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Andersen's Journey


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 12, 2016
What up guys,

I'll be posting my daily day game reports/online game or night game depending on which ones I do.

Currently, I'm 25. I've been in one relationship. I've been with 5 girls. Including 2 serious relationships.
These reports will be very specific from how I prepare to what my goals are.

My goal for this week. is preparation. In terms of Outlining

1. Skincare
2. Fitness
3. Body Language
4. Health & Energy Levels
5. Game blue print

I will be starting day game NEXT WEEK.

Here's the calculation portion.

My ultimate goal is to sleep with 50 girls in a year.
If I want to sleep with 50 girls, that's an average of 1 girl per week.
And in order to increase my chances of doing that, I will be talking to 5 girls a day via daygame.

However, before I start going into full on 1 girl a week period, I will be practicing certain skill sets. I believe in dedicated practice which means focusing on a certain category of skills and moving onto the other.

Each field report will be divided into few aspects.

What goals am I looking to achieve?
What skills am I looking to dedicate my practice on?
What results do I end up getting?
And recorded conversation.

Be on the look out! I'll welcome any feedbacks!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 12, 2016
Online Game Field Report #1 (Via Instagram)


What I've attempted here is to establish DEEP connection after the initial introduction stage and gain commitment/investment. However, as you can see there were some hiccups I believe. If there's anyone who can read over this conversation and give me pointers it would be great.

(Indirect Opener)
Hey! U don't know me, but I ran across your page while going through XYZ cause I'm visiting there soon.
And you seem trendy. do you know where locals go to enjoy hip hop/current pop music?

Thank you for viewing my page. :p
I think locals usually go to XYZ, a night club. But I am sure about that. Hope this can help you Have a good time in London. :p

Hey, thanks. Thats very thoughtful of you even if youre not familiar. I appreciate it. (Reward)
I'm gussing you were just visiting XYZ?

Her: I'm studying here currently.

Me: Oh cool, what do you study?
I would die to study in XYZ

Her: Fashion Marketing

Me: Fashion Marketing? What made you study in ABC versus NY? (Deep Dive)
And it makes more sense. I can tell youre more of a classy type than to be hitting up night clubs. :) haha (Cold reading)

Her: I don't really go clubbing. Just few times. haha
I can't speak French, and I trust the quality of education in Uk is higher than Paris. So this is the reason why I came to London.

Me: Ah cool. :) I like that.
Most of the girls that I know went to Place A to study fashion for cliche stereotypical reasons. Nice to know someone thinking on their own. (Positive Reward)
Btw I'm guessing your name is Jane

Her: My name is Janisha. You can call me Jen if you like :)

Me: haha that's a unique name. (it actually was, Jane is a made up name)
Nice to meet you Jen

Her: Nice to meet you too

Me: Where you from originally?
Btw do you use a messenger? For some reason I don't get notifications when you msg. Lets move the chat.

Her: Yes I have messenger.
But I don't know how to add you to the chat.

Me: tell me the messenger you use and your id. I'll add you :) (Investment, Commanding Her)

Her: Its XYZ:
You can add my FB then we can talk in messenger.

Me: Unfortunately, I don't use facebook.
Is XYZ for whatsapp? Cause I don't see you

Her: My whats app is XXXX.

Me: Great. I'll message you on there

To Whats App
It's Andersen :)

Her: Hi

Me: Where you from? Just cause your names unique.

Her: Place A :)

Me: cool. I'm from AB+. But I reside in AB as of now.

Her: Wow I have never been to AB before
Her: Really wanna go

Me: hahah great! I haven't visited A yet but now I know someone there :)
Me: And vice versa
Me: What made you want to visit LA?

Her: Cause I have never been there before
Her: Look forwarding to Californian

Me: Yes, but I'm sure theres alot of other places you havent been to as well right?
Me: Like for me, I do a bit of blogging and one of the reasons is XX has the perfect type of aesthetics. Ive done all the urban background shots I can do for my blogs haha :)
(Now that I think of it, it sounds like I'm trying to impress)

Her: (hour later) cool (Losing Interest?)

Me: Haha yep (Trying to play it off)
Me: So what's your plan for today? I'm guessing its sometime in the PM there.

(What I think is my attainability is too high for her)
(She's a student? And the "impressing portion" intimidated her a bit because she couldn't relate?)

Any pointers are welcome.