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Around the water


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Went to smoke where ppl jog around. Asked her if I could ask her a random question. No response but eye contact and turned around as she walked by a bit. I said could I make a painting of you. I looked at her ass. Nice and fat. she said next time. Next time? I replied that out loud. (Not remembering well, need to lay off the ganja)
So I should come here more. That’s the second time I got that response here.
sporty blonde fat ass the type I always could never relate too. Just going up to her was hot for me and it felt like it went ok. She was pretty tall. I need to get back to fundamentals and stand taller. Got new shoes. Think my hair needs work. Styling.

I thought I should go and wait till I see her again. But frankly it’s not that likely. Do I go same time? Ok so Monday around 5:30 or so.
Otherwise just go and jog around walk around with your new shoes and get fitter and taller so the big sporty blonde girls can relate to you
And keep goi g for new girls. I want to have a 1:1 ratio so I’m still going to find this girl for next time when I’ll get her to pose for a nude painting and nail
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
There is near zero chance that a girl would agree to pose nude to a guy who she knows for two questions. Even if that dude has the best shoes and hair style in the world. The only valuable thing from this report is your own self-suggestion is to quit weed. Maybe it will help you to stop fantasising and get back to reality.