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FR  Approaching hot girl while I'm at work


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Hey guys, I have to be pretty brief since I'm "at work" lol. So I have a student job where I paint and clean dorm rooms during the summer- my job is as exciting as literally watching paint dry =(. Well anyways, I'm cleaning a room and blasting my music when I see a cute blond walk by the door. I walk out of the room and spot her almost half way down the hallway on the way to the shower.
Me: "Hey" she turns around with a surprised look. "Come here for a second" I make a come hither motion with my hand.
She starts coming down the hall to meet me.
Me: "Hi, what's your name"
Her: "I'm (girl's name)
Me: "Hi (girl's name) "I'm Cal" shakes her hand. "You're pretty cute, what are you doing up so early"?
Her: "Oh texts woke me up, so I figure I'd start the day"
Me: "Oh, well its really early. I haven't seen you around here, are you a freshmen"?
Her: "Yeah! Do you go here"
Me: "Yeah, but I'm not taking classes until the fall. Hey we should get together sometime when I'm not working and you're not in class. What's your schedule like"?
Her: (tells me what days she's usually free).
Me: "Ok cool, give me your number and I'll text you.
She gives me her number and I texted her about 5 minutes after that.
Me: Hey (girls name) save my number. -Cal
Haven't got a response from her yet.

Things I could've done better
- Have a more sexual state
- Flirt more
- Held her hand longer during the introduction
- Make a better connection

The approach was OK at best. Getting investment is great but it only goes so far. I should still be sexual during the conversation. Not just with the words I'm saying but mainly through my nonverbal communication. Emotions are contagious so maybe me being more sexual will have my lady acting more sexual in return. Peace!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take