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FR  almost LR "Shy girl"


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 1, 2014
So, bit of context. Met this girl during the day and we went for coffee- turns out she goes to my university so we meet up.

Bounce around a few good places on our campus- overall a great date and move things back to my house, she refused to kiss me for ages- eventually I got her to confess..

she has OCD and is VERY concerned about spreading HPV (as there is a 0.0001% chance she may have it) and it took around 3hrs of building some comfort to kiss her. I got her down to just jeans but she freaked out every time i tried to remove them/ put my hand down her pants- had to settle by rubbing her through her jeans.

So she left & I had blue balls, she came over Sat night to cook some food together, things moved to my room and I got her down to her jeans again but no dice to move any further than that- almost cracked it by whispering in her ear, biting her neck ect ect but yet again I remain with blue balls.

So her issue with me going down there is fear of giving me HPV, she told me she wants to "obey the rules" and move slow but then contradicts when I see her body react to me turning her on.

Any advice on this one fellas?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake