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"Assume Attraction" and "Downplay her interest"—which one is it??


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 31, 2017
Hey guys,
I've read Chase's article on "assuming attraction", in which he states that when you assume attraction, and interpret everything a girl does as a sign of interest, you will be bolder and come across as more confident, which will not only help you get the girls who want you but even get girls interested and intrigued who weren't that interested at first. This all seems great on paper. However, there is also an article by Cody in which he says to do the exact opposite, i.e. interpret everything a girl does as NOT a sign of interest. This will help her feel comfortable expressing her sexuality around you, and she'll start to consider you a "real option". The thing is, this also seems to make sense on paper. However I hope you can all see that both of these messages are contradictory to each other. I can't for the life of me understand which approach you should take—after all, if you assume attraction you are "pressuring girls", but when you don't, you "look weak and inexperienced!" So which one is it? Or is it both? I think we need to hammer this out logically to understand this really well. Hopefully we can have a meaningful and informative discussion on this topic ad work out the facts once and for all—thanks y'all

Here are the articles for references:
https://www.girlschase.com/content/why-y ... tion-women
https://www.girlschase.com/content/downp ... r-want-you


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 31, 2017
Good topic DFU, and a very valid question! The angle Cody is taking here is that you don't want to "overread" the signals of interest a girl may be showing you and overract, something many men have a tendency to do.

Here is a quote from the article:

"Have you ever stared at a girl that works at a bar you frequent and kind of just hoped she would show some kind of interest in you - and then like a miracle she did, and when she did you lit up like a Christmas tree and she backed down and just got you your order?"

True story! If you have a preconceived pattern that you are looking to match, such as a girl being interested in you, and are constantly on the lookout for signals to support your preconceived notion, it's very easy to misinterpret what is going on. For someone who has this mentality, a lot of what he perceives as "interest" from a girl is just normal human behavior. And even if those signals ARE valid, he will have a tendency to overreact to them. I have a friend who is like this and it drives me crazy Every girl we pass on the street is checking us out. Every waiter in a restaraunt loves us/hates us/is part of some conspiracy to overthrow the government. He overreacts and jumps to a dramatic conclusion based on the smallest and most negligble details. Cody is telling guys like my friend that they need to chill out.

Chase's basic thesis on assuming attraction is that there is only so much you can infer based on the way a girl reacts to you. A girl could seem cold and follow you home, or seem like she worships the ground you walk on and never give you so much as a peck on the cheek. Therefore the only way to find out where you really stand is by ignoring all of the social noise emitted by a girl and trying to move the interaction forward.

The way these things are phrased and framed seems contradictory, but the core arguments are not. Both writers are telling you not to read into the social noise and focus on results instead of reactions. Chase's article tells you to ignore surface level reactions from women and move things forward, whereas Cody focuses more on not going overboard and reacting with too much effort when you make those moves.@

As far as which of the articles to follow if you are confused, while they both have some good points, I would HIGHLY recommend sticking with Chase's take when you are getting started and looking at the Cody article as a sort of addendum to the topic to help you refine your calibration as you become more advanced. Assuming attraction is, in my opinion, one of the absolute most important things to do in seduction, and I would put that article in the top 5 most important articles I have ever read. Calibration is something you can refine over time, but if you don't take ACTION you'll never give yourself the opportunity!

That's my two cents anyway
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake