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FR  Amazing day!

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Yesterday, Saturday August 24

Once again my friend and I went to the mall to practice. He is getting pretty comfortable approaching now and it's only been two weeks, I believe.
As usual, I didn't PLAN on approaching but I got in state and couldn't stop myself. Right now I believe my sticking point is getting girls out on dates and escalating with them to intimacy. It doesnt help that everything in this town is so farspread and I have to ride the city bus everywhere.
Regardless, I'll post my conversations for inspiration to others.

First off, I was dressed very sexily. I was wearing all fitted clothes and I was getting some attention from girls which eventually got me in state. And there were too many cute girls walking around for me to NOT talk to.

There was this older lady who was subtlety flirting with me. She was working a job where she had to stop people and have them fill out a survey and the whole time I was filling it out, she was trying to be funny and trying to qualify herself and kept asking me personal questions and then at the end told me to write my number down "for the company". She even threw in a: "don't worry, it's for the company...I won't use it...unless you want me to". ;)

Um..no. No Thankyou. I don't mind older women but she was just not that attractive to me.

Then I ran into an old fling from high school. She was happy to see me since she hasn't seen me since we graduated.
Here's the story behind her:
In sophomore year, me and her used to pretend to date. We called each other wife and husband and flirted like crazy in our classes. People were wondering why we didn't just make it official. I was so scared back then, that even with all those CLEAR signs, I never acted on any of them and then she went into auto reject and hated me all the way until graduation.
She treated me like shit all the time. She talked down to me, talked to me as if I was an immature child....until one day I snapped at her. I let out everything to her and then she got quiet and left me alone. We avoided each other and never made eye contact.

So then now here she is, seeing me in the mall. I talked to her for awhile and caught up with her. The usual.
The whole time we have this sexual tension going on because I've been practicing my pregnant pauses lately.
When I tell her I have to leave, she stops me from going and says to me that she's sorry about everything and that she hopes that I don't hate her.
I told her it was all fine now...and I left. (I WOULD act on her interest..,but I'm not attracted to her anymore)

Then that's when all the fun began.
I approached 2 girls...which got me into a high energy vibe and in state.
Note: when I get into a high energy vibe, it can seem like I'm bouncing off the walls with excitement so I try to supress it with voice tone and slowing my body. Other than that...all my excitement is contained inside and I believe the vibe can be felt by others despite my outside appearance. Also, when I'm high energy, I'm funnier, my wit increases..and it's like I become a natural conversationalist. I came to the conclusion that NOTHING was wrong with me and all I needed was some tweaks here and there from Girlschase.)

After getting a wrong number from one of the first girls, I saw this cute brunette walking and told my friend to approach her. He made an excuse and got out of doing it and she passed us. We passed her multiple times until finally I figured that I should just do it. I'm so glad I did.

I open her with this creative opener that i had been thinking of and it perfectly starts off everything. It's kind of a situational opener but also compliments her as well.
Her: (laughs, locks herself in and keeps her eyes on me ready to conversate)
Me: what's your name?
(she's standing very close to me)
Her: (let's call her "Tina") she asks me my name. (I'm getting to this point where girls are asking me questions now. FINALLY.)
Me: tells my name
Her: I like your name :)
Me: haha yea...a lot of people tell me that it's very unique. What brings you here today?
Her: (forgot her answer)
Actually...this whole time we're talking with a lot of pauses and looking deeply into each others eyes.imagine the feeling of you're about to say something but then you get lost in her face for a moment and then remember to finish your sentence. She was doing the same as well. She kept looking at my lips too.
We're talking about where she came from and why she's here now...
The conversation really didn't matter much, it was such a great energy.
I get her to comply by asking her to move in so I could see her necklace. Her face is even closer to me now even after I examine it and tell her to tell me the story behind it.
Suddenly my brother's friend comes up and purposely tries to cock block. He pushes me away from her in a joking manner shouting: DUDE get away from my Girlfriend!
She laughing as he takes her arm like he's going to walk away with her. I just keep calm and say...
Me: oh yea...thisis my friend____.
Her: haha you have some funny friends.
Me: let's go stand over there so he doesn't bother us again
(we walk over to an area out of the walkway)
We're both standing very close to the point where I have my hand on her hip. Halfway through the conversation I pull out my phone. Its actually dying so I wanted to get her number before it shut off.
Me: hey..before my phone dies...put your number in.
(she puts her number in my phone then we continue talking about whatever we were talking about...that didn't seem to matter.)
I was not sure if I should've just kissed her. It seems like she wanted me to. But then she eventually said she had to go and told me to text her.

Here's what I learned from that:
There are two things that I'm doing when I'm talking to a girl. Two roads you want to build.
The first road is attraction. It's everything nonverbal...and it seems to matter more. Focus more on this than what you actually need to say. What we said didn't even seem to matter.
Then there's connection..which is what you say. This is the road you build to getting the girl comfortable ACTING on her attraction.
If you and a girl just met and are attracted to each other and have this great vibe going on...it doesn't mean she'll do anything with you. Her logical mind will be telling her: I just MET this guy! I know NOTHING about him and he knows NOTHING about me.
And if you and a girl CONNECTED but the attraction road wasn't built then she won't do anything with you STILL because shes not turned on. I know that Chase teaches this already but it wasn't until yesterday that it TRULY resonated with me.
This girl seemed to be sold on me from the moment I opened and we ONLY conversated because it felt like the logical thing to do...
All the more reason to focus on the girls already attracted to you. Trying to force her to be attracted doesn't seem to work..you have to get the attraction right the moment you open her.
I didn't even REALLY deep dive..it was just small talk, banter, flirting...I feel like the deep diving can be done when we meet up.
So I ask you guys, should I have kissed her? I'm still not sure when it's okay to kiss a girl and the effects it'll have.

When she left, my friends complained to me about how I have long conversations with girls and they have to wait for me. (it was only at least 10 minutes) but they congratulated me and we moved on.

The next girl I saw when I was siting on couches outside of Forever 21. I saw this beautiful Asian girl walk out holding her bags. I was in mid sentence telling my friend something and then I said: hold on--- and got up and smoothly and slowly walked to her.
I open her with my same creative opener.
Her: (laughs) aw what's your name?
Me: tells her. (my name is...pause...___)
(nonverbal stuff going on. Eye contact, pauses..)
Me: what's your name?
Her: (completely unexpected name for an Asian girl)
Me: (surprised look) well I would've never expected that to be the name of a...(examines her face) Filipino girl?
Her: haha yea! (amazed that I guessed that) I'm also half white. My dad is from Kentucky.
Me: wow...you are gorgeous!
Her: Thankyouuuu!
Me: I don't want it going to your head though haha.
Her: oh no...it won't. I'm not like that. I'm actually kind of a Tom boy so it means a lot to me.
Me: really?
Her: yea, I don't even wear makeup that often. It's not really me.
Me: then who are you? What do you like?
Her: well, I'm a singer.
Me: (surprised look) really? I was just about to say...People in the arts are my favorite kind of people. I'm actaully a singer myself but my first talent is art.
Her: (saying more stuff qualifying herself)
Me: can you stop being so awesome? when I saw you walking...I did not expect you to be this awesome.
Her: (laughs)
Me: (pulls out my phone) my phone is dying so here...put your number in my phone before it does.
Her: ohh..I don't really give my number out. I just got hit on by two lesbians today and (explaining that she gets approached a lot)
Me: oh yea, I understand...I'm the same way. I'm not gonna blow up your phone and keep bothering you.
Her: but still I don't give it out.
Me: okay so how can I contact you? I mean, you DO want to see again right?
Her: (blushes then covers her face) you can't ask people that! (laughs)
Me: of course you want to see me again. So what? Email...Facebook?
Her: I don't know..(smiling)
Me: it's not everyday that I meet someone like you...
Her: you can add me on Facebook.
Me: alright..what's your name on Facebook?
Her: here, just search yourself on my phone. (hands me her phone)
I search for myself and press add.
Me: alright then...(hands it back to her)
Then I think we start talking a little about which side of town she lives on and where she goes to school and then we talk about meeting up (who knows if I'll follow through) she tells me she has to go and then I hug her and she leaves.

The whole time a female mall security guard was standing near us listening to everything. After my girl left she was looking at me with a big smile on her face. I held up two thumbs up to her and she nodded her head like she was impressed.
I walked over to her.
Security guard: that was nice! You were nice and polite and everything! What a sweet young boy!
And then I conversated with her for a little bit and returned to my friend.

When I got home and added her...I couldn't help but browse through her Facebook life. From her pictures she is or was:
A hooters girl.
A professional model (she has pro model pics done of her)
Probably has a boyfriend. (there's a Guy in a few of her pictures..in one she's kissing him)

This girl is UP there. I kind of got a little intimidated. Do I have what it takes to CLOSE this? I'm just a beginner...damn.
I'm probably going to go for the first girl who I should've kissed. I feel like I have a better chance of succeeding.
I actually have TOO many numbers still in my phone that I haven't acted on yet. I really feel like my sticking point is the dating and closing part and logistics. Logistics REALLY suck in this town.

After we left the mall, we went to see a movie and then continued the night at someone's house party which I'll do an outing report on when I come back from work.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake