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FR  Alot of mistakes, but proud of myself


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Last night I decided to get out. My cousin and my friend both flaked on me, so I decided to go to a bar alone for the first time and dang I am proud of myself lol.

1st bar, I went in and the whole place was jam packed because they were showing a ufc fight. I ended up standing around like a weirdo with no beer because of how busy the place is erghhh. So, I did my first situational approach and went up to a group of older latin women, I say they were like 10+ years older than me. Im 26

I was a little off my game(fundamentals) since i was sober haha
Me: Hey ladies, I got a problem.
Them: oh yeah whats wrong?
Me: I am over there standing like a stiff, and I want to sit down and watch the fight, is this seat taken? (this place was jam packed, with no seats anywhere except them)
Them: sure, go right ahead :)
Me: Thank you, Im Oscar by the way
Them: Mayra, Naomi.

So I sat there watching the fight, I struggled to talk to them as they didn't find me interesting at all. I would say a few things here and there they would
invest a little and I also asked if they were single and they all said yes, I was like no way I find that hard to believe. They were like "Why?" I said because you ladies are so beautiful and they looked at me like a fucking idiot haha, I think these girls didn't like how young I was so they backed off of giving me advances.

I was wasting my time here and I just left that bar and went to venue #2

I went to a sports bar, I got a drink and scouted the area for singles and opened up these two girls, one was very attractive but a bit on the chubby side, but that is what I like though (she was my target). The other girl was a fatty, but I opened them easy like this...

Me: Hey, are guys friendly? :)
Them: what? yes we are lol, why?
Me: well I havent seen anyone come up and approach you girls and I thought hmm they must be pretty intimidating, but I have to see for my self (said with a smile)
Them: haha
Me: Im Oscar
Monica: Im monica (my target, dang she had a pretty face)
Nereyda: Nereyda (I got her name wrong several times, I called her lorena haha whoops)

So I got into some light banter with these girls, learning from my mistake from last time of asking to sit with girls to early. After a few sentences I asked if I could join them and they said yes, So there I was my second approach of the night haha I didn't approach anyone else so I was sitting with them and they were the opposite of the last girls haha very nice.

I did my best in getting them to open (deep dive) and I asked them interesting questions, such as do you travel, at your job do you plan on doing that forever, what part of mexico was your family from blah blah. Nereyda was the one investing more, but monica was more reserved (fuck, always the ones your interested in) I was starting to run out of stuff to say, but they assisted with conversation.

They asked if i was alone tonight and I told them the truth that I was and that my cousin backed out on me.

They were surprised that I approach them as they never get approached. I was the only guy talking to them all night lol girlschase trained baby!

They asked me out of the blue if I was married and I acted stupid looking at my fingers like I was a retard and they just burst out laughing lol I said "nope, no ring here haha" (good repartee there)

I asked them if they were single and they said yes, but later on monica took back that statement saying she is not officially single tonight or something, I was like oh shit, maybe I said something wrong erghhh

They were a few times were they were looking at me like I was stupid for saying something, but they seemed to forgive me about it. The other PUA roosh says that you are bound to say stupid things so just keep moving forword. So that is what i did. You just got to do your best.

The touch barrier with monica was broken quite early in the interaction. I touched her quite frequently and she never repelled. For most of the time her elbow was touching mine and she just never moved it. I asked about her bracelet that she got from another club all while touching her as well as touching her arm while making a point alot.

From there I made a mistake, I asked her for her picture since she was taking some of her friend. She was like "not by myself" , I was like okay, with me then? and she said yes. I got a little too close to her as I put my arm around her and my head tilted towards her WHOOOOPSSS, "she was like why so close?"
I said i am sorry, but I don't think she heard me and so I backed off a little and we got a picture together anyway. I wanted a trophy so i got her picture, but I think I overstepped her boundaries a little bit, when I got close to her haha lesson learned

the next big mistake I made was saying LTR (haha reading too much girls chase lately) when we talked about their long term relationships, they were like "don't say that it sounds wrong". I was like oh crap it sounds like DTF haha whooops i didn't think about that. they didn't like me saying that at all and I am glad they didn't kick me out haha lesson learned.

So the night was finishing up and I decided to get their numbers and I gave monica my phone, i said put your contact info in and she did. then she asked me are you getting everybody's? with a weird face like i don't want to give you my number unless you get everybodys. I was like "how about I just get yours" with a smile on my face and she complied.
Nereyda gave no problems and gave me her number right away.

I didn't ask them for a date or anything, i just gave them my phone. Big mistake, I should have told them what the hell i want to text them for haha. lesson learned.

Overall Nereyda gave the most compliance/investment, monica was reserved with me (couldnt deep dive enough, but our EC was strong and she never repelled my touch and we touched alot. My EC was great with both girls, my posture needs some work though haha

I texted them an hour after I got out of the bar and I sent this

"Hey nice meeting you. Save my number. Oscar"

no reply yet from either girls. I really want to see monica again but don't know what to do haha any tips guys? this is a long read sorry about that.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Hey, congrats on sarging out there alone, soldier. The first time I went out to do daygame alone...whew. Hopefully it goes better today.

asked them if they were single and they said yes, but later on monica took back that statement saying she is not officially single tonight or something,

??? Wonder what that was about. Maybe a hindbrain/forebrain conflict there. "I'm technicaally not single, but if you keep on keepin' onn..."

then she asked me are you getting everybody's? with a weird face like i don't want to give you my number unless you get everybodys. I was like "how about I just get yours" with a smile on my face and she complied.

I dunno, mate. Is it possible that she made a face because she felt like she was being too forward in showing her interest by asking you that question. Let's reframe this: perhaps she showed you a brief glimpse of her insecurity about whether or not you liked her. Strange. I know. It's entirely possible that she couldn't detect whether you were mr. social or you were attempting to really push it with her alone. Especially so when you decide to take the other girl's number as well. The fact that her friend didn't cockblock, along with Monica providing what you suggest were positive IOIs...could have been your yellow/green light.

My guess is that she was trying to deduce your intentions with that comment and that was the time to show her your weenie. "How about I just get yours" works...it's just that immediately after you get the other girl's number. What? Why you do dat? Her hamster does front hand springs. NOW this doesn't mean you've removed her interest. Quite the contrary. I'm just highlighting that you may be looking at the situation from a less ideal frame. Sort of like when someone tells a joke and you think it's meant to offend you while, in reality, it was nothing more than a playful comment. Or like how a girl texted me "what are you up to" at midnight and my foolish first thought was that she was scrouging for a party, rather than trying to orchestrate a meet up.


Best of luck - hopefully you'll get a text response.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Hey Gentle_Phrases, thanks for the reply man. Hmmm, i didn't think about that. She asked "aren't you getting everyone elses like with a serious tone as if it would be taboo if i didn't, but yeah after I got her number I got the other girls number hahah despite me tellin her that "how about I just get yours" line whooooopsss, I fucked up there right?

Do you think monica was in to me? She let me touch her alot, but she wouldn't let me deep dive much.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Oscar, mate good on you for pushing your comfort zone a bit. Especially alone. When I first started reading GC I never had anyone to go out with (that I liked enough to be around) and I had to force myself to go out alone. Pretty intimidating at first but after a while you feel like a legend since no one else does what your doing. It helps you become a real social warrior and gives you a better purpose than going out and aimlessly socializing like everyone else.

I like that you're creative with your openers instead of using the same canned opener every time but I think you need to add some genuine interest into your opener for two reasons:
A. It will better help you find who's open to meeting you and who's not, making for worse rejections (which is actually a good thing) but saved time on your part.
B. It will communicate your intentions better to the girl and help her feel better at ease while boosting attraction for you. It sounds like the second girl wasn't totally disinterested in meeting you and my guess is it would have spiked her attraction more if you would have opened directly/indirect direct.

I am over there standing like a stiff, and I want to sit down and watch the fight, is this seat taken? (this place was jam packed, with no seats anywhere except them)
Them: sure, go right ahead :)
You: and quite frankly it spikes my senses sitting next to a woman with such cute dimples (insert genuine compliment of choice) accenting her smile. I'm Oscar.
Her: Oh thank you! I'm Mayra.
You: Mayra, I see. Lovely to meet you Mayra. So were you born with such cute dimples or did they just come in over time?
Start banter and process.

Glad your making process keep it up bra.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Thanks rob, I opened direct the last time I was there with "I thought ya'll were cute and I wanted to meet you line" and I bombed all of them haha but I will try it out.

I am thinking of texting monica tomorrow just to try my luck, ask for a coffee date using the text template. She hasn't responded to my first message, but I cant give up too easily right?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
No I would text her maybe one more time in a day or two and probably cut contact after that. If you're bold give her a call and keep the conversation fun and stimulating, though I hate phone calling (i'm horrible on the phone) so I personally wouldn't. Honestly in night game most of the phone numbers you will collect are going to go nowhere so I wouldn't sweat it too much. Girls hand out numbers in bars like promoters hand out fliers for a concert, and a lot of times hand it out simply to be nice. For that reason alone I never ask for numbers in bars/clubs (though I hardly go out anymore since my Fake ID got taken) and simply focus on taking each interaction as far as it will go.

I've been really inspired by Liam McRae who specializes in rapid escalation in clubs and daygame. His specialty is attracting women and then bringing them into a nearby alleyway, car, or bathroom to escalate. http://www.thenaturallifestyles.com/15-minute-toilet-sex-at-the-ivy/ This is a good read of a rapid escalation example. He also had a bunch of really good videos on rapid escalation mindsets and how to's I highly recommend watching. You can find them on the NaturalTV or Natural Lifestyles channel on youtube.
