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Approaches: Desperate vs. Dominant


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
I know approaching is a numbers game and its just about finding a girl who is receptive, and failure is a part of it. But how do I approach the right amount of girls without looking desperate? I'll approach a girl and if I don't feel I'll politely leave, but I'm worried about girls seeing this and thinking I look desperate. Obviously, desperation is a turnoff. Half of it is the non-verbals and how you handle rejection, but how do you approach and open enough girls without looking desperate?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Alex RSD "You are enough." Remember you are a high value guy when you are in the presense of women you are giving value. Approach and build upon yourself, don't worry about what others think of you because you internally know that you are awesome.

This question is 100% inner game, but keep approaching and I promise it will all come full circle.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Tyme2k makes good points.

I worry about this too, and I do think most (if not all) of it is "inner game." So, to lessen the mental embarrassment, I try to give adequate time between approaching women, but if you wait too long, you lose your "social momentum" or you may get too much in your head.

Personally, I find busy (and maybe hip?) bars the best. People come and leave a lot. People seem to linger longer inside clubs around my area (I guess because of the cover). I bet "street game" right outside of a club would be the best actually or walking up and down a strip of bars/clubs, but it's little bit too cold right now unless you're a smoker.

It may not look very "alpha" to go from woman to woman "failing," but if you talk with a woman for at least 5 min and have at least 2 min breaks in between, no one is going to know that you're "failing." It could just look like you know a lot of people and going around the bar talking with them. I was at a bar just a few weeks ago and thought that 2 people were good friends. I ended up talking with the guy, and he had just met her that night and was flirting with her. I had no idea.