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FR  Attempted to make out with 2 drunk girls & another story


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Apologies for the multiple FR, feel free to merge them into one topic called "Sunday night" or something like that if it's more appropriate...I just wanted to avoid another tl;dr like my st patricks day topic that no one wants to post in haha.

I'm standing at the crowded bar and this cute mexican girl comes up next to me. I open her and start chatting with her. It goes pretty well and she seems really interested in me. She asks to try some of my drink and I agree if she comes to sit down with me. On our way there we run into her friends and she introduces me to them, they seem to like me (all except for her ex-bf who is "still trying to get with" her) so we go and sit down. We chat some more and she says she wants to buy me a shot and wants to hang out next time. I get her number. After a few min she gets up and says she has to go back to her friends. I say "your friends will be fine without you, just stay for 2 more minutes and then you can leave". She sits back down. We talk some more and she asks if I've been to this club because she knows all the staff there. It's a gay club....and since a girl mistook me for gay last week I once again asked if she thought I was gay and she said "yeah!" and then added "are you not...?" (Sidenote...WOW, twice in 2 weeks, I might have to rethink wearing the jacket I was wearing both times) I say "I'm tempted to prove you wrong..." and put two fingers under her chin and lean in, trying to lead her to a kiss. She pulls back and says "I can't just go around kissing guys!" and gets up. I tell her to sit back down, she holds my hand and says bye. I run into her like 2 more times that night but failed to isolate her again. I seriously might stop wearing this jacket.

Okay, so I'm sitting on a chair and there are 2 girls across from me. A tall gorgeous blonde white girl talking to some guy and a kinda pretty brunette white girl standing alone. I open the brunette asking why she looks so bored and we start to chat. It goes really strongly, but eventually the guy talking to her blonde friend leaves and she introduces me to her blonde friend. I start talking to the blonde friend and another guy opens the brunette...so no turning back now I guess....blonde is better looking anyways. So I keep talking to the blonde and it is also going really well, even though she is TOTALLY wasted. She is all over me. I move her to the bar to get a water and we chat some more, she's still all over me. I think "she's so drunk even if I got her number she wouldn't remember me....might as well try to make out with her" so after we get our water, i move her to a secluded spot in the club. We chat some more, she's still all over me and we have fun. I'm about to make my move....and then her friend and guy friend come around to talk to her, killing any tension that was created between us. They take her back to the area we were at before. Her friend asks if I bought her another drink, sounding upset and I told them I only got her water and she sounds happier. I sit down with her and get her number and she says "are you going to be my sexual predator now?" and i ask if she'd like that and she says no....we hug and I leave. I did run into her a couple more times, and it was nice enough....but she isn't going to remember me when I text her tomorrow....should have made out with her when I had the chance. I tried to get the number of the first girl too just to hang out as friends but she wouldn't give me hers (she wanted mine and I refused saying we could trade and she declined), she probably wasn't too happy that I tried to put the moves on her friend. Yeah really should have made out with her.

I will say that 99% of the time I NEVER go for the makeout.

Girl with boyfriend

i was headed to the bathroom at a club, on the way there someone ran past me and i took a step back, accidentally stepping on the feet of this short blonde white girl behind me. She screams and I turn around and apologize. I stop, look deeply at her and smile and tell her that i really love her eyebrows. She practically blushes and thanks me, telling me that it's all natural and that she plucks them herself. We just stand there and chat for a few minutes. She says she's headed to the bathroom too so I say I'll walk her there and take her hand and walk her over. When we get there I ask for her number and she gives it to me. We chat some more....and she tells me she moved here because her boyfriend found a job here....I talk to her for a minute or so more and then leave to pee....and she gives me a big kiss on the cheek.

So....I figure she gave me her number for one of the following reasons (assuming it's her real number):

A. She REALLY liked me
B. She wants to be friends
C. She thought I was gay

I really hope it's not C....


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 19, 2013
Re: FR: Attempted to make out with 2 drunk girls & another s

Scofield! You're a sexy man with abundance, act like it! :) Girls are everywhere (malls, gas stations, pubs, grocery stores, friends party's ) why are you hanging out in clubs for gay men? I feel like your setting the wrong frame just by your choice of venue. You can meet women anywhere why would you choose the one location where any woman you meet is going to by default take you for a potential friend and not a potential lover. I'm not saying it isn't possible to seduce in that venue but you're putting yourself at a huge disadvantage. It's like trying to play basketball with the pro's after you've tied your legs together. You want to put yourself in the best position for success always. I look forward to your forthcoming lay reports.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Re: FR: Attempted to make out with 2 drunk girls & another s

I'm not at a club for gay men.....


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 19, 2013
Re: FR: Attempted to make out with 2 drunk girls & another s

Scofield said:
We talk some more and she asks if I've been to this club because she knows all the staff there. It's a gay club....and since a girl mistook me for gay last week I once again asked if she thought I was gay and she said "yeah!" and then added "are you not...?" (Sidenote...WOW, twice in 2 weeks, I might have to rethink wearing the jacket I was wearing both times) I say "I'm tempted to prove you wrong..." and put two fingers under her chin and lean in, trying to lead her to a kiss. She pulls back and says "I can't just go around kissing guys!" and gets up. I tell her to sit back down, she holds my hand and says bye. I run into her like 2 more times that night but failed to isolate her again. I seriously might stop wearing this jacket.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Re: FR: Attempted to make out with 2 drunk girls & another s

The one she asked me about was a gay club, not the one we were in. Sorry for the confusion.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Re: FR: Attempted to make out with 2 drunk girls & another s

To be fair, some of the more talented club guys I know pick up at gay clubs. In fact, a lot of my favorite nightclubs historically have been pseudo-gay clubs - not straight up gay clubs, but a large number of gay men there. The combination of outrageous sexy flirty men turning the girls there on, but no men who actually do anything with them (gay men rarely sleep with girls who aren't "fag hags," and the straight men hanging at gay clubs tend to be some of the least aggressive at approaching anywhere you'll go, despite the fact that women are easier to approach there than most of the places where men are busting their backs approaching and getting blown out) makes for lots of easy approaching and easy pulling - great places to get your early confidence, or to go when you're not feeling like challenging yourself with harder level stuff.

My favorite club in 2006/7 was a place where maybe half of the time I went it was filled with gorgeous women who were ridiculously easy to talk to and meet and extract, and nearly all my club pulls early into learning, while living in D.C., came from there... and the other half of the time there were only handfuls of women, but plenty of gay men and all kinds of odd ducks. Ask me to tell you about the time I spent hanging out with a pack of trannies there, fending off their advances while I tried to land one of the REAL girls in the group...

Verdict: gay clubs / pseudo-gay clubs are a strange experience, but you'll often find beautiful women there who are there to get away from the liquid courage guys elsewhere in town and who are, while in these more sensual, less stressful environments, very receptive to a charming, attractive man who ISN'T gay (although sometimes they won't be sure whether you are or not... and it can be fun to lead them on a bit).
