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- Dec 8, 2013
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Hey Guys. This My first report that I've put on this site. I haven't done any reports yet cause they just take a while to type out. Since reading this site a couple months ago, I have picked up a good deal of helpful stuff and have had couple good lays where I pushed my boundaries, but I really wanted to post this one because I feel I can learn from this situation in particular while its still fresh in my mind. I am a humble guy looking to improve and would really like some intense criticism from anyone who wants to contribute on this one.
Quick Note: I used to live downtown in my own place where I went to college. But I decided to change schools and also had a surgery on my neck and spine that went wrong that I just recovered from. For now I live back with my family before I move back on campus somewhere. I mention this because in some situations I know it'd be ideal to invest less and not go out of my way as much, but for now my options are limited and i'm still looking to get experience.
So the girl in this one I met once briefly about a year ago through my old room mate. Her and her friends came up for a party at our apartment where she showed a lot of obvious physical interest in me. Back then I just didn't have the mind set or the knowledge to pull of an aggressive lay attempt, this is mainly because this girl is very hot and the competition from the other guys was pretty intense and I didn't know how to deal with that.
Just recently in the process of applying to schools I remembered that she goes to one of the schools that I got accepted into. So I hit her up casually on facebook and asked her what she thought of the school in a friendly positive way. She responded back with enthusiasm and positively. I continued by mentioning I hadn't visited yet, and maybe she could show me around as shes the kind of girl who'd make a great tour guide. She was totally down and said she would show me around on a friday at 7pm. The day of she ended up flaking and I tried to convince her once in a friendly passive way but just decided to moved on. You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take right?
Her: Hey, actually everything is closing due to finals week. Sorry!
Me: Oh, I didn't expect to go on on an actual tour. I thought we'd just have fun and chill together and I could soak up some knowledge. But no worries
Her: oh yeah i'm leaving today. It's been a long week sorry :/
Her: Next week for my 21st birthday? if you wanna come by
I wait a good while
Me: Yea let me know. Maybe I can swing by
Her: Okay will do
I never got further info on her birthday thing but I wouldn't have come anyway cause it would be like the worst possible scenario for getting to know her better and seducing her. I forgot about it and moved on.
Right at the end of winter break im at my early morning school orientation and she texts me. Asking me to come to come down and hang out at this bar with her and her friends. I decided that I wasn't gonna be desperate and come down just to get a little time with her unless there was a strong probability I could sleep with her. I decided to dig into the situation a bit and see what I could get away with. The conversation went like this.
Her: -B-!
Me: Hi -K- whats up?
Her: What ya doing tonight
Me: Im at my orientation right now, but once i'm done I free the rest of the day
Her: John barleycorn tonight?
Me: Which one?
Kristina: River north
Her: Come bring people lol
Me: Id be down if I still lived in chi or a had a place to stay. It sucks taking the train all the way down, partying for a little bit, then leaving early to catch the 12:10 back
Her: I live in lisle
Me: I used to work across the street from there at cantina laredo. I could prolly bring some people from there if I did come
Her: You can crash at my place and take the train tomorrow
Me: alright that sounds cool. Ill try to get in touch with my people over there once I get home. If not I can prolly swoop them up when they close lol
Her: Okay!!
Me: when does this thing start btw
Her: 9-2
Her: Come with me! (I didn't get where this came from but whatever it was positive)
Me: Ok, im getting my stuff together. Ill get in touch with you when I get downtown
Her: Really? Okay perfect
The reason that I decided to bring friends from my old job is cause I thought it could give me an advantage. I used to throw parties all the time and basically did a good job of being very likable there. There is a lot of decently pretty girls there, a few like me and most im just cool friends with, but they all give me big hugs and ask me how im doing and are very enthusiastic in conversation when I see them. I thought it would be good pre selection and I dont have to worry about maintaing things cause im gonna end up back at her place anyway.
So I get on the train and im heading down there. And I get a call from her. Shes asking me where I am and I tell her im on the train and im almost there. She tells me that a lot of the people flaked on her and its just her and her friend. I tell her no worries and say my friends from work are cool and we will make a night of it (I didn't learn until later that night that it was not just a get together with friends, she was promoting for her super young uncle who was DJ'ing. I was kind of disappointed about this cause she didnt mention it, but I figured id just make the best of it).
She calls me again like 15 mins later and shes asking where im at on my trip again. Shes using a very gentle, flirty voice with me. And asks me if I want her to come pick me up even tho its a bit out of her way. I know that would be utilizing the ben franklin affect and it would be good investment, but I would rather see her at the bar get a nice hug from her with better eye contact and set the tone and get some touch going early on, instead of say whats up and jump in the back seat of the car like im riding with the bros. What do you guys think about this one, do you think I chose the better option here?
So I get to the bar. Im in a really good state and feel comfortable with by body language and my vibe. I see her and her friend in the bar. She recognizes me and stands up with a big smile on her face and she gives me a warm hug. I then meet her friend who im not very attracted to (that comes into play later) and I sit down. I can tell that she's a little embarrassed that her plans were a complete flop, the bar was dead by the way. I do a great job though at breaking the ice and making her feel comfortable about this. I start deep diving her and soon shes responding well touching me often. Its going great but after a while I kind of run out of things to keep diving into, the girls are drinking a lot and getting in a party mood. Her friend turns the conversation sexual about this guy shes FWB with. I ease into my thing where I talk about why I don't get why society hates sexually liberated girls and its a weird double standard, and that where some people see a “slut” I see a confident girl who realizes we are only young and sexy for so long. They absolutely eat this stuff up. I thought maybe I could portray a little more how im a sexual guy. The friend of K was talking about sexual stories, so I shared a story about my FWB whos boyfriend that she just went on a break with saw one of my condom wrappers in her room and passed out on the floor. He did this cause after two years they still didnt have intercourse (what the fuck right?) and it was too much for him. The girl did not seem very intrigued by this story and seemed to purposely act like she wasn't paying attention. I made a mental note to just cool it on this in the future and try to escalate with her more. She seemed to cool down a bit and was not touching and flirting with me quite as much as she was before. When I would go get drinks for myself and come back I would put my hand on the small of her back, get close with her and have an exchange. After a while we got up to dance and mingle with other people around the bar. K came up to me said her friend really wants me, and then gave me a bit of a nudge and facial expression like “go for it buddy”. I knew exactly was going on. It seemed like she was testing me or pushing me to see if I was below her league. I just chuckled a bit and played it off like it was funny and I didn't take it seriously. It didn't end there though. The friend ended up getting really drunk and getting a lot of liquid courage. The friend grabbed me out of no where and started making out with me and K started a chant cheering us on (not so good right?). I just leaned back with kind of bored body language and refrained from moving my face to much as she tried to eat it. I tried to make it look like I wasn't into it without hurting the friend's feelings. K was in social butterfly mode and I was meeting and talking to some new people cause I didn't want to desperately follow K around. The friend stuck by me and kept doing this thing where she told guys who were hitting on her that I was her boyfriend. They would come apologize to me and I would tell them that its all good. I told some of them that it was a real turn on for them to hit on my woman and I like to share if you know what I mean, mainly cause im fucked up and was looking to get a good laugh. During this time K found this guy with his social group that she knew from back home by coincidence we will call him metro guy cause he looked like the poster boy for top shop but not quite as feminine. It was these 2 guys with their dates out on the town. I chilled and mingled with them little bit and they were cool people, but I didn't stay attached to their little group. Next thing I know, metro guy's date is not there anymore and he is absolutely all over K. He is getting really physical with her and the she seems to be kinda drunk and enjoying it quite a bit. I said before that this girl is really hot and the competition for her is absolutely ridiculous wherever she goes. To be honest I don't have a lot of experience with competing with other guys in this fashion. I used to be a shyer guy and the lays I would get would show strong interest in me and make it really easy for me. I was afraid that being inexperienced with this particular thing, if I tried to make a move it could come off awkward or weird and I would totally blow it. So I just kept talking with the friend of the girl and other people I was vibeing with in the bar and acted like I wasn't affected by this at all, instead of trying to make a move and swoop her up from him. This goes on for a bit longer and the girl is getting quite into it, talking about us after partying with him back in wrigleyville, but metro guy and his group eventually just leave. I say im gonna leave for a bit and go grab my friends a few blocks away. K starts being flirty with me and is like “promise you'll come back” with a pouty face. So I go over to cantina and check it out but its completely empty earlier than ive ever seen, no employees or anything. I call my girl Yessica and she says they cut a bunch of people early cause business was shit then and things kind of fell apart (they all have to like band up after work and come to my things together I dont know its weird), but she wants to see me soon... This ended up being a little more hurtful then helpful. I walk back to the bar and let K know whats up. I know things aren't going super great, but im just trying to maintain a flirty vibe and keep cool. We get a couple more drinks and the girls get back in a party mood and start dancing. Out of nowhere K comes up to me and starts making making out with me hardcore. She is all over me touching me and im kissing her back pretty intensely, she turns around and starts dancing with me. Its not so much dancing as shes trying to rub her ass against my cock as hard as she possibly can, and im slowly rubbing my hands up and down her body. I make a playful comment in her ear that she needs to calm down a bit cause were almost knocking down the table behind us and shes getting me a little excited. The night comes to a close and were getting around to leaving the bar. At this point her friend is incoherently drunk and wanders outside. K and I head out to get her and head home.
Outside the bar K grabs her friend then turns to me and says she had a good time and tells me she will grab a cab for me and attempts to wave one down. At this point she seems decently sobered up and in my head im like “wait wtf”. Im more leaning towards that this is just some form of ASD and reputation preservation cause she was just all over me, but there was a chance she wasn't feeling me going home with her. I wave the cab on that was stopping for me and try to keep totally calm and cool as I let her know that there are no more trains for me to take home and it's because she said I could stay with her at her place. She then immediately perks up and gets a smile on her face, gets these puppy dog eyes and says to me “so ur coming home with me?” in a childish hopeful kind of way. I chuckle and bit and say yea. She closes her eyes, pulls me in and and starts kissing me intimately. We have this more sweeter style make out session for a while, I make sure to break just before her as the kiss comes to an end. She then takes my hand in hers and we walk to the car together with her friend following close behind. We get to the car and her friend jumps in shotgun and at this point shes struggling to keep it together. Shes so drunk that im not even sure that she is speaking english anymore. She sounds like a deaf person and keeps saying the word cunt every other sentence. We start on our way back and K is struggling to keep her friend under control. I'll try to keep it quick here, basically the ride home turned into a disaster. The friend started throwing up out the window. K realized she lost her phone and and was freaking out about it, I called the bar and they had it. She wanted to go back and pick it up but the bar staff said now as they were all leaving. This really upset K to the point where I thought she may even start crying or something. Her drunk friends phone went out of batteries and she had no way to navigate home and she just started freaking out and the whole mood was dead. I tried to be helpful, calm her down and take control when I could, but not look too empathetic or look like a try hard white knight coming to the rescue. I also just tried to play it cool and wait till her mood calmed a bit before trying to get back on track with her again. Eventually we found our way back to their apartment. The drunk girl is her room mate and they just moved in a new apartment together. I come around and help carry her drunk friend into the apartment which is totally empty except for the clothes, and some furniture they moved in (no beds). We laid her by the bathroom where she kept being very noisy and distracting insisting over and over and over that K get her other friend to come over and take care of her at 5 am. K lays out a couple big blankets and a very long pillow on top long enough for three people to lay on, so im thinking that shes laying out a bed for both of us. In the past ive had some seductions go pretty rocky and terrible but the girl still sleeps with me at the end because she was attracted to me and we just ended up together. Im thinking thats what might happen right now. It takes a long time for K to get her friend to calm down. Im laying down in the make shift bed relaxing. K goes to turn off the lights. She says some last things to her friend as she lays down close to me to do some stuff on her friends phone plugged in the wall. Her head is right by mine and I caress her body a little bit. Shes pretty unresponsive to this and just stands up in a little bit and grabs another blanket and pillow and walks over to the other corner of the room and lays down and says good night unenthusiastically. Im disappointed about it and end up just going to sleep (this isn’t the end though). I was going over 36 hours with no sleep for reasons I let them know earlier on (sleep schedule is all messed up and I had a lot of school registration stuff). I fell into a really deep sleep. When I woke up, I could hear K and her friend talking. They both had to go to work and K worked a short shift before her friend left to work at her job. She kept saying to her friend “so you're not gonna be here when I get home”. She also said last night that she would take me back to the train station after she got home from work. Shes like a red bull girl, but except for muscle milk so she like only works for like 3 hours and does promotional stuff. I could feel myself getting tired and I feel back asleep.
I wake up and in total darkness and have to take a moment to remember where I am and whats going on. My eyes start to adjust to the darkness again. I get up feel a little lousy and a bit of a sore throat. K was sick and it prolly had to do with the fact that we made out with me multiple times. I made my way over to the bathroom and turned on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought just of how unpleased I was with the way things went last night while I stayed pretty passive. I remembered that I came out here grow and push my limits even more and that I would take every chance I could to improve. So I made it up in my mind that I would move this girl towards close, regardless of the way she was acting, until I was slapped in the face a few times or definitively rejected. I never came on to a girl really hard who was showing no positive vibe in the moment what so ever. The thought made me a little bit nervous. I grabbed the toothpaste using my finger to rub in in my mouth and around my teeth to kill any bad morning breath, I then turned the faucet on and fixed the crazy morning hair I had going. I turned off the bathroom light and laid back on the makeshift bed. I closed my eyes and just tried to vividly remember a couple of the smoother lays I pulled off in the past in order to get myself in a confident positive state. Then I just started imagining us having sex to get myself horny and motivated. I continued to just do this in the dark for a good while... Then, over in the corner of the room. I could hear keys jingling and the door starting to open. My heart started to race a bit.
K comes in the door and turns on the light. I act like im just waking up from my nap and playfully tell her to hold it on the lights for a bit cause its a bit rough on the eyes right now. Shes a bit hesitant to do that but I convince her and she goes over to open the blinds and get some moon and street light in the room. She acts super surprised that im still asleep and I remind her how long ive been on no sleep and shes like oh yea I forgot. I start asking about her job and how her day day went, I sit up and emanate a comfortable, positive vibe in hopes she will ease into it as well. Once she gets talking and I feel shes acting more positive I pat the carpet next to me and tell her to come sit here (cause she was just standing by the window). She made her way over but instead she sat in the cloth chair just across from the foot of the bed. After she finishes talking about her job I mentioned to her that I have a sore throat now and its probably because of her, but its not all bad cause shes a pretty good kisser. She responds with something like “Oh yea I like kissing everyone, guys, girls when im drunk. You didnt have to kiss ME you know”. I chuckled and said that she was the one putting the moves on me last night (which was true). She tried to defuse that too. She said that she wanted to just chill tonight and watch a netflix movie or something and that we would head back at like 7 (why would she want to hang with me alone for that much longer when she seems dis interested right now and and is sending negative signal after negative signal?) after talking a more she goes into her room and starts unpacking all her clothes. She says I can move the blanket and pillow in there and chill but not in a flirty way. I come in there and poke fun at her a bit for a bit for saying she wanted to have a chill night, then next thing you know shes furiously unpacking all her stuff. She says she can't relax until everything is perfect. I joke around saying that there is a term for that. Offended she's like “what OCD?! Im proud of it its a good thing” I chuckle a bit and don't take her too serious. This goes on for like 20 more minutes and she just showing nothing but terrible signs and no interest at all. But I promised myself I wouldn't give up. I need to make more of a stronger, dominant move. Shes walking in and out of the room and i've got a bit of a smile on my face. The exchange went like this.
Her: What are you thinking about right now... how we were drunk, how we all got so drunk last night? I know it was a fun.
Me: No not exactly haha
Her: ...what?
Me: never mind..... you really wanna know?
Her: ugh I guess
(I get especially flirty and sexual with my eye contact and tone of voice)
Me: Why were you kissing me so much last night, what was that all about?
Her: I was drunk and I just like kissing when im drunk
Me: so you just kiss any average joe when you get drunk, even if you don't find him attractive at all?
Her: well... no I kiss people who are cute
Me: so is that why you kissed me last night... cause im cute?
(Her and her friends did say I was really cute multiple times that night)
Her: Yea you're cute sweet guy... but were just Friends B
Me: We're just friends? you've spent a total of like 10 hours with me haha, you don't even know me yet
she starts to walk in the kitchen to take a pizza out she put in and I casually follow
Her: Yes B were just talking right now, I don't kiss like that when im sober
Me: So you never do this when your sober?
I grab her by the waist with one hand and turn her around, I pull her into me and give her an aggressive forceful kiss. Shes really surprised but is kissing me back for a bit but with not a ton of enthusiasm. She breaks the kiss and turns her head down
Her: No... B
Me: (I interrupt her and im breathing heavy and turned on) Hey im not done with you yet!
I grab her by the neck just under the chin and force her head back up to me. And give her another passionate forceful kiss. She gets really into it and starts breathing really heavy and is putting her hands on me. I break first this time. And stare into her eyes
Her: there, you got your kiss are you happy?
She walks back in her room and tries to go back to unpacking and tries to cool the situation off by telling me we dont know each other like that for about another 10 minutes. I get back on to touching her
Her: B, calm down we're just friends
Me: If we were just friends then this wouldn't make you feel anything would it?
I grab her by the hips again and fucking slam her up against the wall hard and get within kissing distance and hold it. Shes really rattled right now staring back at me and she can barely catch her breath and is making like these little moaning noises that are barely audible.
Me: Why are you breathing like that huh? what are you making those little noises for?
Her: well im a girl... I have hormones (lol, first time ive heard this excuse)
I forcefully kiss her again and what happened next gentlemen I kid you not this girl did something I have never seen before. She absolutely fucking snapped and went into a completely senseless, primal, lust fueled frenzy. Not like really like really turned on and into it moaning, I mean like I have never seen anything like it in real life or even in the movies, or on the discovery channel. Maybe in dominatrix or super rough porn but I dont watch a lot of that. I would like some feedback from the more experienced guys on here to see if they've seen this a couple times before, or even a lot. She absolutely lost it like a sex maniac was all over me, and we were just attacking each other. I was kissing all over her neck and almost ripped her shirt apart trying to lick and kiss her breasts/collar bone. She was kissing and biting me so hard all over the place. It got so intense and crazy so fast that I quickly picked her up and carried her over to the blanket and laid her down. This girl kept gasping, and moaning, and screaming at times for the whole 6-7 minute foreplay process in a way that it looked like she was constantly having the most intense orgasm of her entire life even though she had her clothes on and I was not giving her direct sexual stimulation. I was almost in shock at this point. With me on top we were both just grinding our genitals against each other as hard and as wildly as possible. Needless to say my dick is so hard I could fucking chop cocaine with it. She puts both hands up the back of my shirt and starts absolutely tearing the shit out of my back with her nails. Ive never had a girl scratch me even one 4th this hard, I thought I could be bleeding all down my back. I gasp out in surprise and reaction “Ahhhhhhhh FUCK BABY!” I bite down on her shoulder really fucking hard and we get even more into it. I grab a fist full of her hair and pull really hard bringing her ear right to my mouth. I can barely get the words out clearly “Oh I want to so fucking bad”. We keep going like this for a couple minutes until out of nowhere she flips me over and gets on top of me from the laying down position like I weighed absolutely nothing. Shes sitting up in girl on top position furiously grinding against me. Her head is hanging back and she looks like she doesn't even know where she is. Shes still doing all kinds of crazy stuff vocally. My hands are all up her shirt and im just saying stupid shit, whatever comes to my mind. “Look what you're doing to me right now sweetie” and “uhhh you want this so bad dont you?”. After she does this for a a minute or two I think to myself, yea shes ready. I try to flip her on her back to start taking off her clothes but she wont budge. Im an athletic guy who's decently toned, but this girl was harder to move then a marble statue... like unbelievably strong, and shes a good deal smaller than me. Maybe it was one of those adrenaline rushes that women get when they lift cars off of their kids or something I don't know but I never felt a girl do anything like that either, I could move every girl I made love with around like a rag doll so far. Most of them were not as small as her (maybe I have to hit the gym more or invest in some roids gentlemen lol). Commanding her dominantly to get on her back and her going with it I flipped her around.... and then the worst thing happened.
Shes on her back and im licking and kissing all over and around belly button piercing then I start pulling her yoga pants down with my teeth. Then she curls up and completely shuts down out of nowhere.
I try to just keep going with what im doing even though its difficult.
“B!!! we can't do this, my room mate is gonna be home soon. We cant do this, we cant do this, WE CANT DO THIS!!!”
At this point all this energy she had going turned against me. I thought it would be best to avoid logic and conversation and keep escalating but she would push me away aggressively and move away from me. I actually caught a few fairly painful limbs in the ribs. I thought if I kept going she might crack one of them. She was making physical escalation so hard that I just tried to keep cool and talk my way back into it. She told me all about how shes seeing this guys she really cares about at her school “the friend told me about this last night” and that they are just about to get exclusive and he would never do something like this behind her back right now. I tell her that she should enjoy her last bit of freedom and we could just make each other feel good and have a good time. Im still a young guy getting experience under his belt, im working on my verbal persuasion skills but i'm not exactly Bill Clinton right now. Shes not being receptive and her energy and interest levels are fading back down to where they were at the beginning of the night. Then I really mess up by telling her “she will never know how I can make her feel”... after ive been disqualifying myself from the boyfriend category and making it clear im not looking for anything serious right now. I should have said I wasn't looking to ruin what she had with the other guy and I would keep it low key (or something better than that if you guys have any suggestions). I wasn't thinking as clearly at this point. After a lot of persistence for a long time I can't get it going again and just realize its over for now. She tells me that she wants to be friends with me. I nicely tell her that I dont do the friendzone thing with girls im attracted to, and its better for me just to move on. She seems really really shocked by this saying “So you wont be my friend???” I say “No... you've got enough of those, you don't need me for that” she says thats terrible of me and other guys who were attracted to her were fine being her friend. Here I get a little stupid again and tell her a little too in depth why they are doing that, because they still like her probably and are desperately hoping she will come on to them one day. I tell her I wont do that and I go after what I want.
Things settle down a bit and we eventually head out to the car together and drive back downtown. There is no awkwardness at all. We talk and have fun. We pick up her phone then she drives me over to the train station. I tell her “thanks for the ride” “and maybe ill see you around” in a pretty bored and whatever way. She looks at me and with her arms open looking for a hug and I playfully say “Whats this all about?” she hugs me. I casually say thanks again I get out and go home and that was the end.
Wow that was a long one guys it literally, took me all day to write this one between classes. I have a lot respect for you guys constantly pumping out reports. Anyway I really wanted to close this one guys. Its not just cause the girl was really hot. That escalation was one of the most thrilling and intense moments of my life prolly just because I was breaking a major wall and limitations I put on myself, but I haven't ever experienced human interaction like that at all. There was no logical thought at all until the end, it was just pure instinct and aggression from a girl like i've never seen. And that was just the foreplay with clothes on... the sex just would have been bananas. Im going through some depression about it thinking on what kind of life experience I missed out on. I have a sweet girl who im FWB with that I like a lot and a couple prospects so I was able to move on easily as you guys saw. I thought at least I could learn as much as possible from the situation and anyone who wants to help me out so I don't fail to close if I ever see anything like this again. And you've ever seen a girl snap into an intense nympho trance before and closed it, please share a bit about the story so I can feel better haha.
Thanks for sticking though to the end and reading guys, just a couple quick things im looking to get input on.
-As you can see im a lot stronger in one on one interaction. Being out and about in public at bars or clubs with girls never goes super smooth with me unless im much higher value than them. When its just you and the girl at a cafe, home, etc (which I try to do as much as possible) its just so easy and there is no problem keeping her engaged in you. In those social venues I start well deep diving and using some incidental touch, but then they get distracted by other people other things, friends, other guys hitting on them, drama. Im not gonna follow around them around the venue trying to keep them with me at all times cause I dont wanna look desperate. When this happens though it always kills the momentum a bit every time they break away and if too much momentum is lost I start to flounder a bit. Anything you guys recommend here?
-On dealing with really hot girls. I don't try to look at them in a different way or put them on a pedestal. I feel ive been pretty good and able to be myself around higher value girls lately, but so many of them are super erratic even after showing initial interest and putting the moves on me. One minute they are all over me showing great signs, then they have no interest then they are trying to push me on their less attractive friend, then they are all over another guy and have no interest in me at all, then they come back and are more into me that ever, then they are totally against me closing or are cool with it. For the past couple years all my experience with high level girls that would be a 9 or over on most guys' scales who still use the scale system. Some of these were models, local actresses and just those really really hot girls every guy around her wants. They always act like this towards me after showing initial interest (at least the ones that do want me). And all I do is just try to keep cool and move it to close and escalate, I try not to get to affected or do anything to crazy. Ive been lucky to close a small portion of these but most of them I don't close. Is there anything I can change about myself or the way im acting towards them that can help smooth out this erratic behavior?
-Also with any decently hot girl who has a a lot of options and knows shes decently high value loses some interest at a specific point most times if im in social circle or a situation where I can't immediately close. Its going great at the start, good deep diving, decent touch, flirty vibe, but im not a guy who initiates any heavy groping or heavy make out in public myself especially cause on this site it says to try and save the crest for when you get home alone. So there is always this moment like the one in this situation where I reach this plateau and I don't know how to keep taking it higher and higher to keep them interested but I cant close in the given situation yet. Girls who know they are high value get bored here and start breaking away sometimes to entertain themselves elsewhere, hitting on other guys, talking or even making out with other girls. What can I do hear to keep things going well until I close.
Lastly how could I have handled myself better in these situations
-The other friend coming on to me
-The other guy cutting in and getting all over K, I dont really know how to compete hard yet
-The whole situation and escalation with K in general
Thanks again guys for reading through all of this and I definitely would appreciate any input or help anyone has to offer me.
Quick Note: I used to live downtown in my own place where I went to college. But I decided to change schools and also had a surgery on my neck and spine that went wrong that I just recovered from. For now I live back with my family before I move back on campus somewhere. I mention this because in some situations I know it'd be ideal to invest less and not go out of my way as much, but for now my options are limited and i'm still looking to get experience.
So the girl in this one I met once briefly about a year ago through my old room mate. Her and her friends came up for a party at our apartment where she showed a lot of obvious physical interest in me. Back then I just didn't have the mind set or the knowledge to pull of an aggressive lay attempt, this is mainly because this girl is very hot and the competition from the other guys was pretty intense and I didn't know how to deal with that.
Just recently in the process of applying to schools I remembered that she goes to one of the schools that I got accepted into. So I hit her up casually on facebook and asked her what she thought of the school in a friendly positive way. She responded back with enthusiasm and positively. I continued by mentioning I hadn't visited yet, and maybe she could show me around as shes the kind of girl who'd make a great tour guide. She was totally down and said she would show me around on a friday at 7pm. The day of she ended up flaking and I tried to convince her once in a friendly passive way but just decided to moved on. You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take right?
Her: Hey, actually everything is closing due to finals week. Sorry!
Me: Oh, I didn't expect to go on on an actual tour. I thought we'd just have fun and chill together and I could soak up some knowledge. But no worries
Her: oh yeah i'm leaving today. It's been a long week sorry :/
Her: Next week for my 21st birthday? if you wanna come by
I wait a good while
Me: Yea let me know. Maybe I can swing by
Her: Okay will do
I never got further info on her birthday thing but I wouldn't have come anyway cause it would be like the worst possible scenario for getting to know her better and seducing her. I forgot about it and moved on.
Right at the end of winter break im at my early morning school orientation and she texts me. Asking me to come to come down and hang out at this bar with her and her friends. I decided that I wasn't gonna be desperate and come down just to get a little time with her unless there was a strong probability I could sleep with her. I decided to dig into the situation a bit and see what I could get away with. The conversation went like this.
Her: -B-!
Me: Hi -K- whats up?
Her: What ya doing tonight
Me: Im at my orientation right now, but once i'm done I free the rest of the day
Her: John barleycorn tonight?
Me: Which one?
Kristina: River north
Her: Come bring people lol
Me: Id be down if I still lived in chi or a had a place to stay. It sucks taking the train all the way down, partying for a little bit, then leaving early to catch the 12:10 back
Her: I live in lisle
Me: I used to work across the street from there at cantina laredo. I could prolly bring some people from there if I did come
Her: You can crash at my place and take the train tomorrow
Me: alright that sounds cool. Ill try to get in touch with my people over there once I get home. If not I can prolly swoop them up when they close lol
Her: Okay!!
Me: when does this thing start btw
Her: 9-2
Her: Come with me! (I didn't get where this came from but whatever it was positive)
Me: Ok, im getting my stuff together. Ill get in touch with you when I get downtown
Her: Really? Okay perfect
The reason that I decided to bring friends from my old job is cause I thought it could give me an advantage. I used to throw parties all the time and basically did a good job of being very likable there. There is a lot of decently pretty girls there, a few like me and most im just cool friends with, but they all give me big hugs and ask me how im doing and are very enthusiastic in conversation when I see them. I thought it would be good pre selection and I dont have to worry about maintaing things cause im gonna end up back at her place anyway.
So I get on the train and im heading down there. And I get a call from her. Shes asking me where I am and I tell her im on the train and im almost there. She tells me that a lot of the people flaked on her and its just her and her friend. I tell her no worries and say my friends from work are cool and we will make a night of it (I didn't learn until later that night that it was not just a get together with friends, she was promoting for her super young uncle who was DJ'ing. I was kind of disappointed about this cause she didnt mention it, but I figured id just make the best of it).
She calls me again like 15 mins later and shes asking where im at on my trip again. Shes using a very gentle, flirty voice with me. And asks me if I want her to come pick me up even tho its a bit out of her way. I know that would be utilizing the ben franklin affect and it would be good investment, but I would rather see her at the bar get a nice hug from her with better eye contact and set the tone and get some touch going early on, instead of say whats up and jump in the back seat of the car like im riding with the bros. What do you guys think about this one, do you think I chose the better option here?
So I get to the bar. Im in a really good state and feel comfortable with by body language and my vibe. I see her and her friend in the bar. She recognizes me and stands up with a big smile on her face and she gives me a warm hug. I then meet her friend who im not very attracted to (that comes into play later) and I sit down. I can tell that she's a little embarrassed that her plans were a complete flop, the bar was dead by the way. I do a great job though at breaking the ice and making her feel comfortable about this. I start deep diving her and soon shes responding well touching me often. Its going great but after a while I kind of run out of things to keep diving into, the girls are drinking a lot and getting in a party mood. Her friend turns the conversation sexual about this guy shes FWB with. I ease into my thing where I talk about why I don't get why society hates sexually liberated girls and its a weird double standard, and that where some people see a “slut” I see a confident girl who realizes we are only young and sexy for so long. They absolutely eat this stuff up. I thought maybe I could portray a little more how im a sexual guy. The friend of K was talking about sexual stories, so I shared a story about my FWB whos boyfriend that she just went on a break with saw one of my condom wrappers in her room and passed out on the floor. He did this cause after two years they still didnt have intercourse (what the fuck right?) and it was too much for him. The girl did not seem very intrigued by this story and seemed to purposely act like she wasn't paying attention. I made a mental note to just cool it on this in the future and try to escalate with her more. She seemed to cool down a bit and was not touching and flirting with me quite as much as she was before. When I would go get drinks for myself and come back I would put my hand on the small of her back, get close with her and have an exchange. After a while we got up to dance and mingle with other people around the bar. K came up to me said her friend really wants me, and then gave me a bit of a nudge and facial expression like “go for it buddy”. I knew exactly was going on. It seemed like she was testing me or pushing me to see if I was below her league. I just chuckled a bit and played it off like it was funny and I didn't take it seriously. It didn't end there though. The friend ended up getting really drunk and getting a lot of liquid courage. The friend grabbed me out of no where and started making out with me and K started a chant cheering us on (not so good right?). I just leaned back with kind of bored body language and refrained from moving my face to much as she tried to eat it. I tried to make it look like I wasn't into it without hurting the friend's feelings. K was in social butterfly mode and I was meeting and talking to some new people cause I didn't want to desperately follow K around. The friend stuck by me and kept doing this thing where she told guys who were hitting on her that I was her boyfriend. They would come apologize to me and I would tell them that its all good. I told some of them that it was a real turn on for them to hit on my woman and I like to share if you know what I mean, mainly cause im fucked up and was looking to get a good laugh. During this time K found this guy with his social group that she knew from back home by coincidence we will call him metro guy cause he looked like the poster boy for top shop but not quite as feminine. It was these 2 guys with their dates out on the town. I chilled and mingled with them little bit and they were cool people, but I didn't stay attached to their little group. Next thing I know, metro guy's date is not there anymore and he is absolutely all over K. He is getting really physical with her and the she seems to be kinda drunk and enjoying it quite a bit. I said before that this girl is really hot and the competition for her is absolutely ridiculous wherever she goes. To be honest I don't have a lot of experience with competing with other guys in this fashion. I used to be a shyer guy and the lays I would get would show strong interest in me and make it really easy for me. I was afraid that being inexperienced with this particular thing, if I tried to make a move it could come off awkward or weird and I would totally blow it. So I just kept talking with the friend of the girl and other people I was vibeing with in the bar and acted like I wasn't affected by this at all, instead of trying to make a move and swoop her up from him. This goes on for a bit longer and the girl is getting quite into it, talking about us after partying with him back in wrigleyville, but metro guy and his group eventually just leave. I say im gonna leave for a bit and go grab my friends a few blocks away. K starts being flirty with me and is like “promise you'll come back” with a pouty face. So I go over to cantina and check it out but its completely empty earlier than ive ever seen, no employees or anything. I call my girl Yessica and she says they cut a bunch of people early cause business was shit then and things kind of fell apart (they all have to like band up after work and come to my things together I dont know its weird), but she wants to see me soon... This ended up being a little more hurtful then helpful. I walk back to the bar and let K know whats up. I know things aren't going super great, but im just trying to maintain a flirty vibe and keep cool. We get a couple more drinks and the girls get back in a party mood and start dancing. Out of nowhere K comes up to me and starts making making out with me hardcore. She is all over me touching me and im kissing her back pretty intensely, she turns around and starts dancing with me. Its not so much dancing as shes trying to rub her ass against my cock as hard as she possibly can, and im slowly rubbing my hands up and down her body. I make a playful comment in her ear that she needs to calm down a bit cause were almost knocking down the table behind us and shes getting me a little excited. The night comes to a close and were getting around to leaving the bar. At this point her friend is incoherently drunk and wanders outside. K and I head out to get her and head home.
Outside the bar K grabs her friend then turns to me and says she had a good time and tells me she will grab a cab for me and attempts to wave one down. At this point she seems decently sobered up and in my head im like “wait wtf”. Im more leaning towards that this is just some form of ASD and reputation preservation cause she was just all over me, but there was a chance she wasn't feeling me going home with her. I wave the cab on that was stopping for me and try to keep totally calm and cool as I let her know that there are no more trains for me to take home and it's because she said I could stay with her at her place. She then immediately perks up and gets a smile on her face, gets these puppy dog eyes and says to me “so ur coming home with me?” in a childish hopeful kind of way. I chuckle and bit and say yea. She closes her eyes, pulls me in and and starts kissing me intimately. We have this more sweeter style make out session for a while, I make sure to break just before her as the kiss comes to an end. She then takes my hand in hers and we walk to the car together with her friend following close behind. We get to the car and her friend jumps in shotgun and at this point shes struggling to keep it together. Shes so drunk that im not even sure that she is speaking english anymore. She sounds like a deaf person and keeps saying the word cunt every other sentence. We start on our way back and K is struggling to keep her friend under control. I'll try to keep it quick here, basically the ride home turned into a disaster. The friend started throwing up out the window. K realized she lost her phone and and was freaking out about it, I called the bar and they had it. She wanted to go back and pick it up but the bar staff said now as they were all leaving. This really upset K to the point where I thought she may even start crying or something. Her drunk friends phone went out of batteries and she had no way to navigate home and she just started freaking out and the whole mood was dead. I tried to be helpful, calm her down and take control when I could, but not look too empathetic or look like a try hard white knight coming to the rescue. I also just tried to play it cool and wait till her mood calmed a bit before trying to get back on track with her again. Eventually we found our way back to their apartment. The drunk girl is her room mate and they just moved in a new apartment together. I come around and help carry her drunk friend into the apartment which is totally empty except for the clothes, and some furniture they moved in (no beds). We laid her by the bathroom where she kept being very noisy and distracting insisting over and over and over that K get her other friend to come over and take care of her at 5 am. K lays out a couple big blankets and a very long pillow on top long enough for three people to lay on, so im thinking that shes laying out a bed for both of us. In the past ive had some seductions go pretty rocky and terrible but the girl still sleeps with me at the end because she was attracted to me and we just ended up together. Im thinking thats what might happen right now. It takes a long time for K to get her friend to calm down. Im laying down in the make shift bed relaxing. K goes to turn off the lights. She says some last things to her friend as she lays down close to me to do some stuff on her friends phone plugged in the wall. Her head is right by mine and I caress her body a little bit. Shes pretty unresponsive to this and just stands up in a little bit and grabs another blanket and pillow and walks over to the other corner of the room and lays down and says good night unenthusiastically. Im disappointed about it and end up just going to sleep (this isn’t the end though). I was going over 36 hours with no sleep for reasons I let them know earlier on (sleep schedule is all messed up and I had a lot of school registration stuff). I fell into a really deep sleep. When I woke up, I could hear K and her friend talking. They both had to go to work and K worked a short shift before her friend left to work at her job. She kept saying to her friend “so you're not gonna be here when I get home”. She also said last night that she would take me back to the train station after she got home from work. Shes like a red bull girl, but except for muscle milk so she like only works for like 3 hours and does promotional stuff. I could feel myself getting tired and I feel back asleep.
I wake up and in total darkness and have to take a moment to remember where I am and whats going on. My eyes start to adjust to the darkness again. I get up feel a little lousy and a bit of a sore throat. K was sick and it prolly had to do with the fact that we made out with me multiple times. I made my way over to the bathroom and turned on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought just of how unpleased I was with the way things went last night while I stayed pretty passive. I remembered that I came out here grow and push my limits even more and that I would take every chance I could to improve. So I made it up in my mind that I would move this girl towards close, regardless of the way she was acting, until I was slapped in the face a few times or definitively rejected. I never came on to a girl really hard who was showing no positive vibe in the moment what so ever. The thought made me a little bit nervous. I grabbed the toothpaste using my finger to rub in in my mouth and around my teeth to kill any bad morning breath, I then turned the faucet on and fixed the crazy morning hair I had going. I turned off the bathroom light and laid back on the makeshift bed. I closed my eyes and just tried to vividly remember a couple of the smoother lays I pulled off in the past in order to get myself in a confident positive state. Then I just started imagining us having sex to get myself horny and motivated. I continued to just do this in the dark for a good while... Then, over in the corner of the room. I could hear keys jingling and the door starting to open. My heart started to race a bit.
K comes in the door and turns on the light. I act like im just waking up from my nap and playfully tell her to hold it on the lights for a bit cause its a bit rough on the eyes right now. Shes a bit hesitant to do that but I convince her and she goes over to open the blinds and get some moon and street light in the room. She acts super surprised that im still asleep and I remind her how long ive been on no sleep and shes like oh yea I forgot. I start asking about her job and how her day day went, I sit up and emanate a comfortable, positive vibe in hopes she will ease into it as well. Once she gets talking and I feel shes acting more positive I pat the carpet next to me and tell her to come sit here (cause she was just standing by the window). She made her way over but instead she sat in the cloth chair just across from the foot of the bed. After she finishes talking about her job I mentioned to her that I have a sore throat now and its probably because of her, but its not all bad cause shes a pretty good kisser. She responds with something like “Oh yea I like kissing everyone, guys, girls when im drunk. You didnt have to kiss ME you know”. I chuckled and said that she was the one putting the moves on me last night (which was true). She tried to defuse that too. She said that she wanted to just chill tonight and watch a netflix movie or something and that we would head back at like 7 (why would she want to hang with me alone for that much longer when she seems dis interested right now and and is sending negative signal after negative signal?) after talking a more she goes into her room and starts unpacking all her clothes. She says I can move the blanket and pillow in there and chill but not in a flirty way. I come in there and poke fun at her a bit for a bit for saying she wanted to have a chill night, then next thing you know shes furiously unpacking all her stuff. She says she can't relax until everything is perfect. I joke around saying that there is a term for that. Offended she's like “what OCD?! Im proud of it its a good thing” I chuckle a bit and don't take her too serious. This goes on for like 20 more minutes and she just showing nothing but terrible signs and no interest at all. But I promised myself I wouldn't give up. I need to make more of a stronger, dominant move. Shes walking in and out of the room and i've got a bit of a smile on my face. The exchange went like this.
Her: What are you thinking about right now... how we were drunk, how we all got so drunk last night? I know it was a fun.
Me: No not exactly haha
Her: ...what?
Me: never mind..... you really wanna know?
Her: ugh I guess
(I get especially flirty and sexual with my eye contact and tone of voice)
Me: Why were you kissing me so much last night, what was that all about?
Her: I was drunk and I just like kissing when im drunk
Me: so you just kiss any average joe when you get drunk, even if you don't find him attractive at all?
Her: well... no I kiss people who are cute
Me: so is that why you kissed me last night... cause im cute?
(Her and her friends did say I was really cute multiple times that night)
Her: Yea you're cute sweet guy... but were just Friends B
Me: We're just friends? you've spent a total of like 10 hours with me haha, you don't even know me yet
she starts to walk in the kitchen to take a pizza out she put in and I casually follow
Her: Yes B were just talking right now, I don't kiss like that when im sober
Me: So you never do this when your sober?
I grab her by the waist with one hand and turn her around, I pull her into me and give her an aggressive forceful kiss. Shes really surprised but is kissing me back for a bit but with not a ton of enthusiasm. She breaks the kiss and turns her head down
Her: No... B
Me: (I interrupt her and im breathing heavy and turned on) Hey im not done with you yet!
I grab her by the neck just under the chin and force her head back up to me. And give her another passionate forceful kiss. She gets really into it and starts breathing really heavy and is putting her hands on me. I break first this time. And stare into her eyes
Her: there, you got your kiss are you happy?
She walks back in her room and tries to go back to unpacking and tries to cool the situation off by telling me we dont know each other like that for about another 10 minutes. I get back on to touching her
Her: B, calm down we're just friends
Me: If we were just friends then this wouldn't make you feel anything would it?
I grab her by the hips again and fucking slam her up against the wall hard and get within kissing distance and hold it. Shes really rattled right now staring back at me and she can barely catch her breath and is making like these little moaning noises that are barely audible.
Me: Why are you breathing like that huh? what are you making those little noises for?
Her: well im a girl... I have hormones (lol, first time ive heard this excuse)
I forcefully kiss her again and what happened next gentlemen I kid you not this girl did something I have never seen before. She absolutely fucking snapped and went into a completely senseless, primal, lust fueled frenzy. Not like really like really turned on and into it moaning, I mean like I have never seen anything like it in real life or even in the movies, or on the discovery channel. Maybe in dominatrix or super rough porn but I dont watch a lot of that. I would like some feedback from the more experienced guys on here to see if they've seen this a couple times before, or even a lot. She absolutely lost it like a sex maniac was all over me, and we were just attacking each other. I was kissing all over her neck and almost ripped her shirt apart trying to lick and kiss her breasts/collar bone. She was kissing and biting me so hard all over the place. It got so intense and crazy so fast that I quickly picked her up and carried her over to the blanket and laid her down. This girl kept gasping, and moaning, and screaming at times for the whole 6-7 minute foreplay process in a way that it looked like she was constantly having the most intense orgasm of her entire life even though she had her clothes on and I was not giving her direct sexual stimulation. I was almost in shock at this point. With me on top we were both just grinding our genitals against each other as hard and as wildly as possible. Needless to say my dick is so hard I could fucking chop cocaine with it. She puts both hands up the back of my shirt and starts absolutely tearing the shit out of my back with her nails. Ive never had a girl scratch me even one 4th this hard, I thought I could be bleeding all down my back. I gasp out in surprise and reaction “Ahhhhhhhh FUCK BABY!” I bite down on her shoulder really fucking hard and we get even more into it. I grab a fist full of her hair and pull really hard bringing her ear right to my mouth. I can barely get the words out clearly “Oh I want to so fucking bad”. We keep going like this for a couple minutes until out of nowhere she flips me over and gets on top of me from the laying down position like I weighed absolutely nothing. Shes sitting up in girl on top position furiously grinding against me. Her head is hanging back and she looks like she doesn't even know where she is. Shes still doing all kinds of crazy stuff vocally. My hands are all up her shirt and im just saying stupid shit, whatever comes to my mind. “Look what you're doing to me right now sweetie” and “uhhh you want this so bad dont you?”. After she does this for a a minute or two I think to myself, yea shes ready. I try to flip her on her back to start taking off her clothes but she wont budge. Im an athletic guy who's decently toned, but this girl was harder to move then a marble statue... like unbelievably strong, and shes a good deal smaller than me. Maybe it was one of those adrenaline rushes that women get when they lift cars off of their kids or something I don't know but I never felt a girl do anything like that either, I could move every girl I made love with around like a rag doll so far. Most of them were not as small as her (maybe I have to hit the gym more or invest in some roids gentlemen lol). Commanding her dominantly to get on her back and her going with it I flipped her around.... and then the worst thing happened.
Shes on her back and im licking and kissing all over and around belly button piercing then I start pulling her yoga pants down with my teeth. Then she curls up and completely shuts down out of nowhere.
I try to just keep going with what im doing even though its difficult.
“B!!! we can't do this, my room mate is gonna be home soon. We cant do this, we cant do this, WE CANT DO THIS!!!”
At this point all this energy she had going turned against me. I thought it would be best to avoid logic and conversation and keep escalating but she would push me away aggressively and move away from me. I actually caught a few fairly painful limbs in the ribs. I thought if I kept going she might crack one of them. She was making physical escalation so hard that I just tried to keep cool and talk my way back into it. She told me all about how shes seeing this guys she really cares about at her school “the friend told me about this last night” and that they are just about to get exclusive and he would never do something like this behind her back right now. I tell her that she should enjoy her last bit of freedom and we could just make each other feel good and have a good time. Im still a young guy getting experience under his belt, im working on my verbal persuasion skills but i'm not exactly Bill Clinton right now. Shes not being receptive and her energy and interest levels are fading back down to where they were at the beginning of the night. Then I really mess up by telling her “she will never know how I can make her feel”... after ive been disqualifying myself from the boyfriend category and making it clear im not looking for anything serious right now. I should have said I wasn't looking to ruin what she had with the other guy and I would keep it low key (or something better than that if you guys have any suggestions). I wasn't thinking as clearly at this point. After a lot of persistence for a long time I can't get it going again and just realize its over for now. She tells me that she wants to be friends with me. I nicely tell her that I dont do the friendzone thing with girls im attracted to, and its better for me just to move on. She seems really really shocked by this saying “So you wont be my friend???” I say “No... you've got enough of those, you don't need me for that” she says thats terrible of me and other guys who were attracted to her were fine being her friend. Here I get a little stupid again and tell her a little too in depth why they are doing that, because they still like her probably and are desperately hoping she will come on to them one day. I tell her I wont do that and I go after what I want.
Things settle down a bit and we eventually head out to the car together and drive back downtown. There is no awkwardness at all. We talk and have fun. We pick up her phone then she drives me over to the train station. I tell her “thanks for the ride” “and maybe ill see you around” in a pretty bored and whatever way. She looks at me and with her arms open looking for a hug and I playfully say “Whats this all about?” she hugs me. I casually say thanks again I get out and go home and that was the end.
Wow that was a long one guys it literally, took me all day to write this one between classes. I have a lot respect for you guys constantly pumping out reports. Anyway I really wanted to close this one guys. Its not just cause the girl was really hot. That escalation was one of the most thrilling and intense moments of my life prolly just because I was breaking a major wall and limitations I put on myself, but I haven't ever experienced human interaction like that at all. There was no logical thought at all until the end, it was just pure instinct and aggression from a girl like i've never seen. And that was just the foreplay with clothes on... the sex just would have been bananas. Im going through some depression about it thinking on what kind of life experience I missed out on. I have a sweet girl who im FWB with that I like a lot and a couple prospects so I was able to move on easily as you guys saw. I thought at least I could learn as much as possible from the situation and anyone who wants to help me out so I don't fail to close if I ever see anything like this again. And you've ever seen a girl snap into an intense nympho trance before and closed it, please share a bit about the story so I can feel better haha.
Thanks for sticking though to the end and reading guys, just a couple quick things im looking to get input on.
-As you can see im a lot stronger in one on one interaction. Being out and about in public at bars or clubs with girls never goes super smooth with me unless im much higher value than them. When its just you and the girl at a cafe, home, etc (which I try to do as much as possible) its just so easy and there is no problem keeping her engaged in you. In those social venues I start well deep diving and using some incidental touch, but then they get distracted by other people other things, friends, other guys hitting on them, drama. Im not gonna follow around them around the venue trying to keep them with me at all times cause I dont wanna look desperate. When this happens though it always kills the momentum a bit every time they break away and if too much momentum is lost I start to flounder a bit. Anything you guys recommend here?
-On dealing with really hot girls. I don't try to look at them in a different way or put them on a pedestal. I feel ive been pretty good and able to be myself around higher value girls lately, but so many of them are super erratic even after showing initial interest and putting the moves on me. One minute they are all over me showing great signs, then they have no interest then they are trying to push me on their less attractive friend, then they are all over another guy and have no interest in me at all, then they come back and are more into me that ever, then they are totally against me closing or are cool with it. For the past couple years all my experience with high level girls that would be a 9 or over on most guys' scales who still use the scale system. Some of these were models, local actresses and just those really really hot girls every guy around her wants. They always act like this towards me after showing initial interest (at least the ones that do want me). And all I do is just try to keep cool and move it to close and escalate, I try not to get to affected or do anything to crazy. Ive been lucky to close a small portion of these but most of them I don't close. Is there anything I can change about myself or the way im acting towards them that can help smooth out this erratic behavior?
-Also with any decently hot girl who has a a lot of options and knows shes decently high value loses some interest at a specific point most times if im in social circle or a situation where I can't immediately close. Its going great at the start, good deep diving, decent touch, flirty vibe, but im not a guy who initiates any heavy groping or heavy make out in public myself especially cause on this site it says to try and save the crest for when you get home alone. So there is always this moment like the one in this situation where I reach this plateau and I don't know how to keep taking it higher and higher to keep them interested but I cant close in the given situation yet. Girls who know they are high value get bored here and start breaking away sometimes to entertain themselves elsewhere, hitting on other guys, talking or even making out with other girls. What can I do hear to keep things going well until I close.
Lastly how could I have handled myself better in these situations
-The other friend coming on to me
-The other guy cutting in and getting all over K, I dont really know how to compete hard yet
-The whole situation and escalation with K in general
Thanks again guys for reading through all of this and I definitely would appreciate any input or help anyone has to offer me.