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Arent perpetual mixed signals impossible?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
Are mixed signals even viable?

I always end up validating the girls too much with my actions in some way and then they pull away thinking they got me (so annoying) . Which is what got me focusing on push-pull.

But from what I’m seeing, mixed signals are only relevant in the first few stages of interaction with a girl, and only when the girl likes you quite a bit already.

Moving to the next stage renders mixed signals useless. Asking a girl out is already validating her and shes no longer “wondering” if you like her or not. (I dont mean asking girls out is the source of my overvalidation problem - it isn’t)

Only way I can see asking out working with mixed signals is if your ask is ultra-casual, but thats impossible to do in places like high school because nobody goes out just “casually”.

Maybe the way I’m doing it is just really bad but I find more success just rewarding and punishing.

I understand I may be wrong. If you guys have found success with mixed signals, please let me know how y’all do it and what works. Maybe its my timing or delivery idk it just feels weird.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
push pull can be used all through out.

its about creating tension loops from giving one direction then drawing in the opposite making her feel loss then win or opposite.

its great for sexual flirting eg. to stir up erotic-tension type energy. Its great for teasing. For rolling of seriousness. for fractionation. to softn escalation. etc etc

mixed signals is a larger concept of keeping her in suspense on your intensions

Good to outline your thoughts. But. Be carefull w making fast conclusions.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
Are mixed signals even viable?

I always end up validating the girls too much with my actions in some way and then they pull away thinking they got me (so annoying) . Which is what got me focusing on push-pull.

But from what I’m seeing, mixed signals are only relevant in the first few stages of interaction with a girl, and only when the girl likes you quite a bit already.

Mixed signals can be used even when you're in a relationship... and they aren't just words... you can say, "You're such a brat" and then pull her in and kiss her.

One of my favorites came from Mystery... I sniff her and I make an exaggerated disgusted face and say, "Uh... you smell" and then sniff her again... "You smell like poo" and she gets like a horrified look on her face and then you grab her, pull her in close, hug her so she can't move and say, "I like poo..." and take a big sniff of her neck.

She'll struggle to get away from you but you just keep saying, "But I LIKE pooooo"

Works like a charm... then you can callback by hugging her and whispering in her ear... "Pooo... you smell like pooooooo"

Moving to the next stage renders mixed signals useless. Asking a girl out is already validating her and shes no longer “wondering” if you like her or not. (I dont mean asking girls out is the source of my overvalidation problem - it isn’t)

You don't need to keep her wondering if you like her... I mean, that can work. But I've found that some women respond differently to different things...

Some women just want a guy who really craves them... and then the push/pull can be something different, like mentioned in some of the other replies... or it can still be the same, like you have one foot out the door the whole time... or the pairbonding communication where you are annoyed with yourself for liking her... or even little teases...

"You know, you're a really cool girl. I love how your mind works... but now we need to do something about this jacket."

Or you can do it in storytelling where you go from one emotion to another...

You: And that's why I rescued the dog and took him in. I just couldn't stand the suffering of animals, you know?

Her: That's so sweet of you.

You: Yeah, well it was a demon dog.

Her: What?

You: The dog was pure evil. He used to attack old ladies trying to cross the street!

Her: That's horrible!

You: What do you mean? You're not a dog hater are you? I'm just kidding, you're right it was horrible!

It's about the emotional back and forth, not always just about mixed signals.

Only way I can see asking out working with mixed signals is if your ask is ultra-casual, but thats impossible to do in places like high school because nobody goes out just “casually”.

When you ask a girl out, you can keep it ambiguous as to why you're doing it, if that's the route you want to go.

Maybe the way I’m doing it is just really bad but I find more success just rewarding and punishing.

I understand I may be wrong. If you guys have found success with mixed signals, please let me know how y’all do it and what works. Maybe its my timing or delivery idk it just feels weird.

Rewarding and punishing is basically the same thing, depending on how you're using it.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
She can know you like her, she can’t know she has you.
Big difference.
Yeah. As a high-value man, your time and attention is valuable and lots of good stuff is competing for it and you can easily get "distracted". So, you like her and want her, but you won't do everything to get her. Mixed signals shows her that you aren't won over, just because you took a look at her body and face, unlike many chodes are because they live in scarcity.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
Yeah. As a high-value man, your time and attention is valuable and lots of good stuff is competing for it and you can easily get "distracted". So, you like her and want her, but you won't do everything to get her. Mixed signals shows her that you aren't won over, just because you took a look at her body and face, unlike many chodes are because they live in scarcity.

Ahhh okay so thats the key. It never occured to me that making it clear you like a girl and her feeling like she has you arent mutually exclusive. Thanks for the insight!