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LR  Almost lost her, ended in amazing sex


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 28, 2013
So if you're interested in catching up with this girl, feel free to check out the most recent post I wrote about us, FR++ Couldn't Overcome the 'Last Minute Resistance'.

In a nutshell though, I had hooked up with this girl 2 times previously, unsuccessful in getting to sex both times. So this was my last try before I was going to replace her. It was all or nothing for me.

It's also important to note that, just like last time, when I handed her PJs for the night, she dropped her pants right then and there and put the PJs on. THIS TIME however, I didn't look away as if it was something I shouldn't be seeing. Instead, I looked right at her with a sexy smile as she changed into the PJs.

Dinner and a Movie
The 2 previous times, she had just come to my apartment, we chatted a bit, drank a bit and then went to my bed room. My thoughts were that maybe she wasn't letting me take her clothes off because she felt like it was a little forced. So I decided this time to change things up a little. I asked her if she wanted to grab a bite to eat somewhere. We went to this nice pub/restaurant down the road (I wanted to keep it casual) that had some live music that night. We had a great conversation (as we always do, thanks to Chase's The Conversationalist and What Does She Want? The 8 Things you Must Ask Her posts). I also didn't pay for her dinner, as Chase suggests, and had the bill split.

So we get back to my place and are trying to decide if we should go out to main street or kick back and watch a movie. Thankfully the rain made the decision for us, and we watched a movie. Now, last time she was over, we also watched a movie. And the thing is, I usually don't get through a whole movie when I'm watching with a girl because we just get horny in the middle of it and go to bed. I did this with her the previous time, and she didn't let me take her clothes off (as I mentioned, probably because she felt that it was too forced). Also, the movie we watched last time was kind of a serious one...

This time, I decided that we would watch a comedy (Forgetting Sarah Marshall), drink a few beers and just relax. Besides, there's lots of sex/sexual references in the movie, so I thought maybe it would subliminally stimulate her. Also, different from last time, I decided that we would just watch the whole movie...that almost turned out to be a disaster. In the meantime, the girl I had lined up to come over the following night (tonight now) was drunk texting me.

Almost lost her...
Once the movie was over, and I still hadn't made my move, it did get a little awkward. In fact, when I invited her back to my room (not anything new to her), she kind of resisted and actually started packing up her stuff to head out... So I gathered my thoughts, rebooted, and started to be persistent. I started touching her a little, caressing her body. It was raining out still, and starting to turn to snow, when I remembered her telling me that if there's ANY snow on the ground, her car slides around like a sled. So I used this to my advantage and told her there's no way she could make it home (45 min drive) safely. She agreed and we got into bed.

Physical Escalation/Sex
I almost immediately pulled her close to me and we got real intimate. I just gazed into her eyes with a sideways smile on my face and she melted. She grabbed me tightly and started pulling on my shirt as we kissed passionately. It was definitely much more mutual this time. She definitely felt much more comfortable and was totally turned on by me this time. She rolled me over, got on top of me and ripped her shirt off. I took the effort to unclip her bra and tossed it aside. Eventually we were both shirtless, and it was time to get the pants off...the moment of truth. (Aside: in my experience, when I take a girl's pants off, she usually lifts herself and raises her butt up a bit.) I reached for either side of her PJs and started to pull down. Her butt didn't raise. But I learned from last time's mistakes and wasn't fazed one bit. This time, I stopped pulling, looked her straight in the eyes, shot her a little smirk and said with a sarcastic/sexy tone, "Really? So you're willing to show me your cute blue panties when YOU take your pants off but not when I do?" Worked like a charm! Pants slid right off. ;)

Now we're both in our underwear, grasping each other tightly, getting sweaty with each other. I slide down, reach for the panties and again, her butt doesn't raise! So once again, unfazed, I say, "You know, as cute as you look in these panties, I think it's about time they come off." Again, works like a charm and off they come. At this point, she's naked and I'm not, and of course she wants it to be equal. So she turns me over, rips off my boxers and pulls me close. I reach for the condom, slip it on and off we went. It was amazing sex, very passionate, sensual, hot. I eventually came, but she didn't let me clean up right away. Instead, she pulled me in and just caressed my body. After a couple minutes, I whispered in her ear, "I'm gonna go get cleaned up real quick. But when I come back, let's do it again. ;)" She smiled big and said, "Okay!" And since I promised her, when I got back, we did it again. The night was amazing for both of us.

In Conclusion...
All in all, looking at the big picture now, I truly think all of her resistance was just to test my strength. If I was weak, I would crumble under her objections and wouldn't be a good suit for her. If I was unfazed, I would work past the resistance, showing I'm a desirable, strong-willed man. In the end, it all worked out well. This was my 11th lay in my life, but the first girl I laid by utilizing techniques from Girls Chase, start to finish. All other 10 girls were either girlfriends, college drunk one-night-stands or just chicks that were too easy to even need to use any skills. But this girl: I opened her one night at a bar; got her number; followed Chase's texting advice; set up several meets at my place over the course of a couple weeks, all unsuccessful in bedding her; persisted through resistance, learning from my mistakes each time; and finally made the girl mine.

So to that, I must say THANK YOU GIRLS CHASE STAFF. I foresee many more story lines like this in the near future. In fact, I have another girl coming over tonight, who will be the 2nd girl I will have had by following Chase's process for getting girls. I'm also working on having more abundance with women, so this is a good next step. Hopefully I'll be writing another LR tomorrow when I wake up.

~ Cheers
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Awesome job pulling this one out in the end. Seems she liked you quite a bit and was thrilled it finally got to sex.

RodeoRyan said:
This time, I decided that we would watch a comedy (Forgetting Sarah Marshall), drink a few beers and just relax. Besides, there's lots of sex/sexual references in the movie, so I thought maybe it would subliminally stimulate her. Also, different from last time, I decided that we would just watch the whole movie...that almost turned out to be a disaster. In the meantime, the girl I had lined up to come over the following night (tonight now) was drunk texting me.

Yes - usually, watching the movie the whole way through makes things too awkward... the expectation hangs in the air to the point it grows stale and the window closes. It seems like that almost happened here -

RodeoRyan said:
Almost lost her...
Once the movie was over, and I still hadn't made my move, it did get a little awkward. In fact, when I invited her back to my room (not anything new to her), she kind of resisted and actually started packing up her stuff to head out... So I gathered my thoughts, rebooted, and started to be persistent. I started touching her a little, caressing her body. It was raining out still, and starting to turn to snow, when I remembered her telling me that if there's ANY snow on the ground, her car slides around like a sled. So I used this to my advantage and told her there's no way she could make it home (45 min drive) safely. She agreed and we got into bed.

... BUT, you pulled out a save.

At that point, she was more or less committed to having sex with you.

RodeoRyan said:
This time, I stopped pulling, looked her straight in the eyes, shot her a little smirk and said with a sarcastic/sexy tone, "Really? So you're willing to show me your cute blue panties when YOU take your pants off but not when I do?" Worked like a charm! Pants slid right off. ;)

Now we're both in our underwear, grasping each other tightly, getting sweaty with each other. I slide down, reach for the panties and again, her butt doesn't raise! So once again, unfazed, I say, "You know, as cute as you look in these panties, I think it's about time they come off." Again, works like a charm and off they come.

Great call here. Sometimes vocalizing it the right way can get clothes off that you've spent hours trying to get off without verbally saying anything about it on your own.

RodeoRyan said:
At this point, she's naked and I'm not, and of course she wants it to be equal. So she turns me over, rips off my boxers and pulls me close. I reach for the condom, slip it on and off we went. It was amazing sex, very passionate, sensual, hot. I eventually came, but she didn't let me clean up right away. Instead, she pulled me in and just caressed my body. After a couple minutes, I whispered in her ear, "I'm gonna go get cleaned up real quick. But when I come back, let's do it again. ;)" She smiled big and said, "Okay!" And since I promised her, when I got back, we did it again. The night was amazing for both of us.

In Conclusion...
All in all, looking at the big picture now, I truly think all of her resistance was just to test my strength. If I was weak, I would crumble under her objections and wouldn't be a good suit for her. If I was unfazed, I would work past the resistance, showing I'm a desirable, strong-willed man. In the end, it all worked out well. This was my 11th lay in my life, but the first girl I laid by utilizing techniques from Girls Chase, start to finish. All other 10 girls were either girlfriends, college drunk one-night-stands or just chicks that were too easy to even need to use any skills. But this girl: I opened her one night at a bar; got her number; followed Chase's texting advice; set up several meets at my place over the course of a couple weeks, all unsuccessful in bedding her; persisted through resistance, learning from my mistakes each time; and finally made the girl mine.

So to that, I must say THANK YOU GIRLS CHASE STAFF. I foresee many more story lines like this in the near future. In fact, I have another girl coming over tonight, who will be the 2nd girl I will have had by following Chase's process for getting girls. I'm also working on having more abundance with women, so this is a good next step. Hopefully I'll be writing another LR tomorrow when I wake up.

~ Cheers

You're absolutely welcome, Ryan, although of course all any of us did here was showed you a path. You're the one who put on your boots, grabbed your bindle, and walked on down it.

Kudos on your couple of successes in quick succession (this girl and the next one I see you've got a lay report up on too). You're just getting started.
