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FR+  Attraction expired


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Hey guys , last night out was great , even though i am not satisfied and i feel worse then when i get rejected from start .This girl was the best looking one i was with even for one night but at the end i need some help since i screwed up somewhere. I will try to explain some of the girls gestures and body language , it would be great if you can tell me what to make of it. Let's go! :

I went out with my friend to a bar , and when we went near out table there was a girl dancing near the table. She turned and gave me short EC ,i looked at her dramatically like i was surprised to see her there. She started dancing with her male friend and gave me 1-2 seconds EC from time to time (i just tried to have that smirk on my face like "i know you want me"). She lingered near me and i took my drink and just said cheers (not the best one but i knew she liked me). I reached my hand, she took it and we started dancing.
Im a bit bad at dancing and i prefer not to , but she clearly wanted to dance. I just used push-pull with lots of touch and after 2 minutes she was all over me. I pulled her in so close like i was gonna kiss her but i didn't , and she made a gesture like "i can't". She went to toilet and i started talking to her girl friend , and she said "what are you doing , she has a boyfriend" , while avoiding EC, i ignored that. She tried to cockblock me by saying she is going home and my girl also had to go then , i asked her to stay and she said "i can't" . She left .... but on my surprise there she was , back after 5 minutes.

We started dancing and she kissed me (whoops, i wanted to avoid that but i was a bit drunk). I moved her to a bar to get some drinks , she complied . But on the way back she met another one of her girl friends and started talking , i just told her im going back to the table (i do not want to wait , somehow it looks like im chasing her). We spent about 20 more minutes together , mostly dancing , kissing and her rubbing on me.

But here's the kick in the nuts:

There it was , the most dreaded thing , cell phone . She started texting and whatever i did after that resulted in "don't" or "i can't" . She left soon after and when i tried to ask her where she is going , she made a gesture like "just dont" (that's the closest thing i can describe with words). Arrghhh, it started pouring in my head after she left what an inexperienced fool i am. Attraction expires ,and that is what i think happened here , i did not have a chance to build emotional connection (due to laud music and her wanted to dance all the time). I was devastated , even more then when i fail with a girl at the beginning.

Can you guys give me few advice here:

1. What was the reason for going cold at the end ? Attraction expired or her logical mind kicked in ?
2. How would you build an emotional connection in this case ? (its fearkin cold outside so i can't move her there to talk)
3. When would be the best time to ask for phone number ?

Good thing is that my fundamentals and vibe are getting much better, these hookups are becoming more frequent but i fail to build emotional connection and in the end attraction expires .One step at the time , i thought i will never get my fundamentals down in a first place.

- John
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 1, 2013
Re: FR+ : Attraction expired


You really must have good fundamentals, getting her going with just eye contact is a nice thing to have under your belt. As to your questions:
(1) my guess would be that you gave her what she wanted (some sexy interactions in a bar, where she can say later 'oh, it didn't mean anything, we were just having a little drunken fun at the bar, I didn't go home with him.') Have a look at Chase's article on kissing in public. There could be other factors too; perhaps she does in fact have a boyfriend she's committed to.

(2) & (3): If you can't move her, perhaps the best thing would be to get her number and an understanding that you will meet up another day? I'm not really sure about this.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Re: FR+ : Attraction expired

I try to focus on fundamentals more than anything at the moment. Chase talked about how he honed his fundamentals up to a point where he would take girls hand and just make EC until she kissed him, that is what i am trying to achieve before i start my day-game. Its working well in clubs , i only said my name to this girl and nothing else, maybe that was a mistake.

I am still trying to figure out where did i screw up, you may be right about that ,maybe she got what she wanted , a bit of attention and fun , at least that is what i hope happened , but i am self critic most of the time and i try to find every mistake i made.

Guys , i appreciate that you read my field reports ,any advice and opinion is welcome.
