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Asking for directions: when she makes an effort /takes long to explain


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 19, 2023
Doing both direct day game and indirect day game with transition. Based on my limited experience (I am an old night gamer who's converting to day game), the sets that most easily lead to exchanging number / social media are those in which I ask for vague directions (not a specific place but "some good Asian restaurant" or a "Bio supermarket" etc) and the girl makes a lot of effort and takes a lot of time to explain.... as if she wanted to prolong the interactions beyond the normal exchange of info.

At that point it becomes quite easy to turn it into small talk and from there giving her a light or witty compliment (nothing too extreme).
This also allows you to screen the girls you transition to from the others. Some for example, have a wary and difensive posture even when simply asked for directions.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake