"
HB haha no my I just took over managing it after my parents

I was really nervous and I could feel the interaction stalling, so I just told her how I felt

Dg: I'm actually really nervous right now, I didn't plan this
Bang. Suddenly I didn't feel so nervous anymore and she lit up a little bit

DG: Tell you what. I just left my friends to come talk to you, how about you go back to work and I invite you to coffee sometime? What's ur number
Hb: Uhm I can give u my facebook.
DG: It's fine, I'll text u once and if you wanna come you can come. if not, that's fine too.
HB: No, I don't have a permanent number anyway.

Added her on facebook, and turns out she's representing my country in miss universe!

- Went for it almost as soon as I saw her. Waited for her to cross the road as I have bad experience with stopping girls in the middle of a cross walk.
- Said "I'm about to say something kinda random" instead of the usualy "excuse me, can I just say something really quickly?" It felt better, more masculine and just moer right.
- Went for the number. I've a bad habit of not going for the number if I get nervous in the daytime.

- Could have shaved a few seconds off hesitating before approaching. Would've saved time if I approached before she crossed the road, waiting makes me more nervous.
- Didn't push it as far as I could. Maybe if I had stayed longer in set I could've turned it around?

Walked for a bit when I saw a blonde girl walking by herself. Ran past her and stopped her the same way.
"Hey! I'm about to say something really random.. you're look great and I saw you and I wanted to meet you."
Shook hands and as she told me her name I could hear a slight accent.

DG: Oh, you're swedish!
HB: Noo! I'm from poland!
DG: Oh haha now/ I can hear it.. what are you doing in norway?
HB: Just working bla bla bla

Talked like this for a bit, she was just on her way home. My friends were waiting for me in the rain, so I asked if she wanted to have coffee sometime. She said maybe in the weekend, she worked during the weekdays.
Took her number, said goodbye, and as I was walking away she yelled "Call me!"

- Good approach. She didn't really stop at first, but I kept plowing.
- Solid numberclose. Asked for the date instead of the number.

- Should have gone for the instant-date and maybe even the pull. Could always just text my friends and tell them I'd see them later
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Dorian Gray

Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 31, 2012
Just spent 5 days in serbia doing approaches from I got up in the morning till stumbled in bed with or without a girl late at night. Learned heaps, ran into dating coach James Marshall and just had an awesome time. So many hot women!

Came back last night and decided to use what I learned in daygame during my vacation and see if it worked here in Oslo as well. Met up with my wing and started approaching.
I honestly can't remember the details of every set, but I'll write down some of the biggest lessons for today.

- Be friends with the anxiety. I still deal with quite the approach anxiety, but I've learned how to deal with it. Instead of resisting it, I just let the energy I feel flow through me, I accept it and do what I have to do anyway. That's what being a man is all about.

- Girls will be a little awkward the first minute or so. Some girls are not, but most will be, and I'll just have to plow through it. Have even successfully plowed and persited talking to a girl for more than one minute while she continually tried to get rid of me. Ended up sleeping with that girl, so obviously I should'nt eject as fast as I do now. Staying in set despite my brain telling me to get the hell out of there also gives me powerfull reference experiences and I'm always in a good mood after pushing myself.

- Most memorable set of the day: Saw a girl sitting at a fountain in the city centre, a place which is a known meetup spot for people meeting their friends, dates, whatever. Now I have approcahed sitting girls only once before and it was super awkward, so I was a little nervous, but I decided to go for it anyway. Walked up, said "hi" and just held eyecontact. She said "hello" back and started to smile and giggle a little as I smiled and squat down in front of her. "This is a little random," I said, as I looked into her eyes with a grin on my face. "I just saw you and you look amazing. What's your name?" She laughed and gave me her name, but quickly told me she had a boyfriend. I did the whole "nooo, you break my hear" before saying goodbye and walked back to my frined.
Should have pushed a little further here, some girls say they have a boyfriend as an auto-response, also I have previously had success with girls even though they started out with saying they have a boyfriend.

- Not talking to hot girls is stupid!

- My sub-comms were a little off today, tomorrow more focus on talking with a deep voice, facial expression etc. Make sure my thoughts are something like "wonder if this girl is good enough for me" instead of trying to prove myself to the girl.

Got one number from about seven or eight approaches.