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advice on this text chain?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
grabbed this number a few days ago at the end of one of my approaches

didn't really seed a date this time around, but I did mention her swinging by my workplace to see me.
she asked when I was on shift, so I figured greenish light before she was back to work.

had a focus on building basic rapport over text before the ask due to not really seeding a meet properly.

10 - 20 min response time on her end if not quicker for the most part, don't remember times off top of head
I was like hour or two if same day.
mainly around 7pm onwards

am still learning effective texting
probs just miscommunication but still

have put this in the beginners board as I feel this belongs here more + late night brain...

text chain

HB-K- purple
Lucky- White
Nd= Next day
7pmish. hey Hb-K, was cool meeting you on shift last night :)
save my number- Lucky

Hb-k- hey, yeah it was cool meeting you too and i'll do that now

next day (ND)
easy, your weekend end up exciting
more spanish?

hb-k you know me to well, ahah nah my weekend was alright, just worked n slept in
how was yours?

good! worked and went out with mates
I catch on a bit... what made you take up spanish?

hb-k that's good to hear, and i wanted to learn it bc i've been learning it since elementary school but i've moved schools a lot so i also did other languages
ngl though, i gave up on it a good while ago bc i have no patience haha


can relate haha
learned it for a bit, have to start again
moving around a lot though, are you secretly a trouble maker...

8:00ish? 20 min out
hb-k of course i am... nah just moved around a bit, in year 8 i went to 3 different high schools. Mostly just because i didn't like the schools and i used to live in the city, then moved out of state now I'm in this town.
Nd. 9:00ish pm
not sure I believe you...
going to have to watch you when you swing by my work
sounds like you've got around though, city girl and now here
the adventurous type?

i wouldn't believe me either... ahah nah i'm kidding, but maybe im not, im sure you'll find out soon enough
sometimes i can be adventurous
sometimes not rlly, depends on my mood
but im moving back to the city
not for a few years tho

12:13ish am
I'll find out soon enough, fine trouble maker...
what's your schedule?
back to the city, you already bored of this town?

12:45am my schedule? i really don't like this town to be honest and i'm sure you'll find out
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I'm not sure what she means by that last bit. Seems like there may be multiple subtexts. My guess would be that she doesn't want to swing by your work but isn't fully rejecting you. (Put yourself in her place for a moment.)

Try continuing the convo, proceeding with caution, and suggesting a meet somewhere other than your work. Maybe neutral ground?

Also I'm confused about the georaphical/spatial situation, town/city, I think that part is an important detail.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
It seems she missunderstood why are you asking about her schedule, which is why i advice to do a soft close first prior to hardclosing....say something, like probably you dont like this town cause you have not been to the right places with the right company... have you been to _______. Cool place, if she says no, i tell you what we should check it out, will be lots of fun.... if she answer positive that is when you hard close, how your schedule looks like aka hard close... get it, read my guides...if she answer negative dont hard close...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
cheers for the assistance lads
am reading up on your guide rn skills for future reference.

have used skills message and have got a green light back.
will update after I'm cleared with the hard close.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
updated text thread

after using skills text template

you're probably right, and no, I don't think I've even heard of that place

I'll tell you what we should check it out, will be lots of fun...

sounds like a plan

1hour later

neat, when are you free?

next wednesday afternoon or next sunday

8 hours later (was caught up with work)
can do Wednesday, around 3 work for you?

10 min response time or under?
i'm pretty sure i actually got plans now with my sister, last minute

16 min difference
it's cool, sunday then, when are you free


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
I like that you moved it forward and tried to make something happen. For me--

1. A lil too much non-logistical flirting over text for my taste. I don't like to do it, because i've made so many mistakes here.

2. I don't like open ended questions like 'when are you free' and 'whats your schedule.' There are a couple reasons why. First is, i cannot help but feel it is a lack of leadership or direction, and she can feel that. Second thing is, I want this interaction on rails, going as directly and smoothly as it can to my goal... getting her out.

3. Maybe on the fence, but i don't like the long wait time when establishing logistics. I get it, guys wait so as not to appear to eager, or sometimes get too busy. But during the actual setup strikes me as the worst time to do this shit. If i was trying to make a sale, getting this logistical piece handled in a timely, nonsporadic manner would be most important. People change contexts, forget what they were doing as time passes, and it feels less relevant/jarring and disjointed. Also it gives reality more of a chance to roll randomness into the situation and fuck your shit up

Those are my ideas about this. Good job on following up on a lead.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Text Chain Update

got back to me with the I'll let you know text like an hour and half later?

i might be able to do sunday, i'll let yk a bit closer
personal review
maybe came off as too eager for the reschedule? vaguely remember in Hector's vids something about this.
but figured it's working out logistics so...

also noticed shorter texts since miscommunication and logistics planning

might have to attempt to bring back to banter I think to recreate a text chain, so after logistics is sorted?

either that or I recontact in the midpoint between now and sunday (Wednesday/ Thursday) Hector's antiflake/ keep warm strat
credit to his texting vids

am going to go over Hector's text vid (let me know text vid) on this now

pretty sure his suggested response was something like" cool, let me know :)"
anyway but still wanna double check the vid

I figure this seems like a big update but I feel this is common situation other beginners will go through, so better to have this all down

recommendations and possible moves on this feel free to shoot

edit- emoji is meant to be emoticon
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
I like that you moved it forward and tried to make something happen. For me--

1. A lil too much non-logistical flirting over text for my taste. I don't like to do it, because i've made so many mistakes here.

2. I don't like open ended questions like 'when are you free' and 'whats your schedule.' There are a couple reasons why. First is, i cannot help but feel it is a lack of leadership or direction, and she can feel that. Second thing is, I want this interaction on rails, going as directly and smoothly as it can to my goal... getting her out.

3. Maybe on the fence, but i don't like the long wait time when establishing logistics. I get it, guys wait so as not to appear to eager, or sometimes get too busy. But during the actual setup strikes me as the worst time to do this shit. If i was trying to make a sale, getting this logistical piece handled in a timely, nonsporadic manner would be most important. People change contexts, forget what they were doing as time passes, and it feels less relevant/jarring and disjointed. Also it gives reality more of a chance to roll randomness into the situation and fuck your shit up

Those are my ideas about this. Good job on following up on a lead.

cheers brother for the advice, will keep in mind

1. had somewhat of a focus on a rapport at the start, due to the interaction being short before # grab then close later

but curious how you would have played it?

2. valid point, was wondering why the text guide didn't have those questions then the hard close
think your on point there with it showing a level of a lack of direction and leadership

had it in my mind suggesting a day and then receiving a no, would be negative so better to find out when then hard close.

will have to implement next time

3. yeah, definitely longer it takes to arrange a meet, the worse off it is, shit happens, people change their minds.

had reasons for waiting on this one, which was why the slow start. not great in general but if not this convo wouldn't have been multiple days apart.

also got to reading Flux's post on text paralysis which detailed something similar


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Eh I probably would've done a worse job, myself. Which is why I like a large pool of numbers/leads haha

As for how I would've played it, keep in mind that I may be out of balance or overcorrecting from fucking up so much/being a blabber mouth over text. But for me, it's probably more like... functional, slightly flirty greeting. Then to business, wrapped in flirting, but usually by the second or third text i am trying to start the close process of getting her out in the next 48-72 hours. Timing matters!

So tldr is that i do flirt/be silly or whatever, but its ornaments on the christmas tree which is getting it scheduled/committed as best i can.

And for scheduling, rather than 'when are you free', i like offering date/time, two of them works well for me, and then hearing counter offer.

And it all happens as quick as i comfortably can, because reality has the biggest dick of us all, and is waiting to fuck shit up with randomness.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
updated text thread

after using skills text template
Lucky she is game, but you went into when are you free? How does this day sound repetitive mode like closing a real estate deal...

H: Sounds like a plan

Me: yeah i am telling you, you will love it..

How does your schedule looks like?

Based on intelligence you want no more than couple of days close to the date..

When she talk about the sister, oh did not know you had a sister, maybe minimally ask about the sister, make a cold real and how cool she gets along with sister, then how does sunday at 7 pm sounds... after she answers cool we are going to have a blast...

Vs closing closimg closing see more natural with flow...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Lucky she is game, but you went into when are you free? How does this day sound repetitive mode like closing a real estate deal...

H: Sounds like a plan

Me: yeah i am telling you, you will love it..

How does your schedule looks like?

Based on intelligence you want no more than couple of days close to the date..

When she talk about the sister, oh did not know you had a sister, maybe minimally ask about the sister, make a cold real and how cool she gets along with sister, then how does sunday at 7 pm sounds... after she answers cool we are going to have a blast...

Vs closing closimg closing see more natural with flow...

alright, late night brain here again lol
clarifying game plan

ignore the I'll let you know text, talk about sister, potentially use cold read and banter for a bit on relationship between the two, then hit up with schedule check with time?
over the next few days

might end up running to the HB tomorrow as well, so I guess opportunity to leave stronger impression...

edit- woke up a bit, removed something.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
alright, late night brain here again lol
clarifying game plan

ignore the I'll let you know text, talk about sister, potentially use cold read and banter for a bit on relationship between the two, then hit up with schedule check with time?
over the next few days

might end up running to the HB tomorrow as well, so I guess opportunity to leave stronger impression...

edit- woke up a bit, removed something.
Brah that was a sample for teaching goal, of how i would have handle it... is no a do this scenario, it was meant to teach for next time get it?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 6, 2016
Brah that was a sample for teaching goal, of how i would have handle it... is no a do this scenario, it was meant to teach for next time get it?
yep, cheers for the advice, skills