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Approaching girl in a group in street


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
group of two on street ( i have not extensively tested on threes+ yet)...
Direct opener will almost always fail
Open with opinion opener....query both girls,..dont get hang up on the topic..quickly .choose target..few lines of rapport then number close

I have tested this extensively so,it doesnt matter what u might have heard about opinion openers....be an empirical man....and test this...when dealing with groups...direct openers will almost always fail,

NB:dont deep dive,just open,get answers from both,switch to compliments,number close

In practice

Seducer:Hey,u guys look like some cool people,i need ur help with something
Target: cool
Seducer: im shopping for a party and between baileys and amarula which ones do gals like more?/
Betwwen men and women who lies more?/e.t.c
Seducer:what abt u ?
Target 2:responds
Seducer:wow...thats really insightful,where are u guys headed out to on a friday anyway,u dressed like ur going to a party/woah...u have a very rad hairstyle btw...it really makes u stand out e,t.c
Target u complimented:thanks,bla bla bla
Seducer:hey we shd grab a cofee soon..bla bla bla


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 11, 2016
Not a bad idea. I wouldn't use the "who lies more, men or women?" Though.. A bit canny
I'd ask for their opinion on something that's actually going on now (situational).
I k ow this is old, but cold approaching a group has been hard for me (i've always tried direct thought, which is as you said not ideal).
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
In my opinion you can still go direct to the girl you're interested in, but you have to engage both people while still keeping your attention and interest on the girl you want.
Make a good impression on her friend, but also convey your interest to YOUR girl. 30/70 attention - if that makes sense. If you're a cool good looking guy and you made a good impression on her friend and she also likes you, the friend may vouch for you to your girl.
Also, usually best to grab her number and contact her later to set up a one-on-one. Well, unless you're going for a threesome, but that's another story!