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American Turmoil


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
Wow haven’t seen this much news about the world changing in awhile.

I’m up north in Canada and I’ve noticed that the stores are all seeing a giant slowdown in business and more people seemingly are getting hours cut at establishments. Might just be a temporary set back though things usually tend to pick up closer to the summer and I feel the same thing will occur.

However as a wealthier person doesn’t bother me as much though I’m annoyed that some of the hobby things I bring from the USA, *[Vinyl, some video games etc] are going to be getting more expensive so I’m going to probably phase out those.

Had a date yesterday with an American girl who wouldn’t shut up about Trump either she was a liberal chick and kept apologizing *[Took the Canadian approach]

Anyways point of the thread was just asking how’s things in the USA?


KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
I’m up north in Canada and I’ve noticed that the stores are all seeing a giant slowdown in business and more people seemingly are getting hours cut at establishments.
Are you in Vancouver? That's surprising if you mean tourism and entertainment establishments. The exchange rate is super high right now, like 1.45, so the American dollar goes a long way when spent in Canada.

I think it will take some time to play out. I'm no expert on the effects of tit-for-tat tariffs between the countries. But I think it's a long term game. Like all the auto manufacturing and parts suppliers in Canada... It will make things more expensive for the US automakers to sell the cars in the US, but the point is to influence these operations to be moved from Canada to the US, which will take years. I guess the goal is to move the jobs from Canada to the US.

Again, I'm not an econ expert, but same with lumber... More expensive Canadian lumber and probably less US environmental regulation means increased US lumber operations. Short term pain for long term industry and jobs growth in the US.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
Are you in Vancouver? That's surprising if you mean tourism and entertainment establishments. The exchange rate is super high right now, like 1.45, so the American dollar goes a long way when spent in Canada.

I think it will take some time to play out. I'm no expert on the effects of tit-for-tat tariffs between the countries. But I think it's a long term game. Like all the auto manufacturing and parts suppliers in Canada... It will make things more expensive for the US automakers to sell the cars in the US, but the point is to influence these operations to be moved from Canada to the US, which will take years. I guess the goal is to move the jobs from Canada to the US.

Again, I'm not an econ expert, but same with lumber... More expensive Canadian lumber and probably less US environmental regulation means increased US lumber operations. Short term pain for long term industry and jobs growth in the US.

Yeah I’m up in Vancouver atm,

I can understand the logic of it I should probably go to the USA again at some point but from my understanding the United States unlike Canada has pretty much sold off everything to the rich as is. At this point a person must wonder how much more blood can you get from a stone. Even bringing those industries back there might be nice and all but I’d wager most people unless the job can purchase them a property they ain’t going to take the jobs. Young people are pretty pissed and poor at this point. Even poorer then Gen Z. I don’t think younger people are willing to put up with too much.

Hopefully the United States gets there options sorted tho but if I were an American I’d solve the real problems. Which is solving divorce issues, *[Aint no young person getting married at this point unless they are under societal pressure I fiqure] and get rid of some of these excessive wealth on corporations. *[Every business being headquarters in Delaware and Texas is just to avoid paying taxes 🤣]

I’ll go chill out in Europe if things get bad here but with my circle of friends I’ve started to notice the decline and the complaining. Which isn’t fun to hang around with but more people with money at the mind.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
Before 2021 in the US, I'd never heard of BLM, LGBTQXXXxx, Antifa, and all the other stuff, then all of a sudden, the majority of the closet weirdos started coming out... it's damaged society, and people's psyches are abnormal. A lot of people are mad, ticking time explosive, brewing hatred. The overall dynamic of dating is mostly focused on hookups and game-playing. American FORCED me into being to become obsessed with PUA.

Economically, compared to 2021 it's slowed down ALOT. Most of the deals you would get funded in 2021, wouldn't cut it in today's market. It's not like before when you could "work" a job, these days you need to hustle and perform to the best of your ability. For example, a Big Mac meal costs like $12, a Starbucks venti is like $7, and one drink at a club is like $25, and it goes on.

BUT! What's interesting is that the shit tests come in the beginning, but once you get past it. You could get a pretty invested hook afterward whereas in different parts of the world, you get shit tested later on during the interaction. Just need to adjust accordingly. This is mostly for the Anglosphere, they have pretty similar cultures.

FYI, if Admins you guys see this as being too offensive feel free to remove it.

Just my thoughts.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
Before 2021 in the US, I'd never heard of BLM, LGBTQXXXxx, Antifa, and all the other stuff, then all of a sudden, the majority of the closet weirdos started coming out... it's damaged society, and people's psyches are abnormal. A lot of people are mad, ticking time explosive, brewing hatred. The overall dynamic of dating is mostly focused on hookups and game-playing. American FORCED me into being to become obsessed with PUA.

Economically, compared to 2021 it's slowed down ALOT. Most of the deals you would get funded in 2021, wouldn't cut it in today's market. It's not like before when you could "work" a job, these days you need to hustle and perform to the best of your ability. For example, a Big Mac meal costs like $12, a Starbucks venti is like $7, and one drink at a club is like $25, and it goes on.

BUT! What's interesting is that the shit tests come in the beginning, but once you get past it. You could get a pretty invested hook afterward whereas in different parts of the world, you get shit tested later on during the interaction. Just need to adjust accordingly. This is mostly for the Anglosphere, they have pretty similar cultures.

FYI, if Admins you guys see this as being too offensive feel free to remove it.

Just my thoughts.

Oh lol should’ve seen the old forum all those things except for Black Lives Matter. ANTIFA was a thing but yeah I know what you mean about society being weirder.

The other day was watching the Oscars and was a free event mind you but had Trannies there doing commentating of it live. Which I don’t hate trannies I’ve got friends who are but it’s like lol why are they being shoveled in here? And who’s paying them to even be there? But is what it is I don’t go in depth to question it now adays my best guess is they needed money or something.

The reason the LgBTQ movement blew up though was cause of rich North Americans whose kids ended up being gay or trans or whatever. My other side conspiracy on why it seemed to be so important to the u.s was because they needed wins at the olympics and the female athletes are less talented then the women of by gone eras but I wouldn’t be able to prove it.

I am reminded of when back in the day we tried to do the Roosh meetups back in the 2010’s and those got nuked to shit. I think that would’ve been the last time besides the PuA forums we sit around on now adays that a true discourse catalyst could’ve happened. Picking up chicks seems to be fading out as a lame thing “For now” but I’m wagering it’ll pick up again soon.

I have more money than ever so I wouldn’t say slowed down it’s just the wages haven’t kept up with the cost of things. And I look at a lot of options and go like “Well why would I bother?” Same reason I ain’t going to buy too much from the USA cause if it’s 25% more expensive it’s like okay I’ll eat home made canned beats and pickles and do some more briskets.

With women I’m just finding they are being strung along quiete often and not too many guys feel the need or even the desire to give too much. Better to be safe then sorry is the policy of the new world.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take