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Long-Term  Am I just being dumb? Am I screwed?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 12, 2013
I know it's long, but it's interesting and I'm going a little crazy and could use some help.

I'm 19 years old, in college, living with my parents. I'm not really a player, I had one relationship that lasted 2+1/2 years and than after that I had two friends with benefits.

Than I met this girl. There's this girl that has always lived down the street from us who's a year younger than me, and even though we lived so close to each other for years we never met each other until a few months ago. After a few days of meeting eachother we have sex, so she'd be my fourth sex partner, and than we have lots of sex for months. Lots. I'm loving, she seems to be loving it. She begins to press for a relationship and I avoid the question everytime.

Eventually she feels forced to go out and find someone who is willing to give her a relationship because I made her feel used and unwanted, so she goes and gets this boy toy. Her and this boy toy go out on a lot of dates and start getting pretty close to eachother, but according to her they never had sex(I believe it because he's a pussy but I have some doubt because of how much she came on to me). Well she continues to want to hang out with me while she gets close to this boy, but she acts a little different everytime, and acts a lot less horny and coming on to me. Eventually I realize that it's either I let her and her new boy toy go and be together and I stop seeing her, or I tell her that I like her and actually want to try and start something and see where things go. Which I did, and I think i lost some power in the relationship by doing so. I told her that she really grew on me in the past few months because we hung out a LOT, probably too much. I mean she is my neighbor after all so it's SUPER easy for her to come over and it's not like I'm thaaat busy to hang out. So the idea of us just stopping hanging out was not a pleasant one for me. I'm a really good-looking guy, I work out, I'm going to a nice college, I belive I am a really good catch. Only problem I have is I'm not very proactive with girls, I kind of let them come to me. Which isn't very manly, I know. But this girl treated me like a sex-god, she could never resist my dick, and I loved it. And she was also really sweet, always doing every little thing for me, calling me sexy and complimenting me and all this good shit.

But when we first met and had sex she had been in a relationship with a guy for about a week, this guy was also a pussy(I know him personally but not that well) but she still cheated on him with me. And she also cheated on her boy-toy because she told him she loved him and they were actually starting to be in a relationship(facebook official) but she was stilling seeing me and having sex with me.

Now I told her how I felt and she's still talking to that boy toy working on how to end things between them without completely crushing him.
Only problem now is I have trust issues with her. Which makes me feel and probably look insecure. I know I'm a catch, and I know she's lucky to be with me. But she's lied to my face about what her plans were because she didn't want to tell me she was hanging out with him; I think I didn't deserve the truth because of the way I treated her(like she was a piece of meat) and I had made no commitment to her whatsoever. But now I know she has the ability to lie to my face, and other boys shes been with, for her own gain. I want this girl because of how much sex we had and how she treats me, but I feel like this is all a fantasy in my head if I expect that to continue in an actual relationship. She told me her facebook password a little while ago, before I told her how I felt, and I signed on(regreatablly) and saw how she talked to that guy. She'd pretty much say "im so lonely i wish i was with you" while she was with me, or she'd say the same thing to both of us while she was alone. I starting asking her how far she's gone with her new boy-toy and she said she'd only made out with him twice but I knew it was a lie by there facebook messages and I admitted to her that I signed on to her account(she told me her password blatantly). She confessed that she'd actually made out with him a lot but she could never go any further because she was always thinking about me.

I don't really have a lot of options with girls because I'm not proactive and I spend a lot of time at home but I know I could easily go get a girl if I put the effort it, I just DONT want to put the effort in. I know it'll be rewarding and all but I have this girl right here who is convenient, sweet, and seems to love me. But she knows I didn't see any other girl while we were casually hooking up except for once in the very beginning and I feel like that affects how she feels about me. I wish I could get another girl involved just to make her jealous and re-ignite some of that passion from the beginning but I don't know how I could go about that.

I think I'm crazy for assuming anything could ever work out between us because of how I've seen her in the past, but I really do like the consistent sex and how she treats me. I just don't know if I can trust her and I feel like my lack of trust makes me seem insecure and than she treats me different. I also have to make a lot more moves for anything sexually to happen, where before she'd come to me really strong.

So do you guys think there's a chance I can keep this girl passionately loving me, trust her to not go behind my back now that I've told her I actually care, and consistently have great sex? Or am I just lying to myself? I question a lot of what she tells me when she says she's going out to do something, even though a lot of the time her story checks out. I wonder if I should just tell her I'm not ready to actually be in a relationship, and that I can't trust her after I've seen her lie to my face and other people's faces. But I'd like for there to be a way where I could trust her, and we could for the mos part continue what we had. Is it time for me to end it or do I just need to do some serious relationship control? I've read all the articles on relationships, mainlining respect, keeping passionate love, but I want to know what you guys think.

It's extremely difficult to put the whole situation into one forum post, if I think of any more import details I will add, but I want to get all this out for now and see what comes to your minds.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Hey Sly,

I'm going to answer this what I gathered from what you told me. You don't want to get involved with this girl in a long term relationships because

Sex: Doesn't mean love and can't hold a relationship together
Great sex is cool and all, but if a woman can only offer you her body and not upgrade your life . . . she ain't contributing much of anything.
You can get sex from any woman willing enough.

Trust: You ain't got it
If you don't trust the girl can you really trust her in the future to help you make big decisions that actually matter? Let's be real, you want a girl who can contribute peace of mind to you, it sounds like you don't have it with this girl. You've said she's lied to you and cheated on the other guy. As the saying goes, she cheated on him, she may cheat on you.

Settling: Never settle
You're said you don't want to put forth the effort to find a girl who's actually worth your time, you're going to be miserable. The girl who's easy to get ain't worth much. Get up and actually do work, as you can see now she's not really offering anything but sex. You aren't choosing the right girl, you've settled from what you described as the wrong girl for you. One that's driving you crazy and not doing much for you.

Lust is not love: Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her off her clothes
I heard you describe more of the sexual aspects of this dynamic instead of anything else.

There is no control in this relationship, she's not your girlfriend and you're not her boyfriend from how it sounds. You're her lover, if anything she's playing the both of you. She's got the sex from and the emotional support from him. It's all bad man.

Questions, comments, concern?!


Just Dave
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
DrexelScott said:
You're one of many guys she's lying to, telling how much she loves, cheating on, cheating with, and generally playing for her own amusement and gain. You've realized this, which is great.

You're only being dumb, or getting screwed, if you enter into a relationship with her. She collects "monogamous boyfriends" like Pokemon, cheating on all of them and doing it for her own validation and because she can.

Zero trust means no relationship.

Friend-with-benefits only. Her telling you how you "treated her badly and used her" is her own low self-esteem and projection. There is nothing "treating badly" about having a friend-with-benefits, and you're not "using her" if she's enjoying the sex as well, which it sounds like she is.

She's a predator and a narcissist.

FWB ONLY. That means don't see her more than once a week, don't communicate with her too much, don't go on "dates," and absolutely don't be dumb enough to enter into a relationship with her.

As Drexel said, you have to keep the communication to a bare minimum if possible. Otherwise I can see it being easy to over invest in her and to become another "Pokemon". Pokemon are for little kids primarily, don't be just another object for her to collect. Don't settle and find someone better, this site is full of tips and helpful members if you feel stuck!