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FR  Anticlimactic story, but I still consider it a minor vitory


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2014
I was at the university library today looking to do some work. There are usually some primo comfortable seats that are almost always taken up. I saw a girl by herself doing some math at the table. Asked her if I could sit there are do some work. She said yes, and I sat down, took out my laptop and did some work. After about half an hour of me filling in spreadsheets with data and whatnot, I saw her looking perplexingly at her notebook. I chuckled and said "you look stuck." And she said "yeah, its just this question, they want you to do [blah blah blah]." Now at this point, I would have normally offered help, but I decided not to because I didn't want to become "the helper guy."

So I chit chatted a bit, but eventually she had stopped doing her work, taken off her headphones, and was focused on me. I probably could have deep dived more efficiently (I was striking on personal topics, but I could have gone deeper I feel, but I did manage to keep her talking about herself pretty well). We talked for about an hour. Eventually we both had to leave, so we went on our merry ways, I didn't ask for her number or anything. I got back to my room and I checked my phone, I had a friend request from her on facebook.

So why am I bothering to tell you about an anti-climactic tale? Because I nutted up today and asked to sit with her, and I'm proud of myself for that. I'm hoping this leads to just a general more comfortable feeling with girls.

But one question before I go. What should I have done if she had asked for help on the question? Like I said, I don't want to be the helper guy, but it's harder to avoid that when someone specifically asks for it. I couldn't fake my way out of not knowing, I told her that I'm a graduate physics student. She was a freshman in calculus 1, just to get by in class I'm required to do stuff like that in my sleep. Where's the sweet spot of not simply appeasing her but still moving forward.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers