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FR  Attractive woman in a position of power, in progress and asking for advice


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 30, 2014
Ill try to be as brief as possible so if you want to know something else ask me.

I work in health care and currently working on implementing a law in our profession so ive been involved in politics for two years know, meeting people, discussing, etc.

Recently, i met a woman who is advisor of a senator (she is a lawyer) and is helping in making the law being approved. Time to ask her out is limited because when the law moves on i have to move on.

Ive met her 2 times so far, so i think thats good because i have neither met her a lot nor very little. (at least i see it that way)

First time i met her i was there to offer a file with a report about the law, she received it and i insisted if we could talk about it and she agreed and went into her office. (about the same time i noticed she was quite attractive)

We talked about the project, politics and all that and while finishing the conversation while standing up i ask her:

Me: where are you from?, i ask because of your accent...
Her: x place
Me: I have a lot of family there! which part exactly?
Her: Oh, im from x part,
Me: I know it, My family is from....
Her: Oh, One of my best friends brother owns the night club there called........
Me: Yes i know it i go every new year.......

Conversation ended with smiles and small talk about the town. Then she gave me her office number, cellphone and mail (i dont know how much of this was personal and how much business, she could have given just her office number, but i dont know for sure). I told her i would surely call her because i prefer to talk personally and she smiled and agreed with me on that saying that few people does it.

We talked once on the phone about news on the work and i asked her if she was ill because of her voice (is this a good idea?) she said yes and told me briefly while we shared comments about the hard work on politics and we ended the conversation.

A couple of days later i had to go to the senate for other business but when i ended (opening conversation with some girls i came across the halls in the meantime to keep me sharp) i went to her office just to check in with the excuse of telling her what ive been doing about the law those days.

She received me and we talked and invited me to a meeting were the project was going to be discussed. I agreed and got up and while leaving wished her luck and a good day, did that because she said she had a lot of meetings in the middle and she thanked me while smiling like the other times. I always leave while she is still finishing so not to stick there too long and give the image that im always on the move.

So we met later in the meeting with other advisors and when i said what i had to say there, she came out with me and told me what should i expect of what happened (which were very good news)

I told her i would have to make her a present for all her help, she smiled and then we continued talking briefly but making strong eye contact, she had to go in again so i kissed her in the cheek and when we distanced our faces we both left our hands on each other backs near the waist.

It is common here to say goodbye with a kiss and if you know the other woman put your hand lightly around her back while doing it. However it is not common that the other woman leaves her hand there after the kiss, is not a hug, it felt like dont wanting to let go.

So i really want to ask her out one way or the other. Besides i dont want to lose an oportunity to go on a date with an attractive woman who is upper in the food chain sort to speak, i find it extremely tempting and for me is quite a challenge to make it happen.

I was thinking about inviting her dinner as a thank you present and an opportunity to talk things beside work, etc. (we stablished a couple of things in common so we have things to talk about)

Is that a good idea or would you suggest something else?.

If it is a good idea, is best to do it on the phone?, personally? should i do it now that things are hot or let more time pass and then reappear unexpected? We still have to talk at least one more time regarding the current project.

One bad thing is i have no idea if she has a boyfriend or not, i dont really care but if i knew i could adjust my strategy more accordingly, so thats a question mark so far.

Biggest thing is while im very tempted and motivated to do it i feel like im trying to escalate a big mountain, she is the advisor of a senator after all, so any help with it would be more than welcome.

Thanks for reading.

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
Re: Attractive woman in a position of power, in progress and asking for advice

In my opinion wait for the work to be complete and they invite her our for celebratory drinks or something cause you don't want to shit where you eat and once the work is done you will just be acquaintances
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 30, 2014
Re: Attractive woman in a position of power, in progress and asking for advice

Thanks, thats a good point and gives me a clear reference on when to ask her out.