Hey guys,
Hope this post is not going to be too long! I hope you guys can understand my story.
I started reading the articles here about a year ago, I follow the techniques, review myself and I have had a quite a successful year so far. I have been dating/sleeping with lots of girls, and I still do. This site changed my life, my view, my instincts and senses.
Here's the thing, on average I would see the same girl 1-3 times, we'd go out for dating/have sex etc, usually by date 3 or after .. the texting will fade, and we just kinda don't talk, and then the new girl will be inline, which is very normal and no hard feelings. BUT, there is this girl, lets call her G here. who I have been seeing for few months, we had sex very early on and it was extraordinary.. we stopped seeing each other after a few dates and she went on to date someone else, because I didn't pull any moves after sleeping with her. Anyway, a few months after she broke up and started talking to me again, and she admitted that she liked me all the time..well I also have some feelings for her, but no like the relationship type feeling, more like the sex was so good type of feeling.
So we started dating again beginning this year, until now. When we first started I told her we would still be dating other people and she agreed. Since seeing other girls is not a restriction for me, I find myself not doing a lot of it, I mostly just text girls but rarely meet up (Before all these I would be seeing a few girls a week).. I only had sex with a one girl since dating G casually.
And the whole time, I knew G likes me (She actually said she loves me not long ago), and shes growing on me too..but I held myself together, still being a freeman until now. She's not the prettiest girl, still good looking, shes smart, funny, and we have great conversations, she's low maintenance, we are compatible in many levels, she would be interested in my stuff and asks good questions and most importantly the sex is so good, i think its the best I had with any other girls, including all my exs. And I can say I'm quite happy with her.
I don't have a problem with getting girls now, thanks to the forums and the articles! But here and then I wonder, what is the goal? When do you stop? I know everyone has a different view, some wants to keep meeting beautiful girls, some wants to meet the one and settle down. I think the reason for me not seeing many girls these day because I do have feelings for G, and I don't want her to feel bad. She told me she doesn't want me seeing other girls but I still have the right to, that's her words. In the beginning she was seeing other guys too but she stopped after we dated for a while..I'm just at a very confused state right now, if I should be with her exclusively. Because I can always ask a new girl out but I have this guilt in me, somehow...How do you guys tell when you are ready? When you are ready to give up the forest for the tree?
Sorry English is not my first language, I hope you guys can understand my post and let me know what you guys think or you need some clarification, especially my wording and structure.
Thank you guys!
Hope this post is not going to be too long! I hope you guys can understand my story.
I started reading the articles here about a year ago, I follow the techniques, review myself and I have had a quite a successful year so far. I have been dating/sleeping with lots of girls, and I still do. This site changed my life, my view, my instincts and senses.
Here's the thing, on average I would see the same girl 1-3 times, we'd go out for dating/have sex etc, usually by date 3 or after .. the texting will fade, and we just kinda don't talk, and then the new girl will be inline, which is very normal and no hard feelings. BUT, there is this girl, lets call her G here. who I have been seeing for few months, we had sex very early on and it was extraordinary.. we stopped seeing each other after a few dates and she went on to date someone else, because I didn't pull any moves after sleeping with her. Anyway, a few months after she broke up and started talking to me again, and she admitted that she liked me all the time..well I also have some feelings for her, but no like the relationship type feeling, more like the sex was so good type of feeling.
So we started dating again beginning this year, until now. When we first started I told her we would still be dating other people and she agreed. Since seeing other girls is not a restriction for me, I find myself not doing a lot of it, I mostly just text girls but rarely meet up (Before all these I would be seeing a few girls a week).. I only had sex with a one girl since dating G casually.
And the whole time, I knew G likes me (She actually said she loves me not long ago), and shes growing on me too..but I held myself together, still being a freeman until now. She's not the prettiest girl, still good looking, shes smart, funny, and we have great conversations, she's low maintenance, we are compatible in many levels, she would be interested in my stuff and asks good questions and most importantly the sex is so good, i think its the best I had with any other girls, including all my exs. And I can say I'm quite happy with her.
I don't have a problem with getting girls now, thanks to the forums and the articles! But here and then I wonder, what is the goal? When do you stop? I know everyone has a different view, some wants to keep meeting beautiful girls, some wants to meet the one and settle down. I think the reason for me not seeing many girls these day because I do have feelings for G, and I don't want her to feel bad. She told me she doesn't want me seeing other girls but I still have the right to, that's her words. In the beginning she was seeing other guys too but she stopped after we dated for a while..I'm just at a very confused state right now, if I should be with her exclusively. Because I can always ask a new girl out but I have this guilt in me, somehow...How do you guys tell when you are ready? When you are ready to give up the forest for the tree?
Sorry English is not my first language, I hope you guys can understand my post and let me know what you guys think or you need some clarification, especially my wording and structure.
Thank you guys!