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Approach girls in the elevator


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
I just experimented with this for a while. Elevator was a really, really good venue. Opening rate was near 100%. I tried both indirect/direct openers, both are good.
Especially when I opened direct the first time, the girl bursted into laugh. Probably because the elevator was unexpected.

But there is a problem,...
Scenario 1: I was out first. I just grabbed her number. The number was flake. I literrally had only 30 seconds in the elevator. Probably I need fast game, will post an update when I perfect the method.
Scenario 2: Both of us went out the same floor. It happened with "the girl bursted into laugh when I opened direct." She quickly went out of the elevator.
Scenario 3: She went out first. Just happened a few minutes ago, in my dorm's elevator. I opened indirect, she was receptive, then followed by direct, and introducing myself. Right after the handshake, it was her floor, too late.

Any of you has experience with elevator game?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers