Another lay last night. 3 in 9 days . Nice way to blast out of a relatively long dry spell.
This was a girl I met in a bar a few weeks ago. I was with a few mate, really busy bar, just having a beer chatting shit, not running game. Anyway she walks past our group with 2 friends, and I just instantly put my hand out and stopped her and started talking. Can't even remember what I said. But somehow we ended up talking about getting engaged, having her friends as bridesmaids etc. It was all fun and smooth. In fact the guys I was (who couldn't hear the convo) asked me afterwards how I knew the girls. I guess from the outside it looked like we were old friends who had bumped into each other.
Anyway, took a few weeks to set up the date. But met for wine last night at a bar. Awkward start cus she was majorly late and we were seated opposite each other in almost a restaurant type setting. But there was good vibes, good banter. You had to get up to pour yourself wine from dispensers, so used this as an opportunity for touch. Eventually the couple next to us, who were in a corner seat, ended up leaving, so we jumped in there. And we were kissing within about 5 mins of that.
After a couple wines she said "do you want another one" to which i said lets just grab a bottle and go back to mine. Minimal resistance. Got back to mine, all went good, great sex. She has fuck buddy potentially but not MLTR cus shes a bit crazy.
Only negative for me, not sure if others get this, I literally can't sleep with girls in my bed lol. Like I just can't get to sleep. I think its cus i've been single so long and sleep is so routine orientated for me, that when there is another body lying next to me I just can't sleep. And I'm noticing that mostly always girls want to stay over after sex. So I end up with a shit nights sleep. But I shouldn't be complaining haha.
Anyway, want to get a good days worth of solid day game in tomorrow to give me lots of options for next week. Feel like I'm making good progress.
One thing I am noticing, with the city I'm in, unless you're doing night game and getting same night lays, it can take quite a while for leads to materialise. Like I'm texting girls right now who I number closed a month ago. Everyone is just so busy that lining shit up can take a while. But i'm learning that its fine, normal, no need to rush / chase.
Also - I had a bit of an experiment last year where I was convinced that a two date model (coffee first, then drinks second) was the way forward. A few people including told me it wasn't optimal but I pursued it anyway. I can now say I was wrong. Much better to push (or wait) for the drinks date, and then try to lay on the first night. The coffee was just introducing unnecessary complications / steps.
building some good momentum now. hope to get another one in next week