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Anyone else found that one ethnicity of girls likes you way more than others?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 30, 2021
The city I live in is a big immigration center with a long history. Girls from basically every ethnic background. I've noticed that indian girls are insanely into me and I get the most blinding IOIs from them. White girls? Best I'll get is a glance or a smirk. But practically every day I'll have an indian girl plop down beside me out of nowhere, very obviously wanting me to make a move. I don't really notice that happening with other well-groomed white guys anecdotally so I don't think it's just a white fetishism situation. The weirdest part is that I prefer curvy girls, and it's always the curvy ones coming onto me as well.

Am I just coincidentally styled to be a magnet for that culture? Have you guys noticed something similar for yourselves where a specific ethnicity is just super into you compared to all the others?
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers