Yes definitely. I will share more. Chase actually took what I wanted to say and explained it much better than I could myself. I will expound further as well based on my experience with people who come across the way you do.
This is 100% correct. I was actually thinking of the best way to explain this last night...and I fell asleep lol.
@CovidIsHereToStay here is the reality. When people choose names like yours and put it on Reddit or Youtube comments, it comes across as either:
- Show off
- Weird
- Funny (if adjusted to the channel and the content)
- Tone deaf
It comes across as "this guy is somewhat insensitive to others feelings about a very touchy topic. And he has no problem showing everyone how informed he is".
Check out this link to get what I am saying:
I have actually heard of parents naming their kids some weird stuff. I think to myself "what were these parents smoking when they delivered their child".
The worst I heard is a Mom attempting to name her child "Anus"
Imagine if your parents named you "Anus" and you had to go to school and tell all the kids your name. Especially in a Western country. I would have sympathy for such a person because by the time they finish school, they would probably have low self esteem by all the bullying and jokes dished around just their name.
So let me reel this back in a bit. When I hear of someone being "too smart for their own good", I think of the following possibilities:
1. This person likes to show everyone how "intelligent" they are at the expense of hurting others self esteem.
2. "This person likes to show up their superiors. Eg. a coach who is leading the group and some guy on the team tries to tell his coach how dumb he is".
3. Giving others unsolicited advice to others... And even when that person has made it clear they dont want the advice, the person just keeps talking about the same thing.
....there are more, but I cannot think of anymore at the moment. However when you start to post field reports of your interactions, myself and the other guys will be able to pinpoint where exactly you are making mistakes. Before I end though, I do have some generic advice I can give to not come across as "too smart for your own good".
Never Outshine The Master
This comes from "The 48 Laws Of Power" by Robert Greene. In summary this means "
Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. Hide the extent of your own talents, as your masters may otherwise feel insecure. The better you make your master appear, the greater the level of power you will attain. Those above you want to feel secure and superior in their positions. This may involve making a few harmless mistakes so that you can ask your master for help.
If, however, you are more naturally charming than your master, it would be best to avoid working for them entirely.
Win Through Your Actions, Never Through Argument
This is law #9 from the same book. In summary:
"Any triumph you gain through argument will be short lived. Resentment will fester in your opponents instead of a genuine change of opinion. Instead, let your actions speak for you. If people agree with you through your actions instead of your words, you are more likely to sway lasting opinions. Words are a dime a dozen, and people will say anything to prove a point. Action is where you demonstrate your beliefs."
Recreate Yourself
Thats why you are here. Focus on being a good conversationalist. Give out genuine compliments to others. Focus on bringing positive energy to others. Thats what GirlsChase is all about so glad to have you here.
Several times over the years, both on this site and in our newsletter, I’ve discussed compliments: both how to compliment, as well as when to do it, what compliments work best, and even a few nonverbal tricks to make your compliments more convincing.
In the article on causes and cures for a moody girlfriend, a reader asks about how to compliment a girl, saying: “Hi there Chase, Can you write an article about compliments to girls that [you] are interested in. Not just from that you approached cold but girls that you met through hobbies or...
Conversation and the conversationalist: probably one of the most under-discussed topics in the social arts. What a pity. Conversation is part of the backbone upon which everything related to socializing is built upon, but in the 21st century that’s almost forgotten. You might go so far as to say...
The other day I got told I was a very good flirt. And, I suppose, I am. Of course, I wasn't always a good flirt... well, perhaps I was always at least a little bit of a flirt. What's it matter if you know how to flirt with a girl or not? In fact, it matters a good deal. Flirting is how you...
You don’t have to be a master of observation to realize most guys flat out suck when it comes to flirting. And this isn’t even necessarily because they don’t know all the right techniques. The reason for it is actually much more fundamental. What is this fundamental reason, you ask? Only this...
My good friend David – who also goes by “Asian Rake” – made a point some time ago that set the gears working in my head. He said something along the lines of, “You know what I’ve realized all naturals have in common? They build up the energy of everyone around them.” This was something I’d...
The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership
This is a really good book by John Maxwell. It costs less than $20. I would recommend reading it. As it will show you the blueprint to leading others and using that "intelligence" of yours to uplift everyone around you.
Those are a few off the top of my head. Again this is just some generic advice because I do not know your situation in detail. When you post field reports, include as much of the conversation you had with others and we will be able to guide you further.