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Observations  Age profile of sexual appetite


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
I know this has been hinted at in various articles, and alluded to in places on the forum too, but discussion has been rather patchy and I wanted to address the issue head-on.

Does anyone know how female libido varies with age?

I'd be interested to know whether there is research that indicates the shape of the curve. I have noticed that the girls I have recently taken out on dates and actually made out with tend to be in a relatively narrow age bracket of 23-26.

Those who are somewhat older than this (e.g. early to mid-30s) seem to be coolly receptive at first, but willing to move forward; but then they try to slow things down massively and seem to be expressing concern that I am not serious—I have no idea where they get that impression. (Those who are much older, i.e. 40s, seem very willing to move fast, but I have been the one to back out for lack of real interest: I start off doing it just for practice, and all of a sudden I'm getting "yes" to everything.)

Those who are younger, around 18-21, seem to receive me with a burst of initial enthusiasm but then become flakier than a stick of artist's charcoal.

I find all this odd, but perhaps it can be explained?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

This is what i learn and observe with women over the years.

Age Group: 15 to 22

If she likes you, she tends to either

1)Flakes so that you invest on her
2)Find "Status", "Cool" guy among the social circle or somebody reasonably known in the town, country, area
3)"Bitch" about other girls more and plays hierarchy a lot more.

Age Group: 23 to 27

1)Now she becomes more open to dating guys of different age groups.
2)Less likely to flake, because she's less naive now.
3)More calibrated, Knows how to screen you and gives you more chances

Age Group: 28 to 35

1)Now she looks to slow things down abit.
2)A lot less likely to flake because she's genuinely busy with work
3)Doesn't seem so excited but follows you.
4)She wants you to pay for her meals after some period of time as a friend, Yes... even if she is a friend (needs more data here, i experienced this here and there)
5)All too easy to go into auto-rejection and create awkwardness even if she doesn't really want to cause trouble.

Age Group: 35 and above

1)Ask "ridiculous" questions when it's not relevant in the conversation
2)A bit more irritating than usual. Haha!

Older women, i have gone on dates with them, but 35 and above is girls where i meet in circles, events, acquaintances. I see those things.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake