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After number, getting "I'm kind of seeing someone line."


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
I've been doing fairly ok getting numbers, but i have run into an issue with some of the ones i got. The issue being that some of these girls send me a text about how they are "kind of" seeing someone and I have being thinking of ways to diffuse the situation.

Luckily the first time i got these response i had a opening to completely ignore it and I took it, moving past and setting up a date. But after that one, I kind of got boxed in by the other 3 times. So i have been trying to think of a decent way out of this. The most recent one i got a paragraph or two about it and how she didn't want to hurt my feelings and proclamations of still wanting to be friends complete with smile faces. I just kind of blew it off in the way of saying it's not a big deal since I've only just me her. She then thanked me for understanding and wished me a good easter.

But this solution is not a acceptable one since it doesn't seems to help accomplish me goal. So I was curious if anyone had a better suggestion of how to handle these situations.

And just to clarify, i did get all these numbers by using the "Are you single?" opener, so i thought this wouldn't of been a problem, but i probably messed up somewhere since I am a beginner.


the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Perfect opportunity to rule yourself out of the boyfriend category. "I'm not looking for anything serious right now, let's meet up for coffee." Remember just getting numbers should not be your goal, you should be moving them and having them invest right away. I cannot tell you how many numbers I have got that didn't amount to anything. Attractive women give their numbers out ALL THE TIME with no intention of ever talking to the guy again.

Lately I have been adjusting my night game so that I am surrounded by attractive women, I watch them spend the entire night with guys(chodes). The chodes number close thinking "yeah I got this" but they never speak to the girl again.

Practice pushing your sets to the limit, think to yourself I want this to be a solid number what more can I do right now to ensure it is just that?

Lastly remember that there are thousands of attractive women out there, these 3 are only just that, 3.

You're doing incredible Stef. Anyone who doesn't know about this guy take a look at his Journal, his strides have been some to look up to.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 22, 2012
Awesome, kind of a why didn't i think of that moment. Thanks man, I'll be using the now when ever i get the response by text or in person.
