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Approached cute girl in elevator, don’t know what to do from here


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 31, 2024
Hi this is a bit of a long post, and I’m sure I made mistakes along the way, so let me start from the beginning:

A few days ago, while waiting for an elevator in my university apt., I saw a cute girl waiting for the same elevator.

Opened indirect by saying: “How long do you think this elevator will take to come?”

Her: “Probably a long time.”

I didn’t immediately continue the conversation, I wasn’t 100% sold on her looks, but she continued the conversation, which turned into a nice 5 minute conversation on our way to our classes. This, combined with her brushing her hair next to me indicated that she was interested.

When we were parting ways, I asked her for her insta, that it would be cool to connect, never actually asked her out on anything though. She happily gave it to me, and we parted ways.

My main issue is over text, I feel like I’m chasing something that hasn’t really been established.

Text thread:
Me: Hey (name) it was really nice meeting you.
You have to sneak me into (bar name) tomorrow.

One day later:
Her: It was nice meeting you too!!
And dude I’m so sorry I didn’t end up going out lol.
But my advice would be to get a good fake that scans.

Me:(In response to her saying she didn’t go out) Lame:(

She left me on seen.

Few days later, I opened with another question.

Me: Question.
Do you know of any good places to get a good fake id?

Her: I don’t :( I’m sorry

Me: Haha perfect timing my fake j got taken.
Dw ur all good tho.

She left me on seen.

Obviously, there’s nothing I can do in text to revive the situation. My question is there anything I can do in person to revive any spark, and make the relationship from platonic to sexual?
If yes, what should I do and what mistakes did I make?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take