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FR  Approached Hot Brunette, Then She Offered Her Number?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 21, 2012
Hey y'all, today I was out and about on Campus approaching hot girls and something interesting/unexpected happened...

I was walking around in front of the library plaza, and I notice an extremely hot brunette, sitting about 20 feet from me, glance over at me. (She was wearing a red beanie, flannel shirt and exotic boots. She was kind of rocking that hipster look and I LOVE girls that dress like that). I cross over to approach her but I get nervous and keep walking. About 10 minutes later I walk back in that direction and notice she's still sitting there so I man up and decide to go for the approach:

Me: "Hey, you know, I wasn't going to say anything...but you probably shouldn't do that..."

Her: "Do what?"

Me: "You can't just check me out like that and then not say hi."

Her:*laughs* "Stop...I was just talking on my phone!"

Me: *Sits next to her* "I know, I'm just kidding. I wanted to say hi and tell you that you're cute. I'm Nick"

Her: "Aww thank you! I'm...."

So the approach was pretty solid, but our conversation got pretty stale pretty quickly. However, I made sure my eye contact was elite and my body language was sexual. Regardless, I could have come off as WAY more of an interesting person. I tell her I'm new on campus, and we chat a little. She then tells me she has to go to class in 5 minutes and then ASKS ME if I want her number so we could go out some time. It kind of caught me off guard. Anyway, I get her number and we part ways.

What do you guys think? How should I follow up on this?



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Re: FR: Approached Hot Brunette, Then She Offered Her Number

Of course you should follow up. You don't really NEED to be interesting, you need to get her investing and telling you about herself. Deep dive. I just read Chase's conversation example, should be able to get some ideas from that.

My suggestion to you is go get 3 more numbers and follow up on all of them. This way you can sense abundance.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Re: FR: Approached Hot Brunette, Then She Offered Her Number

why wouldnt you follow up you got nothing to lose i always follow up some girls can surprise you


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: FR: Approached Hot Brunette, Then She Offered Her Number

I'm guessing her forwardness surprised you and even turned you off a bit. You go in thinking "She's really cute, I should approach her" and then backed out (It happens to everyone, no shame there), but turned it around and did a great job with the approach. Then she surprises you by asking you to hang out and giving you her number. I think this is natural for guys starting out or even intermediate seducers. They're so used to getting turned down or denied with bad habits that when something different works they think "Now way! She's into me! She must be lower value than I thought" and reject her. Its happened to me before.

The important thing is that she didn't change, you have. She didn't magically get crazy or ugly in the 15 minutes you spent talking to her. You have made yourself higher value, and just don't believe it yet. This is completely natural and nothing to worry about. You've spent so long chasing that when a girl chases you, you think something is wrong with her.

Text that girl back ASAP! Take her to a coffee shop or for a meal on campus, and then bring her back to your place. You are perfectly capable and worth this girls time and effort.

Also, you don't have to make yourself WAY more interesting. You don't have to talk about yourself much at all. Focus the conversation on her, and she'll think you're an incredible person (because she's already decided that from talking to you)
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers