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Always boyfriend framed


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
Every time I date a girl I get the boyfriend frame. It’s like Im under a microscope and it’s preventing me from moving forward easier anyone have any advice. How do I be present myself differently from the beginning


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Where and how are you meeting these girls?
How much time passes between when you meet and when you invite them?
Where do you take them for dates?
Do you ever try to what girls on your first date?

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012

Hope this helps!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Going off a different road: how is your dressing style/look. If you are clothed and your vibe is that of a diligent office worker you could indeed be slot into boyfriend category especially if you keep showing "safe" traits. Sometimes a couple of items can help to make you come across as more edgy. For instance jewelry or more flamboyant clothing. We actually do not have that much information to go on... but this could make a difference :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
I read one of chases articles and I realized I seem to be doing all the wrong things when dating them. I spend to much time on them either talking or texting before I hook up. I guess giving too much attention


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
Where and how are you meeting these girls?
How much time passes between when you meet and when you invite them?
Where do you take them for dates?
Do you ever try to what girls on your first date?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
I also have this issue with girls I talk to or have an interest in sleeping with. When I talk to them I give off vibes that i'm a safe,trusting,nice,gentleman. Idk how to be percieved as a sexy lover guy. Even when I touch girls and got a bit physical with girls in social circle I still come off as i'd be a nice protective boyfriend or worst case scenario best friend. Being baby faced and soft spoken just makes it even worse.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
Also anyone know how to get more compliance when not on dates or if things kind of slow down over the phone Olof you haven’t seen in her for a while
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
I also have this issue with girls I talk to or have an interest in sleeping with. When I talk to them I give off vibes that i'm a safe,trusting,nice,gentleman. Idk how to be percieved as a sexy lover guy. Even when I touch girls and got a bit physical with girls in social circle I still come off as i'd be a nice protective boyfriend or worst case scenario best friend. Being baby faced and soft spoken just makes it even worse.
Check chases article on sac one date system u may want to work on compliance arousal and connection when you are in a social situation. My prob is more when I’m not with women but when we’re fleeting to know each other I think the issue for me and maybe for u is caring too much giving too much attention. Maybe time to start not responding when you know they like u and make them chase that’s what I’m going to do next time


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Check chases article on sac one date system u may want to work on compliance arousal and connection when you are in a social situation. My prob is more when I’m not with women but when we’re fleeting to know each other I think the issue for me and maybe for u is caring too much giving too much attention. Maybe time to start not responding when you know they like u and make them chase that’s what I’m going to do next time
Yeah similarity is easy to do,arousal and compliance is where I struggle,but mostly arousal. Maybe being too relateable and caring puts me in the boyfriend category.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
Ya read the art of seduction it will give u some good ideas and a platform to use..arousal is just touch them as much as u can or they allow


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 28, 2021
@miker @Starboy
How good is your eye contact? Do you break tension often? Do you keep good proximity? How do you move and speak? Style is important too.

Sexiness believe it or not will have you disqualified almost immediately with alot of girls.

More importantly do you set the right frames? Like disqualifying yourself as a boyfriend altogether? If you feel like this is a sticking point I’d just focus on being perceived in a more sexual light versus a social one until you get it down.

If you want I could send the articles and some actual videos of guy’s I modeled after.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
@miker @Starboy
How good is your eye contact? Do you break tension often? Do you keep good proximity? How do you move and speak? Style is important too.

Sexiness believe it or not will have you disqualified almost immediately with alot of girls.

More importantly do you set the right frames? Like disqualifying yourself as a boyfriend altogether? If you feel like this is a sticking point I’d just focus on being perceived in a more sexual light versus a social one until you get it down.

If you want I could send the articles and some actual videos of guy’s I modeled after.
Ya on dates I’m good with all the things you said eye contact proximity good moves she kissed me on the last date so I figured she was into me it’s not the dates I have the issue with it’s the communication outside of dates …and now she won’t respond to me …kind of got upset and was like y so distant ….I recently had a hard time getting compliance for the second date mind you things like Covid and lockdown got in the way then the relationship kind of fizzled ..I’d like to know if you have any advice on compliance getting that second and third date and balancing too much convo before getting her to bed once I get them in bed I find I get the control in my court but before that it feels like pulling teeth


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
Ya on dates I’m good with all the things you said eye contact proximity good moves she kissed me on the last date so I figured she was into me it’s not the dates I have the issue with it’s the communication outside of dates …and now she won’t respond to me …kind of got upset and was like y so distant ….I recently had a hard time getting compliance for the second date mind you things like Covid and lockdown got in the way then the relationship kind of fizzled ..I’d like to know if you have any advice on compliance getting that second and third date and balancing too much convo before getting her to bed once I get them in bed I find I get the control in my court but before that it feels like pulling teeth
And sure I’d check out any videos you have and want to share

Derek da man

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 24, 2020
I can relate a lot to @miker and @Starboy as I still have this problem even through I've been working on it for a long while. I seem to immediately get put in the BF box and not the "sexy hookup" guy box.

Sexiness believe it or not will have you disqualified almost immediately with alot of girls.
This is so true, just by dressing more casually I've already manage to get so much more interest instead of being ruled out even before opening. It seems the standard of how a lot of guys dress is so low that it's so easy to get yourself ruled out with a lot of girls. This then only leaves the girls that are "highly socialized" and high end. While this can be a good thing if you're going for quality high end girls in the long term, it can make access to them and the opportunity to practice game skills in the short term much harder. In my view better to go for a broader group of easier girls, improve game skills, then take on the higher end girls. Not everyone will agree with that I know, but practice is part of the fun ;) and having some success is better than keep on getting knocked back does a huge amount for self confidence.

I'd be very open to anyones suggestions of more reading and info on these points.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 28, 2021
@Derek da man @Starboy
Awesome Power of Tension
Social Versus Sexual Acceptability
Lover vs Loser
How to be Sexy
Treat her Hot and Horny
No going backwards
These articles are the ones that come to mind first, when I think of arousal and getting away from boyfriend territory.

I also pretty much try to keep things sexual as a baseline, we can be talking about toy cars and i’ll still be looking her up and down like she’s some type of meal. When things are getting too friendly I immediately start talking less and drawing out silences more. Fractionating to keep it’s effects potent, as well as to not make things too sexual before we can act on it.

As far as overall vibes go:

In my opinion the more date’s you go on the more she’s gonna think that you’re angling for a relationship. That goes back to what Chase said in the article @Warped Mindless posted for you earlier. I feel like you might be giving girls too much of a good thing, for example kissing her before you guy’s are in a place where you can escalate further. It puts the courtship in that first base, second base, third base dynamic. Where as you should be going for a homerun asap.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Yeah similarity is easy to do,arousal and compliance is where I struggle,but mostly arousal. Maybe being too relateable and caring puts me in the boyfriend category.
You guys need to give less of a fuck. I know it's hard, I was a nice guy for most of life so far, but then I started changing, once I became more confortable with myself... That book that Hector recommends by Tucker Max (I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell) was great help, I laughed my ass off and related to a lot of the stuff he said, I realized I wasn't so nice as I thought I was. Not saying that you need to be crass and an asshole to arouse girls, but it can help, specially if you're too much of a nice guy, having an asshole phase is important, once you're confortable being sexual and a bit idiotic around girls, you can easily dial back and turn it into the "silent seductive" type (which I prefer, though sometimes being a bit of an asshole is important too... Depends on the girl and the situation, really).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
You guys need to give less of a fuck. I know it's hard, I was a nice guy for most of life so far, but then I started changing, once I became more confortable with myself... That book that Hector recommends by Tucker Max (I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell) was great help, I laughed my ass off and related to a lot of the stuff he said, I realized I wasn't so nice as I thought I was. Not saying that you need to be crass and an asshole to arouse girls, but it can help, specially if you're too much of a nice guy, having an asshole phase is important, once you're confortable being sexual and a bit idiotic around girls, you can easily dial back and turn it into the "silent seductive" type (which I prefer, though sometimes being a bit of an asshole is important too... Depends on the girl and the situation, really).
I’m starting to realize I’m caring too much and it’s exhausting and it’s work with relationships does anyone have advice on how to get with a girl keep her and feel like it’s not work??? I’m guessing if we’re threading here it’s work for us

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I’m starting to realize I’m caring too much and it’s exhausting and it’s work with relationships does anyone have advice on how to get with a girl keep her and feel like it’s not work??? I’m guessing if we’re threading here it’s work for us
I don't have much experience with long term relationships (had two open-ish relationships summing 3 years), but I would say it comes down mostly to setting a precedent on the early stages. If you wanna see your girl once a week, and mostly just have sex, you shouldn't be seeing her all the time on the beginning, taking her on expensive or complex dates that are a lot of work, texting her all the time, and stuff like that. With the girls I'm seeing now, I keep texting to a minimum, only checking up every like 3 days to see how they are doing and when we gonna see each other next, and we do simple dates, just grab a bite near my place or hers, or drink at some cheap bar.

That said, I think hotter (more... beautiful?) girls are higher maintenance by default, like, they have more options, so maybe they can be more work? I don't have enough experience to say for sure, but that's what people say, and it makes sense, but it doesn't change that you should be leading the relationship to be more like what you want out of it